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Happy Cinco de Mayo!

This opening week in May has been real busy with an onslaught of special days. May 1 was May Day (also, if you were living in the Midwest, it snowed on that day). May 4 was Star Wars Day. And now we've reached the end of this crazy week of holidays, and we reach the most special day of them all...   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


The Shape of Water is a fantasy film, not a science fiction film. Yes, there are scientists who want to study the fantasy creature, but it's a magical fantasy creature who's worshiped as a God. It's fantasy. And Guillermo del Toro used the language of fairytales to tell the story. It's fantasy, plain and simple. A fantasy romance. Not science fiction. We have yet to have a movie solidly in the science fiction category win for Best Picture.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Terms and Conditions

I figured out how to get people to pay attention to them. High profile sites with a budget should hire Morgan Freeman to read them out loud.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Noteworthy Essays

These were the first notes I took in school this year. It looks like an essay, which it should. Notes should be easy to real and understand, and they must also provoke one's mind as they are written.   I believe that there is a difference between memorizing and knowing. You can memorize information on the invasion of Normandy, but the only people who know the battle are those who where there. It was their battle. Similarly, we do not know what we have learned from the book because the infor

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


I dedicate my new lifetime premier membership to Dimensioneer. He's a cool guy, the poker-playing admin, the man with an awe-inspiring goatee, the inconceivable force that set into motion this dominion known as BZPower. And conveniently, he also happened to be hanging around when I decided to get up and finalize my decision to buy his finest product.   On a tangent, I love his name. Ever since I was six or seven, the concept of interdimensional travel has always fascinated me, and when I was

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Altruistic Love

Last Valentine's Day, I sent a letter to a girl of whom I had a special interest in. The letter contained a careful analysis on my outlook on altruistic love, a subject which I found to be a fitting message not only for Valentine's Day, but for every day of our lives.   The letter, six pages of quality, kept a consistent Christian perspectgive. I am a Christian and I passed it on to a Christian reader, so a Christian theme was to be accepted and appreciated. We were peers. However, I have wa

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Congratulations Michael!

Congratulations, Michael! 21 Olympic medals, 17 Olympic gold medals, 2 threepeats, and many more world records later, I'm not done cheering for you. Now there's only one more race to go. Here's hoping that you tie the previous maximum medal count with your golds alone.   It will be strange once you're gone, though. Your name has become synonymous with swimming, and there are still moments when your name comes up on screen and I think "Hey, that guy's name is 'fish'! Isn't that convenient?"

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


I'm not allowed to go into much detail on this, but I will simply state that I support McCain and Palin today in this historic election. I have given quite a bit of thought into this.   Your Honor, Emperor Kraggh

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Rocky Review

Knowing ahead of time that Rocky is a classic, I had certain expectations. For example, I had seen clips of the various other Rockymovies and knew that they included inspirational work-out routines with the music to go with it. This is, after all, the franchise that spawned "Eye of the Tiger". I also knew that my high school track coach, during his inspirational speeches about working hard and constantly pushing the envelope to make exercise a truly sacrificial art, would reference this film

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Bow Ties

Recently I bought off of Amazon.com a red bow tie and a white bow tie. Of course, they're also hand-tied, so they're not those little clip-on toys. Since I already have a lack tie, I'd say that my bow tie collection is officially underway. What I really need is a bow tie in school colors to really gain momentum.   And I also bought white suspenders. I already have black and red suspenders to go with the other two bow ties, so just to make sure I had a pair fr each tie I got these. They're a

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Various Trailer Reactions

The Infinity War trailer was looking pretty awesome, until Captain America was able to hold off Thanos in an arm wrestling match. Dude, if Cap can hold off Thanos, even for a couple of seconds, that big bald baddie is toast when Hulk puny gods him.   The movie Truth or Dare looks incredibly stupid. However, I'd be tempted to watch it anyway just because I can't seem to look away from that stupid derpy face that the evil spirit makes. Yes, I would consider watching that movie just to watch a derp

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


Come with me, Zachary Into the depths of the abyss Into the darkness of the woods Let us walk as brothers For I have not forgotten that I was once like you You and I are of the same flesh and of the same dirt From dust we have come and from dust we shall go And we share the same ultimate destiny With all the same shames Let us rest in the shade, Zachary And set our tent up amid gravestones Where the dead sleep silently and wait for us Then we shall know how dead we ar

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Total Recall Review

I watched the original Total Recall when I was a year old. The next time I watched it I was older and ready for it at the uber-mature age of four or five. That was still a long time ago, so I don't recall much.   All puns aside, there are still plenty of little snippets that I remember so that going into the theatre for the remake I could enjoy it both as something completely new but at the same time as a fan of the original.   The first thing that struck me was that the only inhabitable place

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Girl Problems

I won't say much further, although that I feel like I'm loosing my sanity in recent times. It happens. Although I wish it didn't.

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Drinking habanero sauce from the bottle

So, I recently decided with my latest visit to Buffalo Wild Wings to just straight-up buy a whole bottle of their Mango Habanero Sauce. I also told a former Army Ranger who hates spice to to never leave his food unattended. If he does, it will end up tasting like habanero. And I want him to know that it was me who did it so that he doesn't take it out on someone else. He nodded and said, "Thank you for letting me know ahead of time so I know exactly whose ******* to whoop." A friend of mine

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Soul Is More Than The Sum Of Its Parts

Dear Journal, Aristotle believed in a soul divided into three parts: the rational, the spirited, and the appetative. Later on Sigmund Freud would postulate the same basic idea, except he called it the ego, the superego, and the id.   After reading this and The Screwtape Letters, I've come to understand human existance in a new way. The way I see it, our realities exist in our minds, and we exist in several ways.   First, we are sensory. We physically exist. This is the first level of existen

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

A Stone By Any Other Name

In a park, there was a statue of a woman. One day, two fools visited the park and fell in love with the statue. They both came back every day to the statue, one in the morning and the other in the evening. The first named her Ann and the second named her Lynn. The first fool saw Ann as a statue of knowledge and wisdom, while the second fool saw Lynn to be a statue of bravery and pride. Along with standing for different ideals, each fool felt the statue had a different personality.   Did the

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Cursed Child Review

What's one of the most sacred things that thou shalt not spoil? Obviously, the new Harry Potter book. You spoil that, and you might as well get thrown out of the window from the top story of a tall building.   I would like to avoid a dramatic fall to my death, so I'm avoiding anything that even remotely sounds like a spoiler. And yet, I still want to give an opinion on this book, so there are a few things that I feel obliged to say to the prospective reader who's wondering whether or not this

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Room Review

I just watched the most famous bad movie of all time. Various Youtube channels have completely spoiled the movie for me, so I've basically seen the entire movie already, so it was a bit of a downer. My suggestion is that you don't watch any of those videos out there about the film. Instead, take my word for it, and be one of the few who actually goes out and buys the DVD off of Tommy Wiseau's site, and watch it with minimal knowledge of the movie (save for the part where there's uncensored nu

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


High school know nothing about having SPIRIT. BZPower? Now, there's a community that has SPIRIT.   Someone make me a dad already.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Red Dawn Review

I had the opportunity watch Life of Pi or this. Since I don't like watching movies based off of books that I want to read, I went with this.   At first glance, this looked to be a B-Movie. It turned out to be not even that. And no, it's not so bad it's good. It simply falls flat and has nothing to offer. There's some good action here, and some of these people are legitimately good actors. However, why is Josh Peck still playing a teenager? I really want to give him a chance at older and m

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Graduation: The Main Event

I went to church, got a ride home, and was able to introduce one of my good church/college friends to my mother, who had come down from Minnesota to visit. It was, after all, my graduation.   In the hours before the big ceremony, we did the only sensible thing, which was to eat at a restaurant with a buffet. We talked, we joked, and my Godfather wouldn't stop giving me a hard time about girls when I mentioned some of the events that happened at the senior campout. Somehow I couldn't convince

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Belated Reaction to the Oscars

The Oscars have come and gone, and though it's been over a month, I thought I'd come back and make this entry to share my thoughts in the ceremony's highlights and moments that I personally found interesting.   To start off, let's give a hand to James T. Kirk. He had never been nominated for anything and probably never will, since he's not that kind of actor. However, it seems that the Academy still has a sense of how to represent every aspect of the cinematic culture (outside of the vulgar, o

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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