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That Eternal Question

Just for a change, I thought I might do something nice for someone. Effectively, I'm doing something I really should've done some time ago: I am explaining why my younger brother, Lai: Toa of Shadows, is not a kit thief.   First, some background. Lai joined BZPower in mid-2006. Like me, he then got into the comic-making business, but due to his unparalleled laziness, he soon gave up and let his works slide. Two years later, he decided to start comic making again, this time taking leaves out

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii


Lovely stuff. Conveniently, it's one of the few things I can actually cook.

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii


Its website is horrible and useless. Seriously, they should have enough of a budget for it to not fail so much. ><

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii

Pool's Closed.

Hey look, ten seven minutes to go.     :)     Blaah, third in a preliminary for the third time running. Am I cursed or something?

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii


For the first time in years, I tried my hand at Kingdom Hearts.   Several hours later, I've taken down that Agrabah optional boss and Ansem, two things I couldn't do years ago. Which is weird, since having not played the darn game in ages, I literally had no idea what I was doing for a time. The 100 Acre Wood still makes no sense, though.   Darnit, now I want the sequel.

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii

Hey Look

It's a trap poll!   Yeah, vote #8, yadda yadda yadda. I'm not really going to force it down anyone's throats this time.

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii


My computer is being of suck. It REFUSES to load my account properly. As such, I had to waste twenty minutes trying to load a temporary one so I could friggin well get here, then realised that some fiddling I did earlier to stop Lai prying into my files prevented Firefox working for some obscure reason, then spent more time fixing THAT. >< >< ><   So, yeah, expect epic activity plunges and such while I try to figure out what the heck my computer is trying to pull.   (YES I

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii


Why, LEGO, WHYYY did you have to wait until around when I'll be turning seventeen to come up with Toy Story sets? WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?   MAN, that makes me feel old. yeah I'm a bit inactive again yadda yadda yadda get used to it

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii

Concerning A Certain Fair Of Toys

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Darnit LEGO, just when you'd nearly lost me, you go all awesome and drag me back in! I seriously doubt I'll have the money for most of the new Bionicle stuff, all the Power Miners stuff, and one or two of the Star Wars things!  As I just raved about, the new Glatorian are a significant improvement over the old ones. Gelu (?) lacks Strakk's crazy colours, which is good. The Admiral is like Malum, except far better, and he's MATA-RED, which is

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii

Concerning Power Miners

WANT. ALL OF IT.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Also, those new Rock Monsters for summer sets look very nice, and (thankfully) more like the old Rock Raiders counterparts.

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii


Grah, why can't everything be as linear and sensical as Majhost? D=   On the other hand, it's pretty and it takes videos. =D

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii

Let's Go Shooping

O o /¯/_____________________________________ |==================================== \_\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯   Discuss.

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii

Hey Wait

I swear the list of staff assigned to the BBC forum is longer than it was a few days ago, but I have no idea why...

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii

The Fires

Absolutely devastating. Heck, over 100 people have died already, and... Hmm, maybe I should pay more attention to the news; I don't recall the other details. It's horrific, though.   also this

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii


My parents just bought a mobile for my use at school. I suppose there is a downside to this year, since I like not having a phone with me.

Turaga Dlakii

Turaga Dlakii

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