I just found it in Alpha Sapphire! I wasn't even looking because that would be insane. Did they change the encounter system for Feebas from the original game? Edit: Looks like they did. There's now a 5% chance of encountering Feebas on any tile. Carry on, then!
I got 58% on bonesiii's Bionicle quiz. I'm going to say there's a curve and that I am the smartest. Oh, hi everyone. Summer school slayed me. What's up in your lives?
YOU GUYS let's have a party ok i mean let's chat Sometimes I read funny comics. Dinosaur Comics is my favorite. T-Rex is my role model, but I'm wondering if that's bad because he's kind of spastic and doesn't know what he wants. I wonder if Utahraptor would make a better role model, because he's kind of the straight-man, if you will (even though he's a gay utahraptor). I keep playing random battles online in Pokemon, and I beat everybody, unless they're using a Trick Room team. If they're
Most of the content blocks are full of broken links. bleh. And I never reposted the MOCs that got deleted in the dataclysm, so a lot of those links have been dead for a really long time. < But I just added a shiny new content block. As you can see, I'm not competitively viable. Any Ghost would wall me completely. Might have to do with how spiritually inept I am. SOMEDAY I WILL GO TO BRICKFAIR (honestly though hotel costs am i right) (even going to BrickFiesta which is not a great distan
I don't have sad story. Sure there was stress, and crying (from my mother) and anger (from me when my mom decided to tell my dad even though I asked her not to. Then she told my sister, who was mad at me for my not telling her myself. Then she told my cousins for some reason, I have no idea. I don't think she told any of my grandparents though because none of them have had fatal heart attacks). No, I just have a humorous anecdote (at least I think it's humorous). A little setup: About, eh, a
Almost all of the terrible stuff in Pacific Rim actually enhanced the movie, somehow. I say almost all because it got me excited when I saw there was a Japanese woman in a leading position, only to see her entire purpose was to fawn over the blond male lead. boo (btw I counted four blond hunks and one blond hunkette in the cast what) Still a cool movie with robot fights. Kind of like Transformers, but if Transformers was entertaining and didn't make you want to cough up your vital organs jus
< In that content block, there. Oh boy am I ever so excited about XY. I like about half of the monster designs shown so far, but that's pretty regular. And now after I'm done coding that giant block I realize having so many moving characters is tacky. Eh, I'll redo it later with their box sprites. YOU GUYS tell me about your pokemon teams and how much you love/d them
Birds are hard. I am so bad a legos these days. Out of practice. Sigh. Started with something small and retro. Was going to look like an old school rahi, using mostly old parts. Teal and mata green. Got bored. I'll make something bigger. Something terrifying, if you get me. Wink wink, nudge nudge.
I just started one over here. I don't think the categories of "reads this blog" and "plays text based RPs" overlaps very much, but if you are one of the few, check it out, maybe?
I want to make a hasty creation. I do my best to create what the first commenter suggests. Second commenter can go cry in a hole because they get nothing. Unless they suggest something cooler than the first commenter. (I am very flexible.)
According to the latest Brony Census, more than a quarter of MLP fans have the INTJ personality type. Super strange, yall! Considering it is rather uncommon in the general population. Or so I hear. I'm an INTJ and know several more so I've always been a bit puzzled by the supposed rarity.
How do you write an essay about a totally trite, boring subject? Because bleh I have been postponing this for so long and it is due tomorrow and I hat it.
I finally got a decent idea for the BBCC but I have more than three chapters of backlogged math to attend to, and I'll be busy almost all of tomorrow... and an all nighter isn't an option, as I share a room, and I don't think my roommate would appreciate me crunching around the Legos at 3 AM. woe is me The only thing to do... is actually do my math and stop being distracted by Mass Effect (I finally unlocked the Justicar!) and BZP (I don't even have my profiles ready for an RPG that I am co-
I mean, I guess I should try to build something. It's been literal ages since I entered a BBC. I don't have all my pieces here but I've got more than half, so I should be able to make something if I make myself make something. >also i beat borderlands 2 with zero it was great >but the final boss was kind of easy to solo because i was level 34, he level 32 >didn't die once unless you count wandering into the lava after he was already dead