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I'll Be Back

I just saw the new Terminator movie. It's so awesome! It connected a lot of things from the old terminators, even the Sahrah connor chronicles. I won't give away too manny details, but it's a few years after T-3 and It's about the First T-800. It features the older T-600, and other Machines I had never known about. If you are a hardcore terminator fan like myself, I strongly sugest you see it.   Also, there is an Arnold Terminator in that movie, for a few seconds before his skin melted off. I d



Aliens! Seriously!

Last night, I was getting ready for bed. Some family friends of ours have been staying over the past few days, when one of them called me to the deck. our house is right next to Fort Carson (colorado), most nights you can see the lights from the base going off. However tonight, they where especially out. We both wounder what it was about. I made a joke that Maybe they where "dissecting an alien" or somthing. Untill we turned around. From our deck, we have a perfect view of the city. Just floatin




So yeah, the fourms went down for almost two weeks. Then I come back, ready to see all of the stuff I missed, and I don't have any stuff to miss. And everything kinda blew because my work was gone. Luckily, I didn't have anything Vital, Like an Art topic or somthing. ( Sorry takanuvia) It did doom My comedy Stranded. It will be too long to load up new eppisodes, though most are still on Stranded's website. It's in my Profile if you want it. I will close Stranded. THe animated eppisode is off t




Just let out of school today!!! Too awesome!   Now I won't get anymore distractions for my halo time!




Well, it's official. Bzp and myself are undead! I came back around the 20th of september, finding that bzp was down. It took long enough for it to come back, but it's still worth it in the end! Also, flash is freaking out on me, so I cannot foucus on the writers yet. I want to find out what's wrong with my stupid computer.   Also, I have started my first week of school, and I don't feel good! I'm gonna lie down now...




I am still looking for any writer who can make a good script for a super sneaky prodject I have planned. It will be an animation, I hope to be at least 20 minutes long. I have a basic Idea already, but I need someone to present it to me in a better way I can. Plus, I don't have time to write it. If you want to, send me an example of your work you've done before, and maybe I can accept you. It will be Mnolg style, maybe better.   Now for some story time.   My cousins from texas have been stayin



Da Blagh! New An Improved!

So yeah. New blog. My old one kinda sucked and was too crowded. Now we're new and improved, 30% more in your face! We're be more awesome as soon as I stop uploading more stuff.



Dang You!

Now I know what it feels like to have no life. I've been doomed playing xbox live since I got live this week. It's mind-controlling, from matchmaking to halo wars demo. I need to stop!




So yeah. I made the blog, forgot the blog, re-made the blog, then forgot it again. I just want to make updates.   Stranded animated. I'm not sure how it's going. My friend has not been saying anything lately, but I will attempt to rattle him down for a screenshot at least.   Stranded 4 commercial I have come to a problem Flash will not upload the voice recordings I made for the film. It's extreamly fustrating for me too.   NEW PRODJECTS:   Vezon It's just a temporary name for a comic I'm



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