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Caution Tape

Worked on my map a bit today. -Fixed some incorrectly placed props (levitating wheels =O) -Connected some places where there were gaps -Removed some paint overlays and added a solid color -Placed the "caution" strip around the middle point to represent a capture zone   The final two you can see in this picture.   |-|\/|



Mass Effect 3... Begins!

I'm 3 missions in so far and loving every moment of it. The gameplay is just so amazing. DAT IMPROVED COVER SYSTEM. And the RPG aspects are great as well. Not as tedious as ME and more robust than ME2.   Also the set pieces are EPIC, pardon the cliche. Running around planets while fighters zoom by overhead, bombarding Reapers walking across the surface. Truly awe-inspiring.   The OCD in me is worried that I may not do everything possible; the new REAPERS ARE INVADING SYSTEMS IN REAL TIME feature



Skyrim Adventure, Part 4: In Which I Become A Zombie Slayer

On my way back to Whiterun I found a cave full of bandits. Killed 'em all, easy-peasy. I returned to Whiterun and bought the firebolt spell (THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR) and set out with a Companion in search of a piece of sword. We arrived to find the area full of ZOMBIES. After fighting our way through, I get myself trapped in a room, and my pal is surrounded by Silver Hand. I expected him to get killed, and finding myself being blamed for it when I returned. Nope. Instead he goes all W




Today is the last day that the Halloween update will be active in Team Fortress 2. I spent the last one and a half hours trying to get the last Halloween achievement I needed before it wasn't available anymore.   And I was successful! =D   |-|\/|



1 Week Til My Birthday

OH MAN IM GONNA BE 18 I DONT WANT TO BE AN ADULT HELP MEEEEEEEEE     well actually I feel indifferent       EDIT: oh yeah forgot to mention gonna be making a SPECIAL LIMITED COLLECTOR'S EDITION NAME CHANGE on my bday



Like Reuniting With An Old Friend

be warned i am not feeling like using shift anyways,   back in the day, i would frequently spend time at my neighbor's house playing xbox. one of my favorite games was star wars battlefront ii. i loved it so much i bought it on pc. i was heartbroken when i find out its a dvd-rom and my pc only has a cd drive. fast forward several years to yesterday. i'm sitting around bored, tired of all my other games. i look to my right and see battlefront ii, just sitting there and think 'well i have nothing




Was better than I had hoped. I have at least one friend in every class.   My schedule is the same as the preliminary one I got during the summer.   Somebody stole all the Calculus books! =O   2 of my best friends are in my lunch, BUT one hates the other. So idk what I should do.:/   There's also a kid in my Computer Programming class who looks like he wants to kill everyone. And no, I am not exaggerating. He is SCARY.   Also, homework on the first day woooooo! I got it done in class, though.  



Skyrim Adventure, Part 25: In Which I Become A Bird

Karliah and I went to the Thieves hideout and proved Mercer's treachery. They opened the vault to find he had taken everything, including plans for the greatest heist of all time ever! I was tasked with breaking into Mercer's house to find out where he's gone. I fought through his guards and found a "Suspicious Cabinet." Gee, that's not telling at all. It had a false back that led underground. The path was lined with traps. I found proof that Mercer was going to try and pull off the greatest hei



Skyrim Adventure, Part 6: In Which I Become A Ghostbuster

I returned to Ivarstead and decided to investigate the haunted house. After some fun with levers, I managed to open the gate and set out into the depths of the Barrow. I found myself in front of a door requiring another Claw, so I turned back and took another path. I entered the room with the so-called ghost and killed him. STAY DEAD THIS TIME, EVIL SPIRIT I returned to the Inn to tell Wilhelm of the "ghost's" death, and he gave me the claw I needed to open the puzzle door. So I trekked back and



I Can Control The Weather?

I added rain to my map.   Too bad it's barely noticeable. T_T And I still can't figure out what's up with the checkerboard rocks.   |-|\/|



Skyrim Adventure, Part 7: In Which I Am The Law

I found the Redgaurd women. She pulled a knife on me. Not many poeple pull a knife on me and live, but I remained calm, and let her talk. She told me that the Alik'r after her are assassins. I agreed to kill them. I returned to the cave from Part 4, the bandits had respawned. They were weaker than I remember; or rather, I'm stronger. I made it to the final room without any problems and spoke to the Alik'r leader. He told me she was wanted for treason. I didn't know who to believe, but I told him



No School Today

So I didn't have school today. I did my English homework, then played Borderlands () for 4 to 5 hours, and I have yet to start my essay I need to write. And the L4D2 demo was just released like half an hour ago. ;   ALSO My free copy of Windows 7 shipped today. So much for December. But I'm not complaining.     EDIT: Finished my essay. Also played the L4D2 memo(loltypo) demo. It was cool, though I still don't think it's worth 50 bucks. Also Them Crooked Vultures released a song for free. (in



Curse You, College

So, I'm writing a college application essay for English class. And failing miserably. I suck at writing about myself.   Oh yeah. The college is the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I'd like to go for Game Art and Design.   |-|\/|



Skyrim Adventure, Part 16: In Which I Play Portal

I set out for Morvunskar in search of Sam, the man I got drunk with. After some uneventful journeying, I arrived to find the place being besieged by a dragon. I took this opportunity to pick off the mages, who were distracted by the dragon. The dragon flew off during the skirmish, but I managed to beat the remaining enemies without any trouble. Inside, I get to a large chamber and find myself not so fortunate. After many unsuccessful attempts to beat the 5 or so mages in the room, I decided to t



I. Am. Birdman!

Sooo, I really couldn't find any reason to continue with Roland in Borderlands now that he's 50. I'll go back to him when the DLC is released. So today I started a playthrough with Mordecai. He has so many cool skills, it's gonna be hard to choose which ones to take.     ALSO, I played some L4D2, and got the Guardin' Gnome achievement.   |-|\/|



Just Cause 2

Is anyone else looking forward to this game? I've played the demo for at least 5 hours so far; I love it. The grappling hook is just so cool. It really adds a unique twist to what would otherwise be a generic shooter. I grappled two guys on motorcycles to each other. Which made them be pulled off their bikes and into each other, while their bikes kept going.   obligatory pretty screenshot



Skyrim Adventure, Part 8: In Which I Search For The Magic Conch

I fast-traveled to the nearest location I had discovered, which was the dungeon I went to with Werewolf man in Part 4. I set out through a snowy valley between two mountains and met my arch enemy, the Frost Troll. Bar Dragons and Hagravens, they are the toughest enemy I've encountered. I died on my first attempt to defeat it, killed it on the second. I continued onward and found Labyrinthian. It looked like there was something under the ground, but I didn't bother trying to figure out how to get



Name Change Tomorrow

Are you excited? I KNOW I AM.   I've got everything ready to go: avatar, banner, font color, and blog header.   I've also already decided upon my March name, and even have the av, banner, and font ready to go. I probably won't be changing my blog though, because I like what I have planned.



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