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I'm A Philosopher, Not A Mechanic!

I hate it when in movies or stories or whatever someone ignores ethics and says "it's not my job". That's really stupid. The way I see it, if you're human, you live life as a human.   Anyways, this leads to another thought I was having. That is, if I ask philosophical questions, I expect that it would only be appropriate for someone to answer those questions as a philosopher. And no, you don't have to be a philosopher by profession to be a philosopher. Plato didn't think he was any wiser th

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Maieutic Sci-Fi Questions On The Soul

Dear Reader, One of the greatest things about science fiction is that it presents the reader with extreme ends begs to ask questions about them, and through these questions they explore deeper questions about life itself. One of science fiction's signature elements, robots with artificial intelligence, might seem like a pitch removed from the reality of our everyday lives, but the presence of these themes has served the purpose of altering the very way we see the world. Science fiction has int

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Author's Comments On Bloodic

First, I will post a "Chapter 2" as soon as possible, though it might not be for another couple of weeks. Coincidentally, by then I might have watched Prometheus, which may or may not have a very similar plot. If it does, I might have a problem, but this story was based on a dream that I had back in 5th or 6th grade. I always wanted to write a story based on it and now I'm finally doing it, so wish me luck.   Second, I mentioned a Kitilik as if you're supposed to know what they look like. Th

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


Bloodic   ..........The lone ship had now passed the point of no return. They had exhausted all their energy on their jump in-between dimensions. They almost had enough kick left for a trip back home, but they would have to find a fuel source once they landed. .........."That dirty little scoundrel," said Giamarck, speaking of his captain. He wasn't too frustrated, though. He knew what he was getting into when he first joined the crew. Captain Clerk always had a policy of "all or nothing"

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Graduation: The Main Event

I went to church, got a ride home, and was able to introduce one of my good church/college friends to my mother, who had come down from Minnesota to visit. It was, after all, my graduation.   In the hours before the big ceremony, we did the only sensible thing, which was to eat at a restaurant with a buffet. We talked, we joked, and my Godfather wouldn't stop giving me a hard time about girls when I mentioned some of the events that happened at the senior campout. Somehow I couldn't convince

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Levels Of Intimacy

Now that I have formulated theories on the four levels of personal reality and the nature of love in marriage, it is natural to see how these similar ideas connect.   If we suppose that humans exist spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and physically in that order, then it is logical that love, being a universal ideal that brings purpose to human existence, should have a place in all four.   I have stated before that it is most important that this comes from the spirit, for this is where th

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Be A Person, Not A Personality

I was visiting the graduation party of a friend called Kitty. I stuck around for a while to enjoy the place, because of the oreo cookie creme and stuff like that, but there was something that struck a major philosophical idea in my head.   As selected senior pictures to keep of Kitty, I grabbed one of her on the gold course, and I suddenly realized that golf was a sport. I've always opted to go out for track instead, since it was more athletic, so I never thought much of golf until, for some r

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Lots Of 1's

I just thought that this looked really cool when I refreshed the page. Admit it, you think so, too.   Your Honor, Emperor Kraggh

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Graduation: Senior Campout

At first I thought that the last day of school was boring, except it wasn't. The school day itself was nothing remarkable, but the rest of the day was a blast from 11:59 PM onward.   What we traditionally do as seniors is have a senior campout in the school parking lot. It's sponsored by nobody and everyone who comes brings their own food. We decided to start coming around around 8:30 to 9:00. The thing is with these kind of unofficial events is that we make like the Spaniards and come at le

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Graduation: Last Day Of School

How do I describe my last day of school? It was weird and hazy. I really wanted to start a food fight, but was talked out of it. Failing that, I really wanted to have a picnic, but nobody was in on the idea, even though I brought the food. Then I found out later that other people in my lunch period had served themselves a picnic, and I felt a little cheated and left out. Then I found out that it was purely among people in cooking class.   Then I had a special lunch with my best friend. Tha

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Graduation: Baccalaureate

Immediately after the Awards Ceremony, I was offered a ride to the baccalaureate that night by the principle, since I didn't have any means of transportation myself.   I shared a concern with him, that I was afraid I wouldn't be remembered. He thought that was ridiculous. I think he's right.   The baccalaureate was out of town. Most people came. The first person I saw when I arrived was a girl who recently I've been becoming friends with. She was wearing her blue robes, and underneath those

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Graduation: Awards Ceremony

It was on the Wednesday of May 16, and I apologize in advance for what I am about to say. Normally I am calm and collected in my writings, as if I have everything all together. A person like me, with such a clear vision of the world, shouldn't be so blind when it comes to himself, and yet this is a fine example of how my reasonable and my emotional realities don't align.   All my friends won numerous awards. Pretty much everyone got mentioned. Tons of scholarships were given out, and there w

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Gratuation: My Cousin's Party

I put on my bowtie and visited my cousin's graduation party on May 12, the week before graduation. When I arrived, the number of pictures hit me.   He didn't throw the party alone. He had a couple of good friends share the event. It was something I had wanted to do, though nobody wanted to cooperate with me. Then I looked at all of their pictures they had growing up. Almost every single picture was taken with friends while participating in strange and grand events that I knew nothing about.

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Character In A Marriage

Character is Key. Character is King.   To follow up on my last entry, it is necessary to spend more than a brief paragraph describing the most important quality in any spouse. I believe that adults who choose to engage in the act of marriage should be ready for the supreme test of maturity that it entails. It is at this point where people have to remember that the most important thing they can look for is content of character.   Let's face it. Marriage starts off exciting, but then gets bori

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Top 10 Priorities In Marriage

This entry was a school assignment, but its content has been edited from its original form so as not to break BZPower's guidelines on religion, which it had at first broken profusely.   #1. Love of a higher ideal. We must be able to love all of the world beyond ourselves with all our hearts and all our minds and all our souls. Our belief in good will inspire the best out of us, and we will learn to love all of the world and follow our moral convictions.   #2. Love of self. By loving creatio

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Skikker On The Tower

FOREWORD: Another 15-minute vignette. Unfortunately, I really couldn't think much of what to do with the theme, "Tower". I can see why I wasn't content with the other stories written by EW and Velox.   As a side note, however, this culture is something I've invented a while back. It takes inspiration from Star Wars and the cyberpunk genre, and the skikkers are basically the cyberpunks. It's a nice, charming concept that naturally leads into a fairytale wonderland of sorts, which is something

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

I'm Crying

Dear Blog, I just got done opening a couple dozen letters left behind for me after my graduation party. Before working on them, I got out a sheet of paper to write down who to sent thank-you letters to. I would also write down what to thank them for.   Before going through these letters, I was depressed for various reasons, most of them having to do with relationships. I've always been a little awkward and have found it hard to feel that my friends supported me. I wanted to spend more time w

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Mother's Day 2012

This entry is dedicated to my mother.   When she first found out she was pregnant, she immediately knew she would name me after her father, even though she had never once considered the name before. It just felt right. And I agree with her; it was the right name, not just a good name. My middle name was that of my father, and together they made one of those archetypal name combinations like Simon Peter. My father liked it, too, although felt a little insecure when his brothers told him it wa

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

To The Guys

To the guys, ..........We're great friends and it's been good to be with you. You have been as fun as possible and so have I, and you've all treated me like any other guy. I like to feign happiness and pretend that it's enough, except for one unchangeable fact. ..........I'm not any other guy. I'm female. It's not that I have a crush on anyone, but because I'm a girl I think the world of you boys. I admire you because you're all slightly different from me in a way that I could never become,

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Music In Part

Foreword: Taking inspiration from Velox, I've decided that whenever I see him post a new vignette I'll look at the theme and write a 15 minute short of my own. In this case, the theme was "music". Anyone who read my last entry will see how it was still present in my thoughts while writing this.   Your Honor, Emperor Kraggh   Music In Part   They say music is the most beautiful thing. I wouldn't know; I've never heard it. ..........That might sound odd to the normal person who is connected t

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Soul Is More Than The Sum Of Its Parts

Dear Journal, Aristotle believed in a soul divided into three parts: the rational, the spirited, and the appetative. Later on Sigmund Freud would postulate the same basic idea, except he called it the ego, the superego, and the id.   After reading this and The Screwtape Letters, I've come to understand human existance in a new way. The way I see it, our realities exist in our minds, and we exist in several ways.   First, we are sensory. We physically exist. This is the first level of existen

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Relating With A Tesseract

A thought occurred to me about Starbuck. How does making the character female change the character? Now granted, there are subtle differences here and there, but really, what's the difference between a girl acting cocky and a guy acting cocky other than the way we perceive it? I cannot speak for the opposite sex, but I suppose that the sensation known as "feeling" is the exact same between the two sexes, although some feelings would come up more commonly in one sex than in the other.   I mean

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Good Judgment Of Madame The Virgin Mary

The Good Judgment of Madame the Virgin Mary   (scene: The palace of Justice, Paris, 1482) Gringoire: Oh my, the crowd is getting restless! Actor 1: What are we going to do? We’re supposed to wait for the Cardinal. Gringoire: Yes, but if we offend him by starting early, we’ll be hanged. Actor 2: So we wait, then. Gringoire: [pacing] Yes, but then we’d be hanged by the people. Actor 1: Well make up your mind then! We’ve got to do something. I can hear some of them building makeshift nooses al

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

The Tackenator

Dear Blog,   "Get out of your comfort zone!"   Thus spake Mr. Tacke.   People in later years would say "There's no track like Tacke Track," reminiscing on the good old days when he coached middle school track and field. His signature phrase drove us to the limits and inspired me into the mentality of what success in track is all about. He was a real character builder.   He was ruthless and had little mercy, drilling us until we felt like dropping to the floor. Yet, he was compassionate and un

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean


In spite of his name, his evil plan wasn't very low-key.   Your Honor, Emperor Kraggh

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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