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Art, science, card games, and whatever else I find interesting :)

Entries in this blog

Went to the cinema

What I watched? If I remember right it was called "Warm Bodies". Yes, that zombie love-story thingie. But it was extreeeemeeeeely cute! :3 Absolutely adorable. And that's coming from someone who usually doesn't really like love stories.   Oh, and I also saw a trailer for the movie adaption of City Of Bones (I think? I always forget which part is which) - so that's definitely another movie I want to watch this year. ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Finished the book.

Yayayay! =D   It worked so much better than expected - I mean, yes, I didn't understand every single word, but I could follow the plot and find out a lot about the characters. What now? Read it again! =D

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Greeting Everyone!

Weird - now that the forums are back I feel the urge to pm/comment everyone whom I've met here... and that would be way too many, I fear.   So, if you didn't receive any pms/comments from me: I GREET YOU! Nice to see you again. All of you.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

You know it's been a lazy day...

... if you're already halfway through with a book you just started to read. What book, you ask? City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare, part 4 of the Mortal Instruments Series. Not sure if anyone's heard of it; but I'm really enjoying it despite its obvious girly romance plot* going on; but other than some other really popular book series (dealing with glittery vampfairies) it's not just a love story with some fangs slapped on.   *ahem* But sure, I roll my eyes at the occasional descriptions o

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

This blog is lacking SOMETHING

Apparently. But this time it's not art (how curious)   *sigh*   Anyways, guess who finally, after several months bought a Lego set again. Yep, I did. One of the Monster Fighters sets. Those monster minifigures are adorable - and once again I prefer the bad guys over the heroes. How unusual.   Now I just need to go and make a cape for the Vampyre.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

I Am Relief

So glad I -just- passed the exam on friday. I tell you, had someone told me a year ago that I'd be glad about such a mark I wouldn't have believed it. :/ Ah well.   Aaaand I got my fortran compiler to work as well as the small nonsensical testprogramme I wrote. Yay ^^

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

That awkward moment

when you want to blog about something, but don't find anything interesting to talk about. and can't show art because the latest drawings kinda contain spoilers. and, and...   D:

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

This Blog Needs More Ponies!

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm endlessly sorry!   But bombard me with something, and it will fire back eventually. o.o'   Not making fun of anyone's fandom, and I did not intend to offend anyone. Just vectored something.   EDIT: forgot to add that I've never watched MLP:FiM. ><

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Don't really know what to blog about...

:shrug: My life's been even more boring than during university season, I suppose... apart from daily maths practising, maybe. Not much, just ± 1 hour to keep me 'in training', but still...   Well, I am still progressing with blender, and recently got a new graphics card (thanks to my brother, who bought a new computer and offered me his old card for a good price...), which means I can finally play one of my favourite games at highest setting and it's absolutely beautiful. :3   But otherwise... n

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

So You Might Wonder...

.. what Bzper Taka Nuvia ~ Empty soul does all day long.   Answer   I was bored. Really bored. EXTREMELY bored. And I had a few snapshots from one of my TheSims2 families on my compy, along with some other pics. And Photoshop. And I had loooaaaads of time on my hands.   Might not be the best photoshopping, but I like it.

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Let's Talk About... Today

I got my maths test back, everything went wonderfully well, yay!   The older I get, the weirder my jokes get. And those of the few people I consider IRL friends. oh my...   I'm not listed as Illustrator on the back of our school's students' magazine anymore :angry: Even though I'm still working as such!   A girl in my class did not come to school today - H1N1. Oh yay, it has reached Austria.   Um... I guess that's it for today.   __________________________ Short boring summary, even if yo

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Analysis and fantasy

According to my sleep-deprived mind, they go together well. Although honestly, it doesn't make much sense right now. D: [melodramatic voice]Will I ever have normal dreams again? Will it be like this forever?[/melodramatic voice]   But seriously, it's awkward. ><   (also, yay for blog entries nobody but me can relate to .-.)   EDIT: I forgot to mention that I meant Analysis in a mathematical sense. Like recently when I mentioned my mind creating formulae for calculating dragons. That sorta

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Okay, I don't know why, but I am still feeling immensely insecure about university. The system's just so much different from anything else I've ever known before... still not sure whether I like it or not.   The other students are nice, though. No name calling, and I even met people with similar interests (something you rarely find at school)   ... life update yay

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Yesterday Vs Today [Comic]

Sorry 'bout the weird expression in panel 2, but I could hardly hold back my silly mindless happiness whilst drawing this comic.   Weirdly enough, having to do lots of work in a very short amount of time can do wonders for my creativity. So today I practically spent the day doodling and being silly, constantly running into/tripping over things... and right now, I've got a headache. xD Aaaalso I fear my memory was damaged a bit (seriously, what did I do yesterday? And why is it still only monday?

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


that didn't go well. At all. Whether it was enough to be just positive, we'll see. I wish I could be more optimistic, but at the moment it really doesn't look like it. *sadface* Didn't learn enough, apparently, even after quadrupling my efforts...   today was a bad day, anyway. I had forgotten my pencil case in the lecture jall, realized half an hour later so I went back for it - but it wasn't there so I interrupted the ongoing lecture for nothing. Thankfully it was at the lost and found, I was

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


(click for higher resolution ^^)   They're still the cutest MoCs I ever made d'awwwwwww <3 (and that was in '09... )

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

My life right now

Silly paint scribble from roughly ten minutes ago; resized so as to get rid of the squigglyness of the lines, although this was done with a graphics tablet... so yeah. The text is supposed to read "DRAMA~", BTW. ^^     Last week before summer break has always been the most annoying, stressful and evil thing there is. ><

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Get Scary...

What is the fun in scaring yourself? Why do people make 'n' watch horror movies?   And WHY do I always listen to songs that make me see pictures I'd never want to see?   lol. I dunno why I always do stuff like that, but at least it gives me many ideas

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia


Link   Translation: Panel 1: "October, 15°C" | "It's cold!" Panel 2: "November, 15°C" | "It would be time to heat (switch on the heaters)" | "It's STILL cold!" Panel 3: "End of semester, 22°C" | "Better." | "Of course, just before term break..." Panel 4: "February, 25°C" | "That's warm enough..." Panel 5: "March, 35°C" | "Too... hot... can... not... breathe..."   Plot: Basicly I was just ranting about my school turning on the heaters too late and turning them of

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

Where I Was Yesterday?

We went to that art store - it was soooo wonderful! =D They had dozens of kinds of colours, paper, pencils, pens...   I think we stayed there for 3+ hours.   I got Faber Castell inkpens ("shades of grey") and 3 other colours I needed, and some other stuff

Taka Nuvia

Taka Nuvia

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