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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

Entries in this blog

Horns, Bone fingers and a Crystal Ball [Art]

Link   (824 x 945 px, ~189 kB)   One of those sponataneous little pen doodles that turn out better than expected. Yep. I told you I'd post some art. As always, I hope it's not too scary, but IMO it's okay, sooo...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Hug emoticon [Art]

http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Hahkui/Emoticons/huggle.gif   Because I really need one, and last time I checked, BZPower didn't have one... so I made it myself. Isn't it cute? <3   If anyone else wants to use this on here, feel free to x3  

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Baaaaaack =3

Hey everyone! *looks around*   Hello? Anyone there?   *ahem* sillyness aside, I am now officially back with my internet (yay), will post art soon( yay?), and hopefully get another comic or two done before I, guess what, disappear again.   Sorry I didn't notify you, but BZPower was down for me still when we went on vacation... ah well   So what did I miss?

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Yesterday in a nutshell [Art]

So, first we have what happens if you listen to Creature Feature for several hours: ... and here's the results of simply continuing to do so 'till the evening: Okay, to be fair, I actually slept very well, but towards the end of yesterday I was really nervous, anxious, and easily frightened. (also, Steeeeveeeeeen...)   ... and I'm 99% sure it was because of the music, for my sis felt the same way and we both listened to the same stuff xD

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Heroic Helmets [Sprites]

I find spriting things to be not just a fun pastime, but also oddly comforting. Anyways, have some helmet sprites. They were modelled upon Chimoru R, so that's what they should be 100% compatible with, but if you need them altered, just let me know.   And see, there are also some horns and wings to improve things a bit, as well as colour samples to simplify recolouring. ^^ Fell free to use them, but please give credits if you do so.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

awfully beside myself right now [+Art]

(click to enlarge)     ... yep. I freak out over things as minor as a BZPower error. I am easily enraged or saddened. And I don't know the reason for it. At all. It's almost like back in, what was it, 2009, 2010? Horrible, I tell you.   Anyways, yay for playing around with Chimoru R. It's such a lovely kit. <3

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Guess what I figured out today [Art]

Well? How to enlarge pixel thingies in Photoshop without getting them all blurry. Took me quite a while, sadly.   Originally this was 180x250 pixels; yeah. And it's saved as a jpg, I know, I see the results of the compression, too, but hey, I'm not too fond of having images over 100 kB on my blog ._.   EDIT: OMG there are so many drawing msitakes why do I always realize that only so much later nuu ;n;

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

You know it's been a lazy day...

... if you're already halfway through with a book you just started to read. What book, you ask? City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare, part 4 of the Mortal Instruments Series. Not sure if anyone's heard of it; but I'm really enjoying it despite its obvious girly romance plot* going on; but other than some other really popular book series (dealing with glittery vampfairies) it's not just a love story with some fangs slapped on.   *ahem* But sure, I roll my eyes at the occasional descriptions o

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

What I Don't Like

about being that much into drawing It's true, as you can see in the pic. See the scribbly wiggly lines? D: That's what happens if I sorta forget about drawing and hand-writing for a day or two. Seriously, I hate it.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

How Different The Strategies Are...

It's quite funny, I always enjoy watching my sis play RPGs; not at last because our strategies couldn't be more different. I mean, I'm more the bow-and-arrow/distance fighter (or magic. Magic is awesome =P), and she's totally the combat type. Or rather, the "Imma run in and hit anything that moves with my sword". Something that never works for me, but she's quite good at it.   Yeah...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Far Too Lazy

Yep. I've been far too far too lazy recently... but I partly blame it on the heat. >.>

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Late Night Scribbles #2 - Dreamy Elf

As though I wouldn't have anything better to do right now     Edit: sorry if the picture isn't showing up; if you can see it fine, then just ignore this, it might just be the tablet pc acting up. not sure, it's rather late at night already... *yawn* I'll check it again tomorrow, that's for sure ^^ Fixed it now ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Guess Who's Got A New Avatar?

Wait, why are you all looking at me?   ... yeah, I do. Because I adore that character. Which is a bad thing, because getting attached to characters you make up sometimes prevents you from letting bad stuff happen to them... ah well.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Coffee! [Art]

Link (click the to view)   More fun with a ballpoint pen. And yes, I love drawing facial expressions. Especially slightly... strange ones. xD

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Oh Look At This [Name Change + Art]

Changed back to my old display name. ^^ Which means I can also go back to my currently favourite avatar   Nevermind, just canged it again; to a drawing I just finished. (Black ballpoint pens are fantastic for drawing, remember that. Especially if they have a really fine tip.) Yep. I was testing out the possibilities of my new pen. As you can see. :3

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Scared Matoran Is Scared [Art]

< one of yesterday's scribbles.   Just ignore the words, they are just the remnants of a brainstorming, or rather, me pondering about what this matoran's character might be like.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Uncertain What To Do

... draw something? Listen to music? Browse the forums? Finally try to finish that RPG where I'm once again stuck in the middle of the game?   Probably the latter, because I already got the sequel, which I won't allow myself to install before I haven't finished the other game... I mean, otherwise I'll never get anything done. ><   See, that's what happens if you love RPGs but are a sort of mediocre/unexperienced/okay, maybe bad player.   EDIT: OH YEAH finally got around that. ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Fantasy Rpgs

Are extreme fun. Which means I'll acquire more of them in the future... aaaand since my sis enjoys them too, we'll be having much fun.   So... yay for ultra-feminine hobbies, I guess.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Late Night Scribbles #1

I spent the past hour on listening to You Are A Pirate by Alestorm. Their cover version is simply amazing, and to be honest, I can listen to this easier than to the original Dx   ~~~~~ Yep, I decided to really get this started. Today's doodle was done with a black ballpoint pen, and no, no sketching or pre-planning. Spontaneous working FTW! =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Dizzy, Tired And Annoyed

Yep. It's still far too hot. I still hate that. Which is probably why I spent most of my time indoors today. In a dark room, playing computer games. *sigh* Not really productive, it's a shame. Well except for various scribbles done with a black ballpoint pen, but these don't really count...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Tablet Typing

Hm, so we got a tablet pc... it's fun, but definitely something I'll have to get used to. ^^ Typing on this thing is really really strange. No wait, the whole thing is!   ... yes, I am enjoying this

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Art Exhibitions

Saw two today... and they were fun, not at last because entry was free for those under 19. Yay me. And afterwards I went shopping with two friends, which was fun, too... although I didn't buy anything. xD   Only problem was the weather. It has been so hot all day long, and even now as I write this blog entry it's still unbearably hot. Sleeping will be fun...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Oh Yeah, It Worked X3

... Heh, I look funny... right half of my hair is light/medium brown (natural hair colour), the other half is dark brown. (because, as said, non-permanent black dye doesn't really dye my hair black :/ )   Looks better than expected, although it's not that in-your-face... but it worked x3 *happy*

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Currently With The Strangest Hairstyle Ever

In other words: more hair colour experiments! =D   Let's see what happens. If all goes well, half of my hair will be a shade darker. 'cause sadly it never turns out to be all black... but we'll see. I just hope I applied the colour evenly. Dx   ...   I gotta wait for more than 20 minutes... Oh, I know what I'll do. >:]   Edit: Dye's out, let's see what happens once my hair is dry... :/ This takes foreeeeveeer...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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