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Frank Martin......( The Transporter)

1. "The deal is the deal" 2. "No names" 3. "Never open the package" 4. "Never Make A Promise You Can't Keep" These rules include, but are not limited to: 1. "Always buckle up" 2. "Just say no to drugs" 3. "Never have friends who can speak English" 4. "Never hit a woman, even if she's messing around with your car keys for a good five minutes" 5. "50% discount if not delivered in specified time" 6. "Drive your own car, unless the other guy's are faster"   Rules of the car: 1.

First Job...

We sign up for Lifeguarding Training this Saturday!! (: Thr training is a week long and from 7am-2pm! It all starts in March!!! I can't wait!!! This job s really good pay too! $12.50 an hr, I think so!! ha ha RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

First Day.

Our first day at the Fair is today!!! I can;t wait! We have to clip our heifers today and wash them and give them water and after I clip them we are very hairy so I think i'm going to go and take a shower at the fair...... I hate having cow hair all ocer me it's gross and just plain itchy!! For our little set up we have a beach party theme going on!! It's sooooo cute and all the other kids are jealous! I got to see my best friend yetserday!!! As a matter of fact I get to see her all week!!! Well

Favorite Super Hero And Why!?!

Mine has got to be Thor. He is my favorite becuase who else has a weapon no other person can lift? C'mon that is just amazing in iteself! Just for like a sidekick or somthing it would have to be Hawkeye or Black Widow! Haha what are your favorite(s) and why? RCF

Favorite Music!

I freaking LOVE music!! I love about every kind of genres! From Dubstep to Country! But my all time favorites are, Pop (1990-present day) 70's music. (Well uh, 1970's duh) Dance (mostly present day stuff, but a good oldie here are there is fun too) Dubstep (aka Skrillex) Country. ( New and some old stuff)   And many more but I would start to boar you guys!   RCF

Favorite Movie Heroine's?

Mine are, Éowyn (from LOTR. I mean what other women could chop off a Nazgul head and kill the Witch-King of Angmar!? ) Trinity (from the Matrix) The Bride (Kill Bill 1&2) Katniss (Hunger Games) Black Widow (Avengers) Yup those are just a few! RCF

Favorite Moive Characters?

Mine are, 1.Culllen Family-Twilight 2. Aragorn-LOTR. 3.All Jedi-Star Wars. 4.Annabeth Chase-Percy Jackson and the Olympions. 5. Trinity-Matrix. 6. Russell,Doug and Kevin-Up. Err can't hink of any more!! lol. RCF

Doctor Who Series 7

I've been waiting for this series so long! I loved the first two episodes! Can't wait for " A Town Called Mercy" and "The Angels Have Manhattan"! I’m a Whovian! I LOVE DOCTORWHO!! Matt Smith is my favorite Doctor! Amy pond (Karen Gillen) is my favorite companion! So sad she and Rory are leaving! But I’m so excited for the new companion! Aka Oswin! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Day 2 Of 365....

Well last night we stayed up texting and he starts school Tuesday and only has 2 classes that day! So maybe just maybe, we will have time to text! Ugh I miss him so much! *hugs him* RCF

County Fair!

Tomorow we take all the heifer's down to the fair grounds!!! I also get to see my best friend that I have'nt seen since last year!! Let's see Wednesday: Clipping the cow's body and washing them for showday. On Saturday I clipped her head and now today i'm leaving to go and do touch up's in it! Here is ther week we have ahread of us! Thursday: Breed Class at 10:00 Am. Friday: Showmanship 2:00 Pm Saturday: Auction,Barn Dance and Games and we also have an unlimited ride pass that day too!!

County Fair Comes To A Close.....

So I got no more than 4hr of sleep every night this week! but it was the BEST County Fair EVER!!! I saw my BFF and she and I hung out a ton! Sev and I got to do some rides and so i'm really sad today was the last day! I miss my BFF sooooo much! Anywho y'all are probabling wondering how I placed in my classes! So in two of the classes I placed 6th and 4th and there were 16 kids showing in both of those classes and in the last class I got 4th out of 5 kids. So not that hot in that class but I can

Class Ring.

I'm going to order mine soon like in the next week or so! I need some of your expert opinions. This is my frist chioce. 2nd chioce. I'm leaning twords the first one. This is the type of stone I'm getting the 2nd one same color. So ya tell me what ya think!! RCF
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