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Lately the weather has been really nice out. Upper 30's, lower 40's. All the snow is starting to melt. The only downside to this nice weather is that the sidewalks around the college have all turned into ice. While normally don't have a problem with I don't really like it.   Running has gotten off to a good start too. If it stays nice like this should have no trouble getting ready for track.  

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

The Storm.. Part 2

Well, we didn't get the 2 to 4inches of snow my dad claimed, but for now I'm okay with that.   The wind got pretty wild last night. On of the neighbors had a tree go down, although I don't think it hit anything. There are a bunch a branches down in my yard, ranging from small to a huge on that's in front.   It's still raining/snowing out and the wind is still blowing fairly strong. It was only about 32 out this morning so I had to pull out my winter jacket for the first time this fall. Hop

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Back From The Hike

I'm now back from the Hiking trip I took up to Lake Superior. I took quite a few pictures and I'll post them when I get a full write up created.   For those of you who have never seen Lake Superior you'll enjoy a lot of my pictures.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Good Night

Someone send me a PM tomorrow before I get on and let me know what to expect. Whether it's a back to normal BZPower or some unrecognizable post-apocalyptic landscape. If it's the latter, let me know where a safe haven is.    

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Fall Semester

Summer has come to an end and that can only mean school is starting.   I thought this semester would be easier then the last two semesters, but it's turning out as being almost as packed as last spring. I'm only taking 12 credits this semester but none of those are easy. I'm also working quite a bit. Although really, I'm enjoying stuff a lot more now though, after working 40 hours a week this summer.   Classes for this fall are Thermodynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Intro to Engineering Proc

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Star Trek Voyager

I've finished watching all seven seasons of Star Trek Voyager. I started watching season one probably about a year ago. This is probably my favorite Star Trek series. My favorite character is probably the Doctor. The series finale was okay but that wasn't how I imagined it would end.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Update, Take 2

I had a nice long update typed up earlier this week, but when I tried to submit it my internet went out and it got lost.   I've been pretty and starting on Monday it's only going to get worse.   My Spring Break has pretty much consisted of putting in about 35 hours in at the place where I work. Needless to say, I pretty much haven't had a chance to do anything fun this week.   Monday is the official start of the 2011 High School Track & Field season at least for me. I'm in the best shap

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Back From Vacation

I'm to lazy to do a full write-up so you'll have to settle for a summery.   My vacation was pretty fun. We went swimming everyday and I found 8 geocaches. I also ran in a mile race on the 5th and got third in my age group with a time of 6:07. The Fireworks I went to went for an hour and a half. We ended up leaving after an hour because it was getting late and I had to run in that race the next morning.   When we got home we had started to clean out the car when a squirrel that probably had

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Almost Back

I'm pretty much done unpacking, I have to reclean my room though so that could take a while.   I want to get pictures up, but I just maxed out my basic Flickr account. Now I need to decide if I want to pay $25 to have unlimited use or if I'm going to have find something else.    

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Shorts Season

Well after the long cold winter I think it's about time time to pull out the shorts. No more pants or jeans.   I had track practice today and before it started it was slightly cool outside, about 60 degrees. But everyone at practice was roasting. It was weird though to because neither of the coaches was there. One was at a funeral, the other had conferences.   I hope I don't have to go back to pants.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Bike Maintenance

I spent most of the morning fixing up my bike.   I my bike tire has been flat for the last week or so and I've finally got a new innertube in the back tire. I also rotated the treads because since the 354.89 miles I've biked since June have really wore down the treads on the back. I also did some cleaning since there was still dirt on it from camp and when I got caught in the rain.   It now looks almost new. You won't mistake it for new if you're up close to it, but at a distance you might.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Maybe I'm Back?

After being gone for another 10 months without checking in, I'm finally back again. I guess I'm not getting emails about blog comments, because I had one from January that was still sitting there unapproved. I switched it so everything should auto approve again.   I'm back in school again this semester. The co-op with Bobcat was successful. I had fun, made a little money, and gained a lot of valuable experience. If you are going into an engineering field, I would strongly suggest taking semester

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Back From Another Weekend Of Boy Scout Camp

I attended another weekend of Boy Scout camp over last weekend. It wasn't really camping, per say, since we slept in barracks and we didn't do any cooking, but it was a council run event.   It didn't live up to expectations. It rained all saturday, and none of the other participants were really prepared for the rain, except me. They ended up pulling everyone inside from my program right after lunch. After that we basically had a huge party in the barracks. The SPL for my Jamboree Troop was

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Graduation Planning

First meeting to plan the local homeschool group's graduation ceremony was tonight. It doesn't look like there will two different ceremonies this year. That will make stuff work a lot smoother.   Basically we have nothing done except a couple possible places to hold the ceremony. We also know we don't want to have a band thing like a group two years ago had. Hopefully it will pull together a little more over the next couple of months.  

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Blog Contest

As of right now I'm unsure if I'll enter. If I do my theme woud probably have to do with Piano or Yanni.   I don't know if it's worth it though since I have a couple of contests I want to enter that require me to build some MOCs and as of right now I don't have anything that will work for either contest (although I have a couple concepts that might turning to some none contest MOCs).

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Eagle Board Of Review

I got a letter earlier this week saying my Eagle Board of Review is on October 21st. Ideally I would have liked it to be in September, but I guess there was too much of a backlog of Eagle candidates in my council for that to happen.   It should be exciting, now I just have to get ready for it.  

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

School Records

Now that classes are finished for the semester for me, I have to decide what I want to do with all my notes an stuff. Normally the important hand-outs and the tests would go in a binder and the my notebook/s would end up in a pile on my shelf.   I'm thinking I should scan almost everything in the computer. The only problem I want to be able to read everything that I scan in and that may not happen. It will also probably take a while to do, since I have a lot of stuff. The benefit though is

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

A Musical!

Last night was the opening night for the musical the local homeschool group is doing, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. I'm not doing anything with, but two of my siblings are on the stage crew. It was pretty good although there were a lot of set changes, almost to the point of being too many. This will go down as another great Homeschool Theater production on of all the other great plays they've done in the past.   Next year I'm going to be on the stage crew of what ever play they decide to

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Winter Break Reading List 2010

I currently just finished Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. It was a pretty good book although I didn't really expect the plot twist that came about two thirds of the way through. The ending was rather ambiguous, so I'm not sure if it ended up being happy or sad.   I'm now starting on The Great and Terrible Quest by Margaret Lovett. My mom claims that I read this a long time ago, but I don't remember it. It won't hurt to read it again though.   Next is Infernal Devices by Philip Re

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig


Rained most of today. Luckily it didn't rain as much as the forecasters originally predicted otherwise, the area outside my basement door would have flooded. There was still a huge puddle there, but it didn't get up to the house.   The cross country practice was also better then expected, since the coach didn't make us run in the rain. Hopefully it's all past by this weekend because an all day cross country meet will not be fun in the rain.  

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig


I was working on my comic that I'm going to post in LGD pretty soon and I realized how much my photography of LEGO stuff has improved.   This picture from earlier this week is probably the height of that improvement.   Compare that to a picture from one of my reviews of an Agents Set.   There are also these pictures, which if I had taken them today would have went right into the recycle bin. Looking at them now, I can't believe I uploaded them. Brickshelf Gallery  

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

Track Meet #4

Tonight is going to be the 4th track meet I'm going to be running in this year.   The weather is cold and windy, this probably won't be fun. I had hoped I would be able to set a new PR in the 800M but the weather is making that seem unlikely. I'll post results probably tomorrow because it will probably be late when I get back.

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig


Most of yesterday and today was spent painting the two largest rooms of my house. Actually it would be one room, but the fireplace breaks it in to two rooms. The top of the two rooms is pretty high, over twelve feet. It was pretty interesting crawling around on boards that we had set up, trying paint.   For some odd reason our large (and overfilled) living room looks smaller when there is nothing in it.  

Mysterious Minifig

Mysterious Minifig

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