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Eeko's 81st Night at College

Day 81   Okay, all I have to do is make it through tomorrows Chem exam, and I'll be home free for Thanksgiving.   We had another physics talk today, which was pretty sweet. Someone came in and talked about the Second law of Thermodynamics, and how it shows that the idea of time results from this law. Which is pretty mind-boggling.   But yeah, this has definitely been the most stressful week of school so far.     OH! And I signed up for classes. I'm takin Calc II, Physics II, Intro to Programmin



Assassin's Creed

AAGGH! Why do I only see that the first two games are on sale for 5 bucks after my parents (I don't have a credit/debit card) go to bed! I'll be gone from 6:00 till midday, and I don't know if I can make it back in time!   So... Does anyone wanna be awesome and spring 5 or 10 dollers to buy Eeko one or two AC games?



Finished Scootaloo!

Finally.   I'm thinking next I'll do the griffon from the latest episode.     Any and all critique is greatly appreciated! Here's the original pic, in case you want to compare.



Ortho Robot

Oh my goodness. This game is amazing. Look up Ortho Robot, and download it. It's free and has a Windows, Mac, and Linux version, so no excuses. Seriously, it's like, the greatest puzzle game I've played all year.




I was at my Grandmother's house, and dang can she cook! She has the best Mac 'n Cheese I've ever had!   Oh, and did anyone else see Daughtry during the Raiders vs Cowboys game?     ~Eeko~



Driving (cont.)

Drove around my neighborhood with no major accidents. No minor ones either, except maybe my mom's neck hurting from me braking too hard. All in all though, still a successful venture!     ~Eeko~



How did I not see this

Equestria Girls has the exact same plot as the first half of the second Panty and Stocking episode. Like...exactly.   Complete with high-school 'queen' turning into a winged demon outside the school.



What Eeko Did On His Summer Vacation

[excerpt]As this will be a rather lengthy post, I will attempt to see if the excerpt code still works with the new software. This could get hairy folks, stand back.[/excerpt] EDIT(Apparently it doesn't. *sigh*)   I see you've made the jump successfully.   So, as for what I did this summer, a lot actually. I went to scout camp, where I did some black smithing, knife throwing and black powder shooting. Which was pretty awesome. I went on tour with my choir all the way up to Maine. I started a new




So I was been digging up some of the more classical piano pieces I have lying around my house, when I stumbled across Arabesque No. 1 by Debussy. And it is one of the most beautiful pieces ever put on paper. Plus it has plenty of rythmically intersting pieces to keep the more techinical minded interested.   Anyways, you should totally go look this up and listen to it. It's beautiful.



Is That Really Necessary?

Whie driving through my neighborhood at night, it seems like every single car has their brights on. Why? Do I really need to feel like I'm in a J. J. Abrams movie every time I want to be out at night? No. The answer to the previous question is no. Stop it.



Dark Souls

Hey everyone, Dark Souls is on sale on Steam for six bucks. Go grab one of the greatest games ever made.   (Minor modding required)




No what we should do? We should get everyone on BZP, and make movies of the years that don't have them. We get the artist to draw concept sketches, the modelers to, um, model, and composers, and voice actors... We've got enough people, I bet we could pull it off! Or maybe I'm just delusional 'cause I've had three hours of sleep in the last 36 hours.     ~Eeko~



School's Out For....ever!

*insert sick guitar lick* So yeah, finals are done. I got 100 on my Physics final, which is happy. Haven't gotten back any other grades yet, but I think I did alright.



New Title, And Model

So I spent a good chunk of yesterday working this out. It's not very exciting, but it was very good texturing practice. Barrel



Eeko's 32nd Night at College

Day 32   One month.   *woohoo*     Got together with some people to play Settlers of Catan, which I won.   And I just spent the last 45 minutes watching funny videos with people.   Good times.



Eeko's 17th Night at College

Day 17   Well, I missed breakfast, due to the little sleep I got.   I played more Minecraft for most of the afternoon. We got a totally awesome mountain base, which we cover the outside in water, so it can't easily be blown up. It looks awesome. However, the admins for this server were really abusing their powers. Flying around and killing people on a strict survival server is all kinds of messed up. It was great though, cause the two other guys I was playing with all had pon skins on. I was




Well, I'm about to head out on choir tour, so activity will probably be low until next week.   Later!



Chem 101

1.1 x 10-36 = (X)•(2.0 x 10-9 + 3X)3   First person to answer this knows the pain of chemistry.   This is what Eeko does on a daily basis.     ~ :e:



Moved in

Well, I'm all moved in. First day has been pretty exciting.   Although Steam won't run in anything but Offline Mode here, and I can't seem to connect my Macbook to the wifi.



Can't Decide

Well, Christmas is over, which means I need to change themes. As much as I like Pinkie with portals, it's a little obtrusive for my tastes.   But I can't decide, should I go back to Zelda, or back further to Dr. McNinja?




Whenver I try to log in to Majhost it says login failed. Anyone know how to fix this?     ~ :e:



Well That Was Fast

Well, after playing almost non-stop since 2:00 in the morning, I beat Portal 2.   Soooooo... Who wants to PM me their Steam info to play co-op?



Eeko's 74th Night at College

Day 74   First day of PhysCon!!! *woohoo*   Today we had a bus tour of Kennedy Space Center, and we played in the coolest play area ever.   Later, there was a speaker who talked about a few topics, mostly involving space travel. Seeing as he's been on five Hubble repair missions, he seemed pretty qualified.     I can't wait for tomorrow, it's really cool being surrounded by all these physics students.



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