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Relating With A Tesseract

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: A thought occurred to me about Starbuck. How does making the character female change the character? Now granted, there are subtle differences here and there, but really, what's the difference between a girl acting cocky and a guy acting cocky other than the way we perceive it? I cannot speak for the opposite sex, but I suppose that the sensation known as "feeling" is the exact same between the two sexes, although some feelings would come up more commonly in one sex than in the other.


I mean, part of the way that a female is wired is that she understands emotions better. I get that. But how different are her emotions. Is her version of anger necessarily different than the anger of her male counterpart? If it is, it's a strange idea, because essentially females and males feel similar feelings that are analogous to each other but not actually the same thing, and thus there are two types of sadness, two types of euphoria, and two types of love (emotional love, not intellectual and spiritual love), and new words should be invented for these separate concepts.


Let's say that I created a clone of myself that I could transfer my conscious into upon the death of my present body, just like a Cylon. I go out, do something reckless, and get my present body killed. Yet, something went wrong, and the special clone body that I prepared got my father's X chromosome swapped around with my Y chromosome. It's still overall the same brain, but how would I feel different? Would my thoughts remain masculine? That is, after all, where my self-perception lies. Yet, if I tried to feel certain emotions, would they be possible? For example, if someone insulted me, how would that make me feel? Would I feel angry? Yes, I would feel "angry" in the general sense, as my specific emotions could fit into that category, but would I feel a separate emotion from what I had experienced as a male?


1. If not, good. That just supports my Neoplatonic view that we're all connected by an overarching Truth and my belief that we're all more alike than different, though still nevertheless unique due to our individual choices.


2. If so, it's really weird to think that I literally could not relate to another human being who feels things in a way that I cannot. Another world of emotions that I have never felt would be impossible to conceive, like a fourth dimension. I can understand the principles and relate it to geometries I know through diagrams, and maybe like a
I can solve it, but I can never see it.


Is it, then, ever truly possible to know someone? I have my doubts on this prospect.


But alas, maybe that's the way that human relationships are supposed to be. Still, I have a hunch that the importance of our uniqueness lies not in our emotional or intellectual realities, but in our spiritual realities, so there's the possibility that I could still relate to another person fully and completely on the emotional level.


It's a confusing topic the way I see it, and I have no definite answers. No, I am a fool.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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Emotions really should be pretty much the same between sexes. On a chemical level, for example, it's probably practically identical, in terms of what goes on in the brain. Possibly in some cases the sexes are conditioned to react to thing such as anger differently, with it possibly encouraged more in males, or the opposite for females.


So is it possible to truly know someone, you ask? I'd say, in the context of being able to recognize emotions that all humans share (and all sapient beings presumably would as well), empathize with others, and learn a person's emotions, you can. But bear in mind that while actual emotions may be the same, reactions will obviously individualized.


Interesting questions, though. This has been a really interesting entry to read. :) I've never actually thought that much about how minds may be affected by the body. It does seem on a certain level that the mind is always a plaything of the body.


Oh, and one last comment: I don't entirely believe that women are intrinsically better understanding of emotions. I'd say that society tends to condition men to deal with emotions less, as part of the inane "macho image." But there are plenty of men, I'm sure, who understand emotion equally well as women.



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:kaukau: Thank you for your thoughts. I found them equally interesting.


From my understanding of the brain, female brains are slightly more adept, but only slightly. Even then, most sources I read only say that they "tend to be better at balancing their left and right brains", which isn't an actual neurological difference. I think that society creates caricatures that people believe in, due to the sociological principles of "self-fulfilling prophecies", and they become so ingrained in us that it literally alters our mode of existence, because our experiences can literally rewire our brain. Perhaps I'll get into a little more detail with my next entry.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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I love the entry title. :P


I have no answers for the questions you presented, but I have a feeling I'll wonder about this in the back of my mind for a long time to come.

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I think the main difference in changing a character's sex would really be how he/she is perceived by others.

Which would most certainly, over time, change their behaviour.


:kaukau: [...]

I think that society creates caricatures that people believe in, due to the sociological principles of "self-fulfilling prophecies", and they become so ingrained in us that it literally alters our mode of existence, because our experiences can literally rewire our brain. Perhaps I'll get into a little more detail with my next entry.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

Yep. Totally. But I would like to point out that it is possible to oppose those self-fulfilling prophecies. I can be a girl yet do or rather, like, what I want. If I want to behave according to society's standards, I can do so, and I guess that's okay, but if I don't want to, then I won't.

And that has to be just as okay.


As for knowing others, we can never be sure if we really know them.:shrugs: At least from my experience.

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