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All For Forty Dollars!

No, I'm not selling this. I picked this lot up last week from a post on Craigslist, a good place to look for great deals on Bionicle, and I got it for $40.   I also got a Hau and Hau Nuva, a Pakari and Pakari Nuva, a Kaukau Nuva, a Akaku Nuva, a Miru, several Krana and two Kraata. There were also a few Lego pieces and two one-gallon bags worth of K'NEX.



Ah, Well...

I was hoping I might place, but it seems Lego has made up their minds on the winners of BBC #53. However, I still hardily congratulate the winners! You three well earned those prizes.




I will be gone from today until Sunday afternoon, so if you need anyhting from me, please PM me and I'll get it done as soon as I can.



15-minute Multi-man Brawl Beaten!

Even though this was my first day at attempting the daunting 15-minute Multi-man Brawl on SSBB, I slayed the beast on my fifth try. I first attempted it with Captain Falcon, but I accedentally executed a Falcon-kick off the stage instead of a Raptor Boost. Next was Sonic, which I was hoping would be fast enough to evade, however that was not the case and he was kicked off the screen. The third try was with Marth, but a Bomb-omb blew up in his face. That gets annoying after a while... On the four



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