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The movie, that is.   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauggh it hurt owowowowowowowow man that was an awful experience. If I wasn't so dogged I would have left.   I should have listen to big brother's advice and steered clear. D=   IT WAS LIKE DURACELL I MEAN ENERGIZER OR WHATEVER   IT KEPT GOING   AND GOING   AND GOING   And they kissed like every thirty second for the last half hour.   It could have ended about an hour in and it would have just been bad. But they had to make it two and a half hours long



Photoshop Help?

So I got the Mata Nui font from Biomech, thankee, but I can't get it to work. I'm on a mac, FYI. So I put it in my mac's font folder, opened it with some kind of font opening program, hit install... and... uhh... Well, it shows up in photoshop as if I can use it, but when I select it and start to type nothing shows up, nothing changes. Halp? BtB



Prince Caspian

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... O_< ... ... ... ... Well, for starters, Wardrobe > Caspian. I am biased! Prince Caspian was is my least favorite Narnia book, and hopefully my least favorite Narnia film. :: So then! People who haven't seen it beware! Spoilers ahead! Gone? Good. :: I liked the way they began, at first, but then it just went haywire. Instantly they start the bloodshed when Susan shoots some dude. You get to assume he di



I Has An Aim

bundalings-AT-hotmail.com ADD MEH And comment with you username so I know to accept you. Also cinnamon. BtB




Incredible.   One of the best movies I have ever seen.   I dunno why everyone seems to say that it was confusing, it seemed straightforward enough to me.   The gunplay got a little tiresome after a while, though.



So Halloweeeeeen...* >_>

Candy's good. In limited amounts. Too much makes you sick. ... ... It's fun for the children, but I've never got super in to it. You know, we'd got trick-or-treating and dress up and stuff but not into ghouls and witches and stuff. Stuff. Teehee. BUT ANYWAY I just don't get too excited about it. >_> I dread the swarms of children that will descend upon the neighborhood. ._. *obligatory halloween entry Bt




My Duncan Bulk is the old pale silver. I hear he also comes in the new darker silver. Truefacts?   Because want is give if so.



Phantoka And Mahri Sale! Leeches!

All the Mahri and most of the Phantoka are on sale at S@H. Leeches... by that I mean those spineless, vile, revolting people in the Lego club who upload other people's creations and claim that they made them themselves. Disgusting. BtB



Lol Hey Guys

MANY THINGS   TO SAY AND DO   BUT MOSTLY TO SAY   FIRSTLY< TO STOP HOLDING THE SHIFT KEY   That's better. Got back yesterday but was too tired to internet much. I'll write a few highlights of the trip, Bionicle related shenanigans highlighted in purple.   Went to Texas. It was a nice cold. It actually snowed a bit, just some flurries. It doesn't snow in that part of Texas, like, ever. And it's snowed now two years in a row, two years ago it was heavy enough to actually build up on the gr



This Is Freaky

When I'm in a Pokecenter or a battle in HeartGold, the music keeps playing in my mind even if the DS is muted. Same with the Galaxy Map in Mass Effect 1 and 2. It's like my mind expects these sound and so creates them... does that happen to other people?   Thoughts on both games:   HeartGold: I like the characters more in Platinum, but HG's functionality and gameplay is undoubtedly enhanced. I like HG more overall - much more polished and fun, even if I like Looker and Cynthia etc. more than L



Sparklers Lol

Sparklers can reduce rock to molten lava, and yet those are the 'safe' fireworks we give to our little kids? Rediculous. Happy Fourth anyway. BtB



Confused For Five Years

Okay, so in Return of the Jedi, Luke asks Leia if she remembers her mother. Leia says she died when she was little but she says she remembers her a bit and she describes her some.   In Revenge of the Sith, Padmé (there's an accent there, right?) dies in childbirth.   ...   ...   ...   ???   Was Leia talking about Organa's wife or something? I thought she knew she was adopted?



Since I've Been Gone

You can breathe for the first time. I mean, uh, stuff happened. Namely, Built some MOCs, sent said MOCs to Brickfair, started another MOC. It's like a Golem Demon thing and it kind of frightens me. O_o I finished Pokemon Platinum, and I now own 418 of 493 Pokemon. So woot. Anyone out there have Caterpie, Treecko, or Mawile? I finally started working on my Pokemon text based RPG. Making a complete image-based Pokedex is gonna be really time consuming... only four evolutionary families



Omgomgomgomgomg... Etc...

Working on a system mecha. The first posable system thing I've ever done, bar a Dark Panther alternate... oh yeah, and that Toa Terrain Crawler alternate... ... It's not much, but I like it's flow and shape. Got the legs and body designed, but I don't have a few parts I need for the second leg... I'm gonna hafta order some. =/ Of course it's Purple and yellow! And black and bley... >_> BUT ANYWAY I hope it fits in ER's contest 'cause I think I'll make it in. Hmm... it s



Remaking The Slizers

The desire is in my heart, but the parts are in shambles.   This blog entry is for you to encourage me to sort my pieces.   ~Bunda




*Twitches* I just won BBC #42... I don't understand. It's only my fifth BBC contest, and I won! Well, -T08- won too... I don't know how Tufi is gonna do this now. Who gets the prize? Anyways, I'm very happy. And to think I was one of the ones who complained about Tufi not getting the polls up fast enough. Never again. Thank you everyone who voted for me! BtB



Just Goin' Through A Box... Holy Cow.

I put this in the MOC category because I made it... however though it would fit with 'Creepy things...' I was minding my business, going through a box, when I came across a Kraata jar. I felt that it was heavy, yet it didn't rattle. I opened it to see what it was, and--- HOLY COW It's disgusting, in an intrigueing way... I'm so keeping it. :: Oh, and I found my Robo, Dragon, and Monster pods, to accompany my Aero (mark I) pod. Sadly, the box they got shipped in had many lac



Magical Shopping Cart Submarines

"As I recall, that day I was touring the bottom of the ocean in my magical shopping cart." ~My friend claiming to be the cryptid known as Bloop Yeah, I thought that deserved a place in a content block and an entry. BtB



Mavrah Wip Pic

CLICK Hate the legs, mask and both feet will be Purple, note the awesomesauce froggy heartlight. BtB



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