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The most important thing you could ever do on BZP.

We're trying a new thing in BZPStuck: Voting! While commands are still a great way to drive the story forward, now you have a more direct method to tell us what to do. Our first poll is a relatively simple plot point - what sort of weapon Hannah will be wielding, but as we go on you're going to see more and more interesting choices (What should brian do, burn down his house or eat all his vegetables??). Of course, those will only happen if I see this getting a good turnout, so do yourself a favo



Woops, Late

Ufortunately when you're running a project with a lot of people involved it can get hard to make sure everyone's around when you need them, and it looks like these little delays are probably going to be more common as people live their lives since for SOME reason nobody can dedicate 24/7 to this little forum comic we've started. Our next character should be up tonight, and apologies for the extended wait. I've posted a inbetween update to sate what little appetite there may be at this point, and




I'm sorry guys. This system isn't working quite as well as I hoped. Unfortunately Smeag's been super busy and since the narrative as is depends on his input we haven't been succesful at keeping the update schedule. We're working on a new way to do this, with my initial thoughts being that I probably just need to be relied upon for all the artwork so that it moves faster with the rest of the participants providing the text only so there is less onous on them to produce content. I hope and willl t



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