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...apparently, I'm leaving for New Mexico this Saturday.   On the one hand, I've never been to New Mexico, and it will be -awesome-   but on the other hand...I'll be gone for a week, and I'll miss you guys. GROUPHUGPLZ   -Raia-



Star Trek.

OHMYGOSHSOEPICILOVEITILOVEIT <3   Went to Star Trek with like fourteen other people, and am now a Star Trek fangirl. Now excuse me while I figure out just how I will manage to get hold of and watch all the original Star Trek shows within the limits of summer break, not counting the time I will be spending volunteering every morning next week, going to New Mexico the week after that, and completing two summer English assignments...after that...oh and did I mention all the nothing I need to g



Nature Never Ceases To Amaze Me.

Admit it now, folks. Nature is so awesome. There are millions of wonderful creatures, big and small, rainbow-colored, striped, and spotted, flying, swimming, running, hopping, all sharing this one little blue-and-green planet with us. Some of them hide in plain sight, some of them live in exotic places like rainforests and deep caverns, and some are still out there, completely undiscovered, in their own little chunk of the world. If you think about it, it's really quite amazing. It's equall



. . .

I'M FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!   It's 87 degrees and sunny, there's ice cream and movies aplenty, finals are finished, my backpack bag is in my room, soon to be emptied of all binders, books, and folders, and the most strenuous thing I have to do tomorrow is volunteer at the library. Also I actually managed to get on top of it enough to give my mom a great birthday, aaaand I only had to go back to the school once to get s



One Day.

One day left.   [OMG, IT'S SINGULAR, NOT PLURAL *flails around excitedly*]   Actually, I feel...torn about this. Emptying out my band locker brought back a lot of memories. And now I have a bunch of binders, a stick bag, and assorted junk sitting around...everywhere...on top of the huge messes of papers, wires, pencils, rulers, books, etc, that I have left all over the house.xD   -Raia-



Did Anybody Else See...

...that creepy singer "The Ga-Ga Lady" (WHO THE HECK IS THAT?) on the Dancing with the Stars finale?   I mean like, what the Karzahni was with that random bath sponge she was waving around?? And what about those dreadful outfits, and that freaky hair? Who let her get on national television?!? WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMYYY   Mini-rant over.   -Raia-



Two Days.

Two days left.   I kinda bombed my English final--got a 76% >.>;--but then again, so did everyone else, and I'll still finish out the year with an A. And the teacher bought us all yummy cinnamon bagels and cream cheese, so that made up for it.8D The AAT final was quite easy in comparison, especially because I ACTUALLY STUDIED--and I NEVER study, I'm so terrible about that. I don't know my exact score, but my teacher told me that I got the highest score in all the AAT classes, so uh, ye



Three Days.

Three days left.   OH. MY. FREAKING. GOSH.0:   My schedule for the next three days: Wednesday- English final, study hall, Math final, study hall, P.E. final Thursday (1/2 day)- Band final (a.k.a. kill time in the band room xD), 15 min. break, Spanish final Friday (1/2 day)- Computer Apps final, 15 min. break, Chemistry final   AND THEN MY HIGH SCHOOL SOPHOMORE YEAR IS OVER.8D   Also, today was my LAST DAY OF P.E. IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. Except the final. But...yeah. *zomgs*   -Raia-



Four Days.

Four days left.   The school feels very empty now...graduation was last night. I uh, sort of forgot I was supposed to be there to play with the band.>.>; Fortunately my mother was not so forgetful and chivvied me there accordingly. That lasted like...three hours. Three hours I could have been doing a million other things. But at least I managed to glomp our senior drummer during a transition...I dunno if I'll ever see him again.;;   Oh, you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.



Forget Hb.

Human Bionicle is SO yesterday. The latest, greastest new trend is...CAT BIONICLE!=D     Okay, well, strictly speaking, this isn't a Bionicle character, or even a Bionicle fan-character; this is my original character Danuke (or Dani as most everyone calls him, including myself <3) as a cat. Lady K and I were talking about the awesomeness that is the comic Lackadaisy, and LK got the brilliant idea of drawing Bionicle characters as cats, just like the characters in Lackadaisy! And then I



Five Days.

Five days left.   ...and for the first time in my life, I managed to flunk a test; on calorimetry, to be exact. Hooray.><   A question to the masses: If April showers bring May flowers, then what do daily thunderstorms in May mean? Because it's raining again. I love it, don't get me wrong, I love everything about thunderstorms; I love the dark clouds that gather on the horizon, the first deafening crack of thunder, the patter of rain outside and the breeze blowing in through the wind



Six Days.

Six days left.   I can no longer walk or even sit in certain ways without experiencing pain. Mitzi is dead, and until I get my replacement (thank goodness she was still under warranty), I'm stuck with my ancient mp3 player Squirt, which has awful sound quality and inadequate memory. I've procrastinated to the last second on my Spanish project. I'm dehydrated.   BUT, I'M STILL HAPPY!   Now get on IM, Lady K, kthx   -Raia-



Seven Days.

Seven days left.   And I sorta feel sorry for all of you who have replied to say you have 20-30 days left. Mostly tho, I'm busy feeling sorry for myself, because the closer I get to the end of school, the worse the days get. Sigh.   My Sansa Fuze, Mitzi, is on the fritz. The screen is completely white and I haven't dropped it, got it wet, or anything. Only had it for a few months too, baaaah. Currently Mom is on the phone with technical support trying to fix it...we've followed about two



Eight Days.

Eight days left.   And yes, there will be an entry every day counting down the remaining days of school. :wakeup2:   -Raia-



Nine Days.

Nine days left.   Things to do in those nine days:   -Write essay/create powerpoint discussing my possible future career for Computer Apps -Create a children's book in Spanish, with illustrations, for Spanish I -Audition for Wind Ensemble -Study for next week's Finals -Figure out what science course to take next year -Do homework as applicable -Not embarrass myself playing softball in PE -Not die   Let the havoc begin!   -Raia-



Bring Me To Life.

How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb Without a soul, my spirit sleeping somewhere cold Until you find it there and lead it back home Wake me up (Wake me up inside) I can't wake up (Wake me up inside) Save me (Call my name and save me from the dark) Wake me up (Bid my blood to run) I can't wake up (Before I come undone) Save me (Save me from the nothing I've become) Now that I know what I'm with



Bring It On!

I'm going to enter the freakin Certavus art contest if it freakin kills me, it's driving me freakin crazy cuz I never enter contests and I never draw Bionicle art anymore or apply myself and DADGUM IT, BRING IT OOOOOOOON   *pant pant*   Also, my braces prevented me from enjoying the simple pleasure of the first corn on the cob of the summer, and I ran the mile in PE in the heat for the second time in as many weeks. Oi. Also fitness testing right before that. I managed the following stats:  







Zesk Speedpaint.

zomg I luvz ze zeskzorz :3     MOUSE ONLY ON PDN IN LIKE A MINUTE OMIGOSH *dies* I dunno what I was thinking...guess I wanted to see how steady my hand was.^.^ Not very, but enough to produce an acceptable likeness of my favorite small set for this year.   -Raia-



Way To Go, Mom.

Oh hey guyz.   so guess what my mom did now? She made me an appointment with a doctor at Children's Mercy Hospital tomorrow in the time I would normally have PE and Chemistry. And she only told me she made this appointment just now, after dinner. My first thought was "Why didn't you tell me this earlier...?" and the second was "Why do I have an appointment at a HOSPITAL? Am I DYING or something?!"   Apparently, she decided I need to "get help" for these dizzy spells that keep popping up on



Auditions [shemustbecrazay].

I must be crazay, cuz I decided to audition to be in the Wind Ensemble (or in layman's terms, advanced band) next year. *zomg* Picked up the music today, after one of the percussionists was all ARE YOU AUDITIONING and I'm like UM...NO and he was like YOU SHOULD, THERE ARE A BUNCH OF SPOTS OPEN AND ME AND YOU AND SUCH AND SUCH PEOPLE COULD BE IN IT and I was like AWESOME.   ...auditions start next Friday.D: Live, for the director, but not in front of anyone else. Also my peace club sponsor w



Middle Age Crisis.

I love how my mom always makes the excuse "You know, 40 is the new 20."   Go crazy Lady K.8D   -Raia-



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