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Yay Sickness!

I got sick yesterday, starting off with a whole ton of sneezing, and then my nose got all bleh. Today I got occasional headaches throughout the school day, and my ears are all messed up. It's hard to yawn as well. At least now I get to fuse different kinds of tea that I could use for my current state to create one great tea with an unidentifiable taste.




102%. That's my Global History test score. Second best in the class (103 was highest >__>). HAHAH And I have my first meeting for Fencing club tomorrow. I'll be able to learn the sport finally! With these skills, I can get my.... revenge on a certain man.




I love Sudoku. <3 The hard/high-level puzzles are... well, hard to do, though. =P




So you see, my brother has this sheet of passwords from back in like 2002 or 2003 that he hasn't used in years. It wasn't just passwords, though - he also wrote down site URLs to remind him of them in case he wanted to check them out or look up something on them. So I was reading said sheet, and I noticed that he wrote "www.bzpower.com" on it. I was like, "Whoa," and then I showed him, and he was like, "Whoa." (he knows of my antics on BZP, but has no idea when he wrote the URL down)



New Sparking Interest?

Recently I've been getting into anime, and along with it the music from said animes.   Quite unexpected considering my listening is usually mostly metal.



Now That I Think About It

Now that I think about it, this blog theme must be pretty amazing to me if I haven't changed it in so long. ...But this blog is getting pretty dry in terms of entries.




This weekend, I should probably come up with some ideas for stories. So that over the midterm week and Thanksgiving vacation, I can actually get to writing. I haven't written anything not school-related for a while now, so I want to get back into that and improve some more. If you want you can give me some starter ideas for stories that I could build on or use for inspiration. =D



Lend Me Your Prophecies!

So I have been dead the past week or two because of the moving... my house hasn't had internet. I expect to get it back tonight, but who knows.   But right now, I would like you all to provide me with some nice prophecies. Yesterday during a fire drill at school, my friend and I discussed how random numbers like to call our cell phones. Sometimes it's an advertisement, or a bunch of beeps, or actual humans. So we decided that if an actual person that we don't know calls us, we would tell them a



Nuu Fullmetal Alchemist

Today was a day off from school, so I took advantage of it to shop for a gift for my friend, whose birthday is this Saturday. Yesterday and today, I drew a card with Roy Mustang (FMA) on it. Then today, I went to an anime-dedicated store downtown. When I got there, I was the only customer, but the store was full of so many beautiful figurines and kits and merchandise that I didn't care. Despite the loneliness, the guy at the register was easy to talk to, and we discussed FMA a little bit. He



Fuwa, Fuwa, Fururi...

admit that song is beautiful <3 So the weekend was crazy awesome. We arrived at the camp lodge upstate sometime at seven (?) and had introductions, orientation, and pizza. We settled in, all that lazy stuff. Next day we did some "low ropes," which are team-building activities. For one, there was a tire suspended by rope between two trees and we had to get all the team members to the other side of the tire in a certain time. It was fun being lifted. Another one was a huge, smooth wall



The Principality Of Sealand

The Principality of Sealand is a micronation off the coast of Great Britain that was originally a sea fortress of sorts. A former Major founded the 'nation' and declared himself prince, living on the micronation with his family. In 2006, there was a fire in the fortress that ruined most of the nation, but they are rebuilding. Not bad. Not bad at all. They've got plenty of the stuff most nations have in terms of government. Of course, on such a location they have limited access to resources as




I finished all episodes of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.   Beautiful ending, I'll say. <3



Blacked Out

How come when you run out of Pokemon in a battle and hence lose, why do you black out for that one moment? And when you lose to a wild Pokemon, how do you just 'drop' a set amount of money (if I recall correctly that's what happens)? Shouldn't a trainer be more careful with their cash?




So remember that children's story writing contest I entered? In today's weekly student bulletin at school, there was a section that mentioned myself and another girl that got in. Everyone was like "yay" until we realized that my friend who illustrated my story and the partner of the girl I just mentioned were both not included in the bulletin. But my English teacher called the office, and hopefully they'll fix it in the online version. =D My friend in science class also somehow obtained Russi




National Novel Writing Month is in ten or less days now, and I'm still not ready for it. ;_;   I have yet to title my novel, for one. I also need to name my locations (though Blade is helping with that... maybe). My characters need a little fine-tuning. My plot has some holes that need filling in. And I still need to get all my music set up.   This is going to be one fun and stressful month...



Though Late By ~15 Hours Est...

Happy New Years, everyone. This decade was sure a crazy one. Let 2010 continue the craziness. Although I will miss saying '09 or '08 or '07 and stuff like that. I can't imagine saying '10 or twenty-ten after all these years. :'<



The Roads Are Paved With Rainbows

So you see how sometimes on wet roads, rainbows might appear on the ground? Well today there was like an entire block that was just darkly tinted rainbows. It blew my mind.



How To Evolve Mareep!

Congratulations! You caught a wild Mareep! But, like [most] trainers, you wish to evolve your Mareep. Yet you hate fighting wild Pokemon and other trainers, or you just suck at it. What do? Simple! Let's start by shaving some of the fluff off your Mareep and standing it on its two hind legs. It looks taller now! The blue isn't attractive, though. Let's dye it pink, and make the silly yellow fluff a brilliant white! And the yellow sphere on it's tail just has to go, so you instead attach



High School Business

I have orientation tomorrow for the high school I'll be attending next year.   They'll be taking ID pics there, too - I must look good!




So this weekend, my dad and I went down to the storage in the basement of our building to set up a bike rack and store our bikes there to make extra room (for a table which'll have my own computer :3). So, there was a futon mattress there and my dad had to move it to make room. It's a very crowded room, you see. This is approximately what happened:




So we were waiting for the bus at the stop on the street. An elderly lady comes and nearly bumps into one of the guys in my group, and scolds him three times about how he was in the way. Except the street was nearly empty except for us so she had plenty of space to pass through. People these days. *shakes head disapprovingly*




I'll be watching it tonight... in like ten minutes. Less. And I won't be on after it to ramble about it so here's the entry. =P <3



So Much Art Work

Although I already got 100 for the last marking period in art class, nothing's ever over.   I was assigned with two other people (one is a horrible artist btw) to create the Senior Painting that will be unveiled at graduation. The biggest thing I'll be doing is the actual painting of it, as well as correcting any anatomy problems on the people, perspective issues, etc. We have less than two weeks to finish it.   I also have my art class Senior Project, which I'm not sure what I'll do it on yet



Rpg Snow

Today, the city held a snow day. As mentioned earlier, it could mean the end of the world as we know it now that my city has had two snow days in a month. This is the Prophecy - and only you can save the world! You and your companions set out for the Park on this day, a place of nature built by Elves, I guess. You enter the park, and it is packed with snow, at least a foot of it. Walking is difficult, and your legs have a higher chance of getting tired in this environment. On the first



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