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Entries in this blog

My Blog Is Back!

-[July 11, 2009]- My blog is back! And my fingers are killing me. Unfortunately my parents are making me move to the US soon and I will have to take apart all my sets. I'll be writing entries regularly now.. Terakk


Essenger in Life

My Poor Blog

-[January 31, 2009]- Ok, Ok, my blog was overrun by the Vahki and is now back, hopefully for a long time. Why doesn't my blog be popular? You go to Turakii's blog and you look at: "Users Viewing Blog: and a list of members that probably goes as long as her quote block. At least *cough* Javi will read it. ~Terakk



Birthday!... Soon.

-[December 27, 2008]- Tomorrow is my birthday! I hope I get Ignika. I got a $20 gift certificate for Amazon! ------------------- I finished my new blog approval, I'm glad I have a few myself. So today I made a few sprites, I created a few animations, drawings, etc... Now it's off to hunt swamp lizards! Seriously. ~Terakk



It's Christmas!

-[December 25, 2008]- Well, today is Christmas! We really didn't have time for Christmas shopping this year, but here's what I got: - A bunch of candy - A headset with a built-in microphone - An amazing $50 animation program (Sorry, I can't tell you what it's called, it's between me and Tohkann toa of arts) - A shirt And my birthday is coming up on the 28th, I'm hopefully going to get Toa Ignika and go see the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still, (and iz go to seez GUURAHK muuah




-[November 8, 2008]- I won the Aqua Blaster Blade contest!!! Aqua Blaster Blade ---------------- No school Monday! (No, not because I won.) ~Terakk




-[October 22, 2008]- Yes!!! I passed the voting for the Aqua Blade Blaster contest! Now I can only hope that GregF will approve my entry, so I can move on to the ultimate poll! -------------- The final battle is about to begin! ~Terakk



Ice Rocks

-[October 5, 2008]- Yesterday I filled a huge Ziploc bag with water and in it I put a squid, a Krana, and a Kraata. I put the whole thing in the freezer Today I opened it, and they were frozen inside. Parts of them were sticking out of the water. I thawed them thing out with water until they came out. The squid slipped right out, though. I took the massive ice ball and smashed it in the middle of the street. -------------- I passed to the secondary polls with my Aqua Blade Blaster!



Beating Mnolg 2

-[October 3, 2008]- I'm determined to beat the MNOLG II today. No school today! It's the end of the first quarter! The final countdown begins for the end of the school year! (Yes, I do count the days sometimes). -------------- Also, if you want to know how you can be in the huge upcoming Movie-- Stuck: The Movie, Read the blog entry below this. ------- Man, the Takea's fast. ~Terakk



Bzpers Wanted!

-[september 30, 2008]- I've been working really hard on the movie of the comics Stuck: A Journal, and it seems like I'm going to have some extras in the movie. If you want to accept and be in the movie, make a comment on this blog entry telling me what you want your sprite to look like (Rayg Sprites), and a really short description of personality. ----------- This movie is gonna be awesome! ~Terakk




-[september 29, 2008]- I have a lot of homework, so I won’t be able to get on BZPower a lot today. Yep, this has got to be my shortest blog entry yet. --------------------- ~Terakk



Thanks Everyone!

-[semtember 24, 2008]- Well, I've decided to go back to my old font. I like it better. I'm so happy for all the votes on my Aqua Blade Blaster! Thanks to everyone who voted! I've got about 16 votes at the moment, and I'm glad that I'll probably make it throught the preliminary voting. One BZPower member, Dekarax, actually walked into my room while I was building the entry, and he was one of the first to vote me. I really like kcj600's entry, too. ------------------------- At our



Aqua Blade Blaster!

Finally the voting has started for the Aqua Blade Blaster contest!   Here's my entry:     Vote for meeeeeeeee!   ~Terakk



Major 2009 Spoilers!

Look at this!     It looks like 2009 will be a great year after all! Yes! they listened to us and brought back the gears! Toa Vormex has squids for legs!?   ~Terakk




As you might have heard, I am in the new comic: Stuck: A Journal.   I have done the art for some of the comics and the upcoming comic: here's a preview of a panel from the next comic:     You'll have to wait and see when the comic comes out!     ~Terakk     I wish people would read my blog more




I'm sick with this sore throat virus thing. Many people I know at school and on BZPower are getting it. Like I said, I missed school today because of it.   This might be one of my last blog entries.   ~Terakk



2000th Post!

Today I made my 2000th post!   I'm so happy! *hugs self* I'll be getting my one year Vahi soon, too.     I must give credit to Gatanui for helping me out so much when I was a new member!   Off topic: I was sick and had to stay home from school today.     ~Terakk




Today I had to get sent home early from school because of a terrible sore throat.   I'm not very happy right now. I just wrote like 12 paragraphs for the interest section on my profile and the server ate it!   ~Terakk :angry:



Comics, Still Waiting

I'm still waiting for Javi's comics to be released.   Today was really boring, except watching the Vultraz review. ~Terakk



Javi's Comics

I finally finished the sprite sheet of me for Javi's comics!     No school tomorrow!     ~Terakk



Terakk Moc

Well, today I started working on a self-MOC, Terakk, I think it looks awesome. I might need to borrow a few pieces from Dekarax tomorrow that I need to finish the MOC. When I'm finished, I'll put it up for all to see! The model is right now looking like a mix of Lessovik, Lewa Phantoka, and Tanma.   No school Friday!     ~Terakk



Untitled Entry

There's nothing much I can say about today. Except that I was asked to be in Javi's comics. I bet it will be awesome--I hope his computer starts working again! My sprite kit is coming along great, I think you all will love it when it comes out.   Hopefully my next entry will be a lot longer.   ~Terakk



Takanuva's Blog Comic

I'm working on a Bionicle comic style version of Takanuva's Blog, with all the illustrations and everything.   The new Mistika video is awesome!         ~Terakk



The Mistika Game Is Pretty Cool

Well, I finally got to play the new Mistika Game, and I think it's great. I thought it was a racing game with the vehicles, though. They made a mistake in it-- they referred to Gorast as male. I hope in the final version they add more levels.   There's nothing really interesting going on in BZP these days.   No one reads my blog anymore.     ~Terakk



New Sprite Kit To Be Released!

Well, It is great to say that my sprite kit is almost finished: Terakk's Ultimate Sprite Kit.   Other than this, there's not much to say. Tomorrow I'll probably spend a long time on BZPower.   I just noticed Tanma is on my desk, staring at me while I'm typing.     ~Terakk



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