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Breaking Down Racial Barriers, One Comic At A Time.

Holy cow, almost a month without an update? That can't be right.   It is right. What the heck were we even doing??   Well, sadly there was some unfortunate occurrences (and some fortunate ones. I scored an internship with a local design firm!) that involved the sort of sad things that happen to friends sometimes. As a general reminder, always remember that you are loved. Yes, you. Everyone has friends and family, someone who cares about them and it may not even be the ones you suspect - sometime



Senior Show And Sickness

Just as an FYI to all my loyal and loving fans, who I'm sure number in the hundreds if not thousands, the slow down you are seeing right now on BZPStuck is absolutely temporary; you see, this last two weeks has been a period where I'm completely focused on finishing the final senior show for my college. It's the culmination of four years of work, and as you can imagine, it ain't easy. Smeag has likewise been pretty busy, but he has also had to deal with some pretty nasty sickness which only comp




Whew, just under the wire on that update! Still, despite preperation for graduation, work overtime, and sleepless nights on both Smeag and I's part, we're keeping to a somewhat regular schedule and for that I'm glad. Here in the upcoming week and a half we're going to be debuting yet another flash, and then soon after that, our third (and maybe fourth?) character! I know you're excited, because this means we'll have hit the halfway mark and it's where stuff really starts to get out of hand. So s



Holy ####

Wow, Smeag sure has made a splash on the scene with his entry into BZPStuck! As the first of many characters to come let's welcome him and secretly hope he stops making so many jokes about musicians I don't know so I don't feel so left out!   Just kidding, the more obscure the better. He wouldn't have it any other way. We'll probably be seeing one or two more new characters before we get back to Ray in any serious fashion, but once we do you better believe stuff is going to be kicked into high g




Holy cow, it's finally done. That definitely went like three days over what I planned for it, but man it feels good to be able to see the finished product. If you guys haven't seen it, please go check out the comic thread to see the capstone for my beginning arc. Now we get to the fun part, where our next character makes an appearance and we start really exploring the dynamics between characters. Stay tuned folks - we're just getting started.



New Banner

Seriously I did NOT think people would care this much about it!   Sorry about the black pixel! I'd fix it but bossman six is the only one with the ability to reupload the forum skin images.



Bzpstuck Week 1 Complete! Ending On A High Note.

So there we go, our first week was a rousing success I would like to think. Either the critics are being silent or everyone is enjoying it, which is a good thing. Hopefully as this continues more of BZP will be getting involved and we can bring some life back to GD and the forums in general.   Anyway, although it's not the most technically impressive thing our first real flash also got posted, with some major props to Ryan Bratton, a non-BZP friend of a friend who provided the customized sweet t



Clang! Clang! Clang!

Alright folks, Week Two of BZPSTUCK is off and running after a brief respite. From here on out you should probably expect that Sunday/Monday is a no-update-zone, and probably Wednesdays. That still leaves Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for us to play though, not to mention the fact that once we get the other staff members more involved we should see a large influx in update content. I'm lifting some heavy weight here at the beginning but once I get the thing up the others can come in an



So Seriously What Do You Think.

Now that we've started up BZPStuck, I'm working pretty excitedly on making some cool content for you guys, but I wonder, what do you guys really think so far? Like, what do you want or hope will happen with this and what do you want to see? Also, what is it you would really hate seeing? Let me know.



Oops A Day Late

Sorry Guys I'm a day late on that FORUM RULES DEMOLITION     Is that a comic AND a game posted in GD? HECK YEAH IT IS. What ya gonna do, PUNK?



I Wish People Feared Me Too :(

Man, apparantly people despise/hate the staff but I don't think I ever even get an honorable mention when it comes to enforcing my will without any regard for the rules, obtusely breaking them even as I enforce them upon others.   Maybe I can fix this soon. Would you guys promise to be afraid then?




So I'm supposed to be designing a t-shirt right now but you better believe I'm chatting it up with some girl who gave me her number today instead.   Rayg be pimpin all around this here blog yo!



Let's Face It.

I still won the crazy photo contest this year, but I can't lie and say this isn't a pretty solid second.



This Is To S.

Hey, this is just a quick shout out to one of the coolest people at Brickfair. He's not really a member here, but people who went know who he is. He's the guy who originally got me to come to Brickfair back in 2006 and for that I owe him a million thanks because it has since turned out to be a defining point in my life, really he is one of my best friends and the things he's done for me and our group are too innumerable to count. It's true, not everyone gets along with him and he can come off as



Brickfair Summary For Reals

Alright, so I'll just give this a good old ramble:   Brickfair started with Pat coming over to my house, because we had elected to take the bus together this year. Pat, for those not in the know, is our own Darth Vader, and is incredibly awesome in real life. I know you guys like hating on him for his reviews, but hey, somebody has to tell the truth. So anyway we hung out and went to see Inception because he had not yet seen it.   Okay quick Inception break: This movie is just one great film.



Alright, One More Time.

Hanging out with some of my awesome friends at Brickfair convinced me that maybe there was more to this blogging thing than I had first believed. So now that I'm back from there I need some good suggestions on blogs to check out. Savvy?



Designing A Life.

Background: I'm a Design Student at the University of Central Oklahoma. A good one. There can't be modesty in that kind of industry; selling yourself is half the battle.   That's what I'd like to talk about. I've got a future post detailing exactly how you can take good design and turn it into great design. It's about knowing why you do what you do, and being able to explain it coherently. Selling yourself.   The Industry of Design is different from art; it's not about expressing yourself, it



Alright Kids

I'm broken. Let's try this.     I am an adult. This is going to be the blog of an adult. Fair warning. I can, and I will talk about staying up all night at friend's apartments just to talk about life and politics and religion and saving our cash one dollar at a time to make a career for ourselves. It happens. You'll all get there sometime, and the adventure is going to be incredibly unique and mind-numbingly dull at the same time. Just do me a favor, and try to figure things out for yourselves




In the latest update, things have been set up for a a duel of EPIC PROPORTION, and the best part is - I'm relying ENTIRELY on you all to tell Ray what to do! This fight is totally unscripted and whatever happens is going to be on you guys, so if you think it'd be fun to tell the character to bonk a Bohrok on the head with a penguin, now is your chance!



Snap Out Of It!

Well, that's our third week! I wouldn't expect more content for a little while yet - the next update is going to be a super sweet flash if it works out like I think it will. After that, expect a protagonist shift (Maybe) as we go deeper into this little story.   Fun Fact: In the official page count, the panel of Ray licking his lips slowly is the 100th page. It is also the most deeply satisfying .gif I've ever made.   I hope some of the stuff you've seen this week has helped show how we're goin



In case you missed it:

Our latest update, two days before the one year anniversary of BZPStuck, is a minute and a half long flash animation with special guest music from member Reznas!   Stay tuned, we've got more cool stuff coming up very soon.



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