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Forget the Swine Flu. Senioritis is spreading across Olathe Northwest High School like the common cold. Surely only Seniors should be getting Senioritis, you say; but no. It has SPREAD like a FUNGUS and even I have been CONTAMINATED.   *coughs on you >3*   Also, our mini-production of A Midsummer Night's Dream went...reasonably well, considering two of our five group members didn't show up to practice during first seminar. Alexx actually made a little like...loincloth of paper leaves to



It's A Jungle In Here!

Hey look, I found my jacket! It's in that tree and-- oh. Ooops. That baboon just took it.   ...my room is a jungle. I should probably clean it, before the moss and fungi starts growing.   ...naaaaah.   -Raia-



The Lowdown.

Meh, well, we got a 2 rating on our ensemble Saturday, but that's okay because the band director, who was present for our performance, said we did a good job, and when he says that, it means something. I'm good with that. Mostly. I think we deserved a 1, but...oh well. One of the ensemble members got a 1 on his (separate) solo, and I was happy for him, mainly because I'm fond of him. Coincidentially, I believe I have a crush on him, he's adorable and I love him and his crazy happy-go-luckyn








So today was State...and I got up eaaarly...and drove for 1.5 hours, played our piece 5 minutes while ROCKING THE RED TIE, drove back for 1.5 hours, ate a sandwich, lay lifelessly on the couch for a while, crawled up to bed and slept/lay dormant for...a while...and then I got up again.   I aRe a ZoMbIe. I EaT yOuR braaaaains.   *crawls off to eat LK's brain*   oh did I mention I leaped a fence last night, it was fun   -Raia-




It's supposed to be spring, right? I'm not going crazy, right?   Cuz like   it's 80 degrees out. WHAT THE KARZAHNI.   ALSO   GO GIVE LK SOME LOVE. DO IT RIGHT NOW. OKAY? Kthxbai.=3   -Raia-




Finally finished that dadgum persuasive letter. Srsly, school is gunna be the death of my brainz...Dx -Raia-




...try to bounce a bouncy-ball in the dark while walking down the stairs.   Especially if it's your brother's bouncy-ball, and not yours.>.>         WHAT?! WE HAVE ANOTHER PROJECT IN ENGLISH CLASS?!?! *asplodes*   -Raia-



It's Crazy Man

Check out this math   it's crazy man   >Click<   omg I have no life xD   -Raia-




My mom taped basil to the wall to ward off ants.     -Raia-




I didn't do a fail at Contest! GAAAASSSP.   In fact, I thought I did quite well on my xylophone part. The xylo was a sort of burnt orange color, which was amusing to me. Had a nice tone, too, clear and with a bit of a ring to it. Also the stage was quite hot, which didn't help my sweaty hands. But whee! We also got a 1 rating, btw. [with 1 being the best rating possible. or is it possible to get a 1+, with that being the best...? I dun remember.]   But owowowowwww, my feet. I have FO



Missing Spring.

I miss it. Very very much. Everything seems better when it's sunny.   And oh, I'm so, so doomed. So doomed. The all-band competition is Wednesday, and today the director declared, and I quote: "If you don't fix that part, it's going to kill us."   Hurray, I'm dead.;;   I KNOW the first few measures are bad. Telling me how inadequate I am does not help that. All it does is put a knot in my stomach and then the part is just worse. This is sooo not good for my stress levels, on top of ye



Mannequins And Kitchen Utensils.

MACY'S MANNEQUINS ARE SO DEMENTED. OMG. THEY ARE OUT TO GET ME. SEE THEM WATCHING ME??   [i panicked after I realized I had nothing to wear today and went to the mall Saturday. We were there for HOURS trying to find something that would work. Oh man, I hate my body. Nothing ever fits me.;; All I found was one mehish salmon-pink three-quarter sleeve thing in a store I dislike...that, and a peace-sign t-shirt.xD]   * * *   So it's Easter. With Thanksgiving weather. Yup. And Raia's p




Urgh my stomach...too much cake.   Urgh my brain...too much English homework.   Urgh my body...too much sleep-deprived-ness.   Urgh my life...too much CRAZY AWESOME GOING ON WHOOOOO 8D   * * *   Did I mention that my percussion ensemble is going to ooooown the competition at State? [/enthusiasm] And furthermore, it's amazing how talking to people is just this extraordinary tonic; it reminds you why we keep on going every day. Motivation is important, right?   * * *   Lol, we bought my d



I'm Still Here.

To Lady Kopaka: I am always here. .... Except, unfortunately, past 8:30.>.> Silly goose. I am a question to the world, Not an answer to be heard. All a moment that's held in your arms. And what do you think you'd ever say? I won't listen anyway… You don't know me, And I'll never be what you want me to be. And what do you think you'd understand? I'm a boy, no, I'm a man.. You can take me and throw me away. And how can you learn what's never shown? Yeah, you




I feel so much better now. Much better.<3   Which I suppose is partially because my ensemble ACTUALLY DID WELL on Saturday. We're moving on to the State level. Zomg.D: It's on the 25th and it's nowhere near where I live, so it should be...fun. And traumatizing. Yup. Nothing like a little drama in the music department.   Peace out, -Raia-



One More 'ting

My dad's birthday is in three days.   So, WHAT SHOULD I DRAW FOR HIM? Besides like, mountainzz. I did that last year. He liked my painting, buut...it now lives in his closet.._. He likes astronomy, nature, literature, classical music, science, and um...stuff. Stuff like that. Yeah. Or should I just stick with finding a rake, because of that one joke...hm. *ponders*   Also just as a side note, on that ENORMOUS rant thing two entries back, I just needed to vent cuz I haven't been able t



A Small Bit Of Advice.

NEVER remove a staticky coat while listening to your mp3 player/iPod/whatever. You get shocked through the earbuds and the music goes KKKZZCCCHHT!   -Raia-



Musical Mayhem.

Wooow, busy first days of April.-.-   So, alongside all the everyday catastrophes that are my life, Thursday I woke up and couldn't stand up straight. My dizziness had returned full-swing. I was sick to my stomach. So my mom fed me and my brother breakfast, dropped my brother off at school, and drove me to the doctor's. By the time we got there, first hour was over (which was bad, cuz I missed ensemble practice). Got looked over, got blood drawn and all that, got some medicine to try to he



Blog Mottooooo

So like...you may have noticed that I have changed my blog tagline thing several times lately. I want something new but I just can't find something that fits quite the way I want it to. I may just have to go back to "Sometimes life is a tumbleweed."   And especially since I have passed the 100 entry mark, Raia-ology obliviously needs some lovin'. Speaking of which, I seemed to have developed a cult of followers. Huzzah!=D   YOU ARE ALL PART OF MY ARMYYYY, MUHAHAHA   [On that note, I actua




Somewhat, anyway. School is being a pain as usual (namely required extracurricular ensembles in band, grr), but my head doesn't feel as if it was tossed in the dryer anymore, at least. Thanks for the support guys.^.^   But like...seriously.   I NEED HUMAN CONTACT D:   Who thinks I should drive to LK's house, despite the fact I do not know her address and only have a Learner's Permit, kidnap her, and take her to Kansasland?   Or maybe I need to work up the courage to invite someone to my




So. I got one of those dizzy spells at the library that I used to get back when I got sick and had an iron deficiency or whatever, back in...August? Yeah. Back then, at the beginning of the year, I got all lethargic and I would get dizzy and I got so confuzzled and out-of-sync that I tried leaving school two periods too soon.   So now I'm all worried because I've been rather tired lately, and now this dizzy spell.   Hooray for Saturday. ._.   -Raia-



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