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Packages Ahoy

During this week, two packages came, and both have stuff I will be using on Halloween for my Green outfit (which I did get pants for). The first package came on Monday, and had a Pokeball that contained a random figurine. Exceeept the Pokeball is a tad bit small, and doesn't open like you'd expect it to. You just take off the top part. And the figurine inside, a Pikachu, is smaller than the traditional Pokemon figurine. For comparison, my Suicune figurine can't fit inside the Pokeball. The




It was cool. Except for two issues: First, for the PE uniforms, we choose from either shorts or sweatpants. The shorts they sold only were XL, so I had to get sweatpants... ugh. >__> Second, they said we weren't going to have ceramics class this semester due to the economically bad times. So, instead of three art studio classes a day, we only have two art studio classes a day, and both periods are consecutive since they're both Studio Practice 1. The teachers weren't sure if ceramics



Old Stuff

So my school is having School Spirit Week, and Friday is Decades Day, where we have to dress up as something retro.   And I'm going to do Ronnie James Dio. B)




I'm back. an homework lol ;-; Will write a huge entry on weekend upon completion of homework. EDIT: Just noticed the Bleach movie so I'm watching that. Plus I'm reading FMA. Woot excuses for no entry. =P



Oh, America

So some weeks ago my Italian class watch a movie called Cinema Paradiso (Cinema Paradise). We apparently watched the version that the United states released. Buuut The actual movie released in Italy was 3 hours long, so an hour of important scenes were chopped out of the movie to please the American watchers that would rather see a shorter film, foreign or not. We watched the movie with those scenes, and it was amazing and tear-jerking. I just can't believe that such moments would be le



Oh Thank You, Guys :o

Thank for the happy birthdays in my topic and all that. And more thankees to Spink <3 I saw Alice in Wonderland with my pals, and I liked it a lot. The only thing that killed it was when the Jabberwocky talked. That was just terrible. Cheshire Cat <3 And Mad Hatter <3 The Tim Burton exhibit was sold out, and we didn't have timed tickets so meh. Instead we went out and chilled. And it was a beautiful day <3 I also drew Lelouch last night. He's really fun to draw, and I h



Oh Snap!

One reason to thank Leader:   He reminded me through undisclosed methods that I have a state Social Studies exam tomorrow and Wednesday.   And I left my notebook at school. ;__;   Although I end up getting nice grades, History's really my weakest subject, but I did do fine in the review today, so let's hope for the best...



Oh Snap Again!

Well, the first part of the state Social Studies test was okay. Fine. I didn't get all of it, but I think I'll survive. Tomorrow's the next part, the Document Based Question.... meep.   But on Thursday I have a class placement exam for high school. Hopefully it won't be difficult.   And next Monday, I have a math final that spans for three periods of class time.   And on next Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, I have a science final spanning those days.   Oh boy it's crunch time.



Oh Nu! - And Wb3 Update

Big blog post again today! So nuuuu school starts tomorrow!! At least I get to see all my friends who are coming to the same high school as me, and maybe some others who go to school nearby. =D So Warlords Battlecry III update. Today I worked with my main hero, Yuni, who's level 39. Although I only did one skirmish with her (as High Elf), I needed a couple thousand XP points to get from level 38 to 39. So I made a bunch of dragon knights, then took the only retinue unit I had with me (Duke



Oh Nu

I dunno what to blog about these days... Help, guys ;_;



Oh No

I won't get to see how the ID pic turned out until September!   Also clam chowder is good.



Oh My Gosh What Happened To My Ruler

So I was digging through my backpack this morning to empty it out of useless stuff, and I find a ruler. Correction, a piece of a ruler. Then the other piece. Pics (possibly bad quality, but no worries):   Shorter Piece Longer piece Put together The broken edge of one piece Perfect divide   I seriously have no idea how it broke, it's like a laser cut through it or something. o_O



Oh My

Exactly one month till graduation. After nine years in the same school. *sighs*   At least I'll be a high school art student for the next four years after.



Oh Man

wow this hasn't been updated in three months   In any case, I got a new computer monitor for my birthday. And it's fabulous [max]. Rather, more fabulous than my previous tiny, dirtied, white monitor. Even all my programs have yet to adjust themselves to the new resolution. It's just wonderful. ;_;



Objects To Use?

So for art class we're gonna start some serious watercolor paintings, and I need to either bring in a fruit (which I've been bringing this whole week ><) or bring in some random, cool objects. Any suggestions for objects? I also finished the drawing I mentioned in my previous entry, but I'll have to scan it when I bring my big bag (it really is a sack) of art home. And I dunno about you but I think this is pretty awesome.



O Glorious Cow Eye

I dissected a cow eye today. And the teachers were crazy enough to let us keep the lens of the eye, because they said it becomes like a marble after a little while. So now I have a cow eye lens on my desk in a plastic bag thingie, and my brother (who is older than me, for goodness sakes) is disgusted/frightened (not sure which one) by it. But yeah, cow eyes have this neat thing called a tapetum (which cats also have, I think), which when you peel away the retina, it's a pretty blue-green c



Nuu My Italian Teacher

My Italian teacher got into an accident and broke his leg, now he's not coming in for at most two weeks. Apparently, now my class is going to have a substitute (who is very awesome) who will mostly give us assignments from the textbook that my Italian teacher told him to assign. While it's cool, I miss my Italian teacher. Got my report card, and I have three 99's. Kinda scary. And starting today until around May 12, I can sign up for next year's classes. Math class with probably be Algebr



Nuu Fullmetal Alchemist

Today was a day off from school, so I took advantage of it to shop for a gift for my friend, whose birthday is this Saturday. Yesterday and today, I drew a card with Roy Mustang (FMA) on it. Then today, I went to an anime-dedicated store downtown. When I got there, I was the only customer, but the store was full of so many beautiful figurines and kits and merchandise that I didn't care. Despite the loneliness, the guy at the register was easy to talk to, and we discussed FMA a little bit. He



Now That I Think About It

Now that I think about it, this blog theme must be pretty amazing to me if I haven't changed it in so long. ...But this blog is getting pretty dry in terms of entries.



Now Is The Time!

Quick add me on AIM at "diskeh" if you haven't and send an IM so I know you're there and not just stalking me. =P In other news... Today fore Italian our teacher was absent so the sub put a note on the door saying to go up to the library. After climbing up three floors we mingled in the halls cuz the sub didn't come, and then this teacher in a Senior enlgish class invited us in for a discussion. So mid-discussion, this awesome guy who just followed our Italian class cuz he had no 10th p




In a few moments I'm leaving for my grandma's house, taking the train, and all that.   She does have internet, and I will have access to BZP and other sites.   The one thing I will most likely not have access to is AIM. I've forgotten the password to my main account, as well as the secret question. For the AIM program only (apparently so), I linked my main account with a new account I made just so I could access it. So, unless my grandma's computer has AIM installed, I won't be online there.  



Not So Cool

We had the photos taken outside. And it is freezing out there. The photographers had us in a pose, and then took a bazillion photos of that, and then we went somewhere else and repeated. So... cold... ;_; But after that I got some peppermint tea and that warmed me up. =D And burned my tongue. xP



Not Happy And Happy At The Same Time

Not happy that my program camping trip is on the same weekend as Medieval Festival. The fest has been a tradition of mine to visit and dress-up for in all the 10/11 years I've been in the United States, and I can't go this one year. ...Unless it rains, which it'll move to the next weekend. So, unfortunately for my other friends, I'll be praying for it to rain on the day of the festival. RAAAAAIIIIIIN Happy cuz... well, I was in school. All the people I chill around are awesome. Art is awesom



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