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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

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So today I bought a game that's kind of a re-release of an old game from 1992... and it'S confusing. But fun. The pixel grafics are totally worth it, though. x3   It's called Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny, if anyone's interested. ^^   And yes, I have a thing for old pc games.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

... This Is So Typical

My sis and I were watching TV together, talking about something... and I was in mid-sentence, when suddenly   -LEGO Monster hunters ad-   ... and I said no more, but instead broke out into fangirlish giggles. In other words: OMG those vampires are so cute wantwantwant   *sigh*   So yeah, I'll get one or two of the sets, I think. AFOL FTW! XD

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Grad Party And Utter Delight

Yeah, so, I just got home... and it was nice, I got my certificate and all. I didn't go to the after- elebration with the other people from my class, though, because honestly, I fear their view of partying includes getting drunk and that's something I don't need, thank you.   Aaaanyways, when we got home, I received a present. When I unpacked it, I... was speechless. And I still am. What I got? (thumbnails ahead, click to enlarge ^^ And sorry 'bout the bad photo quality, maybe I'll get better on

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Suddenly, Nostalgia

... and why? Because I finally got around writing some longer reviews in GA. I should really do this more often. Why don't you try it, too?

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Not Much Of A Night Person [Art]

Okay, recently I found myself staying up late (for my taste. I usually don't make it 'till midnight, but hey, some people need a lot of sleep...), but whenever I'm doing so, I start scribbling small things at some point. Now I was wondering whether I should start something like "Late Night Scribbles", meaning that I would actually post those things... not sure.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Skakdi Concept 2 [Art]

(click the thumbnail to view full sketch, as always ^^)   First try at a full body design, and I'm actually quite pleased with the result. But his feet probably ought to be a bit bigger. And yes, it's a chibi. So?   As for a name, I'm still not sure. Yesterday I thouht "What about Zarth" but that name is not quite... it. :/ Not at last because it reminds me too much of Zacax. I wonder why

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Stars Takanuva [Art]

< click the thumbnail to view the full pic! ... wargh all the details I'm going maaaaad   I'm not sure whether I'll finish this. Really not sure. But I wanted to try out a more set-like style. Silly me...

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Comic Update [Art]

Hehe. Kriya does not appreciate having to advertise my comics. Ah well.   But seriously, there's an update up. ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Skakdi Concept [Art]

...not much to say about this one. Apart from the fact that I want a Skakdi character to play around with :/ This is what first drafts usually look like, and yes, I only use a minimum of guidelines.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Weranisma [Art]

(as always, click the thumbnail to view the full drawing! =D ~256 kB)   A drawing of my sister's OC/Bionicle alter-ego... yep. I felt like it. 'cause she's awesome. x3

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


4 oral exams. 4 times 10-15 minutes of talking and showing that I've learned something in all those years. Then it will be over.   I revised a lot, so I guess I should be fine.   Still, I am extremely nervous.   ... ah well.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Final Exams Tomorrow [+Art]

The really final final ones. It's kind of scary; I've been nervous for the past few days, and I'll continue feeling like this until it's over. How bad it is? Really really bad. (^ click to view in higher resolution!)   Yeah so... I'll get back to studying.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Art Style Conflicts?

Am I the only one who is noticing this 'trend'? I mean, okay, not everyone has the same way to depict Bionicle characters. Some prefer an organic, human approach while others stick to 100% set-like portrayals.   And now for the big, ugly truth: Both styles are completely legitimate, and neither is better or worse than the other one.   If I like to do humanoid depictiond, fine! If I enjoy making ridiculous, big-eyed chibi drawings, fine! If I go for incredibly detailed and realistic set-like draw

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

So Tired ._.

Seriously, seriously tired. Although I went to bed at a reasonable time and all. D: Ah well, that's what coffee is for... :wakeup2:   Also, no school today, yay. ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Warning: Studying Might Affect Your Dreams

Well I guess most of us have already experienced it at some point: dreaming about things they studied. Last night, it was my first time. xD But it was all so awkward and out of context - I'm standing in the coolest shoe-store* EVER, and suddenly I start thinking about Goethe?! Really?! I don't remember what it exactly was about, but it was all rather important and elaborate, I think. D:   *the boots, THE BOOTS! D,: They were so beautiful. But I knew I could never have them because I would wake u

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Interested In Your Future? [Art]

(click the thumbnail to view the full drawing!)   "No"   "Aw come on, don't be so boring" the Demon Jester said, turning the crystal ball back and forth between her hands. "What could possibly go wrong?" "Just no". The prince stood there, arms crossed before his chest, shaking his head. "Hm. May I inquire why?"   "You turned my father into a frog." "But I reversed that spell!"   The prince sighed and shook his head again. "Maybe another time." Then he turned around and wandered away, muttering

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

[I Changed My Avatar Again]

Well okay, the Demon Jester had learned her lesson. Kings do not appreciate being turned into frogs. Neither does the royal family. But does that really justify spending a week in a cell? Not really. It also didn't justify taking her crystal ball away. Now all she could do was stare at the wall in annoyance, waiting for the time to pass. Because what was a week's time, compared to the eternity of an immortal life?   The jester sighed. At least they had decided against a beheading. Beheadings wer

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Some Pun-Derable Things

Okay, this might seem like a completely nonsense entry, but the reason is simple: I am really horrible at puns, and I really wish I weren't that bad, because I find them endlessly funny.   So, if anyone knows any fangtastic vampire puns, unbeleafable nature puns or... well, even bat superhero puns, just let me know. x3

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Bzpower Artist Interview #2 - Gavla

That's right, it's time for another artist interview. This time with a brilliant comic artist - Gavla! (Thanks a lot for taking the time for the interview, and for making that awesome banner! =D) So here it is!     When and why did you start making comics?   I was really bored one night. I felt like doing something to pass the time before bed. I had been reading a lot of comics in Artwork III and thought I'd give it a shot. So I did, and I'm glad I did. I started in April 2008. April 8th 2008, I

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

World Domination? =3 [Art]

This is what happens if I think I ought to draw something, but I don't really have an idea. Brutaka Chibi. But since it's not really brutal, warrior-like or Brutaka-like enough, I'll put it in my blog. (sorry guys. I know I'm acting a tad bit immature. but it's a sketch, anyway, soo...)

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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