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Best Video Game Of 2009

It's that time of year again(except maybe a little bit earlier to make way for best game of the decade) that we have our huge playoff to decide the best game of 2009. At first glance, it really didn't look like a good year for video games, but some games from earlier in the year have returned. It's time to settle the best video game of the year. Vote in each matchup for what you think was the best video game of the two.   #1 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 vs. #8 Wii Punch Out   #2 Halo 3: ODS

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Mt Report: July 2009

Thanks to the stupid hackers, this has been delayed for quite some time. Anyways, here is the belated July 2009 edition of the MT Report.   Who's HOT   GEOMETRY TEACHERS: At least, the one I have now. One of the nicest guys ever, gives completion grades on homework, and the class is fairly easy. Plus, his last name is Bacon. What I don't get is why there is no Mrs. Sausage to go along with him. Can I call his children Bacon bits or something?   METROID: Metroid Prime Trilogy=3 of the greates

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Ots: Moc Team

All right, MoC team, here is your first assignment. We're supposed to build a model of what Toa Nidhiki looked like before his transformation. So...get busy...not sure how this whole thing will work out, so just contact the group leader and he can probably tell you something.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Legend Reborn Review

Well, it's past September 29th, so I am allowed to post spoilers on the movie. This review actually doesn't have that many spoilers in it, so if you haven't seen it yet, this won't ruin it for you. Anyways, here we go:   Pros: The animation was very good, and they did a very nice job of expressing the power gained by the Glatorian in the latter part of the movie. The Thornax launchers were awesome, and Lego did a nice job of giving that separated feel that the villages had. The good guys were i

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Oh No It's Exam Week

The final step to juniorhood begins tomorrow and wraps up on Wednesday. Really good use some good luck, this is a make or break week for me in terms of keeping my hopes for a scholarship to collage alive. Thankfully, I'm not anywhere near to failing any classes, but this is probably the most important exam week of my life in terms of what's at stake.   Anyways, best of luck to....myself....yeah...   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Oh No I'm An Enemy Of The State

I wonder if they just come back to life every time you kill them.   (You have to look at the right part of the page and scroll down a ways to see it)   Apparently, the Vahki are back once again(<.<) under the leader of "Noob," formerly known as Krana Kongu. And yes, he stole my blog picture.   I shall deal with this annoyance eventually...perhaps through the use of cream pies.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Aftermath/vundas Ideas...need Your Guys Help Once Again

All right, I have some ideas for how the next sort of segment of season 5 of the TBTTRAH series(Vundas and Aftermath) is going to go, and how the two stories themselves will intertwine several times during the next few months. However...I'm still having a little trouble on one part.   A basic overview over what happened recently is that the Zehvor, Mr. Matoro, Mesonak, discover what Vecolity discovered a while ago: That the "coffee," that took over 4 Mask's, TM's, and Omega Mete's mind isn't r

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Timeline For Aftermath

I decided that it will last about two more years, and my final farewell as a BZP story writer will be when I leave for college. So it's not ending any time soon.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

The Mt Report: August 2009

Time for another edition of the MT Report, although I really don't have any reason to attribute this one's lateness to.   Who's HOT:   Stemmage: As if the Metroid Metal series wasn't popular enough, Stemmage is currently touring in Washington(how many bands that play video game music get to tour?) and an album by the name of "Varia Suite" is to be released soon. Epicness.   Pre-Order Bonuses: I'm sure I told you enough about the ones that came with MPT, but what about Sgt. Johnson coming free

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Underrated Games Of 2010(so Far)

We're less than halfway into the year, but 2010, in terms of video games, has probably delivered as much as 2009 did all of last year. Games like Bioshock 2, Mass Effect 2, and Dante's Inferno(in no small part to EA hiring people to do fake riots against the game outside their building) have been attracting most of the attention, but I thought it was about time we gave some credit to the lesser known studios and the games that didn't get that much attention. So...here you are. Best underrated ga

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Memorial To Pearl Harbor

Time to remember all the lives lost at Pearl Harbor and the great tragedy that jump started USA's entrance into World War II. Those who died are not forgotten.   Happy Pearl Harbor Day, but don't forget why it's a holiday.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Video Game Update: Seasonal Release Dates Set For Two Big Titles

Both Halo: Reach and Metroid: Other M had seasonal release dates set recently. Some of us were expecting Reach to be released in Fall of 2010, but now it's officially announced. As for the Metroid title, no sure release date is set for it in the USA, but it's seasonal release date is summer of 2010 in Japan, so expect it in other parts of the world in winter of 2010.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.   Remember why it's named Christmas too.   Enjoy the holiday!   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Ok We Haven't Had A Blog Entry In A While...so...

(INSERT BLOG ENTRY HERE)   Oh gosh now I'm becoming like Mesonak.   Anyways I completely forgot about the MT report for this month...which is why it's missing. I guess I'll just continue with March's when April rolls around...   Summer needs to hurry the heck up.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

More Summer Story Info...

Got some more information on the co-authored summer story thingy. First off, it has an official release date: June 7th. Secondly, the character whose eyes the story will be portrayed through the eyes of....(drumroll)   TWO CHARACTERS(dun dun dun...)   Anyways, the choice wasn't easy(is it ever?), as we don't have a central side character like we did in the days of TBTTRAH. That said, there were a couple of characters from there who really hadn't had their personalities developed, and still hav

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Mile High Blog, Day 3

Maybe we should make that the two miles high blog.   Ackar and I set off today with the rest of my family to Georgetown Colorado. (They should've been happy with the one in Maryland) We got on a train and went to a silver mine, which kind of raised my expectations. But I was let down yet again. There was hardly in there, the place had been abandoned (by the miners) a long time ago, and...it was really cold and wet.   At least there weren't any rats. Got some good pictures from the train ride t

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Dse Was Bad

Dead Space Extraction was bad. Reminded me of a really large version of the GFS Valhalla.   Main problem was that it was far too predictable(as for when "scary" things would happen). Maybe that's bc I didn't play it at like 2 in the morning though. I heard that's what you have to do to get the full experience.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

1,000, Here We Come

Looks like it's milestone time again. Aftermath currently has 990 posts in it, meaning that once we get 10 more, we will have reached the 1,000 mark(hooray for 2nd grade math)!   Guess it won't be long until TBTTRAH no longer sits atop the longest comedy in the forum rankings.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

2010 Afl Tournament Bracket Released

And once again it's time for our awesome fighting competition thing to begin again, previously the TBTTRAHFL tournament, now just AFL. Here are the matchups:   North Region: #1 TA vs. #16 Nektann #2 Mr. Matoro vs. #15 Tuma #3 Samzoraz vs. #14 Whenua #4 Kpik vs. #13 Vakama Metru #5 Keetongu vs. #12 Kopaka Nuva08 #6 Gresh vs. #11 Lewa Mata #7 Kopaka vs. #10 Pahrak-Kal #8 Sidoark vs. #9 Nidhiki   East Region: #1 Assassin vs. #16 Skrall #2 Sonu vs. #15 Rahkshi Star #3 Dakama vs. #14 Gah

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Yami's Great Party For All Evil People

Since today is the "day of the dead," (it's also all saints' day but Yami chooses to ignore that one) Yami, the evil dark lord of darkness that is dark is inviting all evil people over to his boat, the Ark of Yamato, to have a "party of death." Who is Yami, exactly?   Yami is the reason that BZP sometimes lags or doesn't work. Yami used to be the ruler of a bunch of evil people who fought with guitars and drums, but then he got kicked out by a white wolf. After bouncing around some video games

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

Ear Problems

Woke up this morning, can't hear anything out of my left ear. Figured I'd tell you all about it since I don't have anything else to write about currently.   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

New Mafian Games

Burnmad has recently posted a new Mafian Game in the G&T Forum. I would really suggest playing in it, especially to Mesonak, since he still can't seem to win a Mafia game(0 for 4) while I am only 0 for 3.   But yeah. Check it out. Needs more players(doesn't every game?)   -MT

MT Zehvor

MT Zehvor

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