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Skyrim Adventure, Part 17: In Which I Am The Law, Again: Drug Bust Edition

I decided to head to Riften. On the way there, I fought a Blood Dragon. Supposedly dragons are pretty easy to beat once you're a high enough level; well, I'm not there yet, and this dragon took a few lives to beat. I saw a Standing Stone on my compass and decided to pay it a visit. There was a conjurer there who attacked me, but I was victorious. I made it to Riften's south gate (I had looped around from the west) and was told this gate was closed to travelers; no reason was given. I went for a



Because That's What Metal Does.

Since I know everyone enjoys these so much:   (5:26:33 PM) Me: OMG (5:26:40 PM) Josh: ? (5:26:56 PM) Me: our english teacher will let us listen to music when we work in class (5:27:04 PM) Me: but i have no music player ;_; (5:27:19 PM) Me: *imagines listening to TBDM while writing an essay* (5:27:27 PM) Me: That would be awesome. (5:28:16 PM) Josh: lol (5:28:33 PM) Josh: you'd start randomly swearing and having breakdowns in your essays (5:29:15 PM) Me: In conclusion, that is why I think DUDUDUD




Today must be Soldier's favorite day: "One, one, one, uh... one!"     This 2011 thing is gonna take some getting used to.



Deja Vu

Last year I made this entry:     Even though at the start of October I thought of it, I forgot again this year WHOOPS; Gata reminded me. Time to go find out what my new spinny is.   edit: IT'S THE IGNIKA I WANNA STAY SEVEN YEARS OLD FOREVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR



Another Delayed Game :|

Crysis 2, which was supposed to be released this fall, has been pushed back to Q1 2011.   in other news i've been enjoying starcraft ii. still haven't touched multiplayer yet though



I Dun Wanna Go

Today (it's midnight where I am), I have to go to my cousin's daughter's baptizing. I don't especially want to get up early and go. But I have to. :/ *sigh*   |-|\/|



Skyrim Adventure, Part 34: In Which I Carry Out My Lifelong Dream Of Becoming A Chef

I returned to the Sanctuary for the next part of Operation: Kill the King. I was to kill the Emperor's chef and take his place. Before doing so, I returned the heartscales to the College mage and got some Alteration spells. I arrived in Markarth and entered the Keep. I talked to the Jarl's chef and persuaded him to tell me the identity of "The Gourmet," the Emperor's chef. Then I killed him. NO WITNESSES I found the Gourmet standing on a dock outside an inn. I killed him and dropped his body in



A Freakin' Octopus! O:

Just got a sweet new shirt as well as the deluxe CD/DVD version of With Roots Above and Branches Below.  



Steam's Give And Get Sale

so I bought Alpha Protocol I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT to any shooter/RPG fans. It's a little glitchy, but so far, really awesome.   I also got Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War after a chat with Takuma. I haven't played either yet, though they're supposed to be great.   And now I only have $11 dollars remaining. I'm hoping for Star Wars Republic Commando, Lego Star Wars, and/or Lego Batman to go on sale yet, because those are the only games I want that I can afford.



No Progress, New Picture

There's nothing new with my map, but today I was in GMod. I loaded my map, and took a picture from the air of the map. I think it look's really cool, and it shows off the map quite well.   Here it is.   Isn't it puuuurty?   |-|\/|



Gaming Update

whoops, haven't updated this in awhile   Shoot Many Robots has been put on the back burner because partway through the game, levels repeat (albeit with tougher enemies) which starts to get boring. I played and beat The Darkness II, as well as New Game +, as well as the Vendettas campaign; it was incredibly fun and incredibly violent, and a refreshing change of pace from all the serious and realistic shooters out there. I highly recommend it, but due to its short campaign (~5 hours), you should w



Music Obsessions

I've noticed that I've gone through a bunch of phases where I obsessed over one band. Some bands include: Foo Fighters Senses Fail Metallica Ryashon My Chemical Romance Seether {not in that order} And currently it's The Black Dahlia Murder. Though it's starting to gradually decrease. I wonder what band will be next...   |-|\/|




WHATCHU WANT?         SEE YOU LATER. <3 Crazy Earl lol |-|\/|




Is pro.   Sonu is pro like Oreo.   |-|\/|



New Avatar

It's awesome. I made a sketch of it last school year, and I just spent an hour scanning, coloring, and making it look nice. The original (full size) version looks cooler than the shrunken BZP version. And I still have the original size version.   |-|\/|



Skyrim Adventure, Part 12: In Which I Go Hunting For Witches

I've added a new entry tag for these entries, no sense in clogging up my Video Game tag with all these entries   Remember how I kept saying I was gonna go search for the Sybil? And stuff kept coming up? IT KEEPS HAPPENING. I stopped by the Talos Shrine, a man had said he had information about the murder. Turns out he was dead, killed by guards who are on the Forsworn's payroll. I agreed to go to jail, in order to have a chat with the leader. After a bit of mining and doing some favors for the pr



Left 4 Dead 2 Tomorrow!

I'm so excited! But I'm worried that it'll end up being like the original: blah. I really hope it doesn't, but there just doesn't seem to be enough new stuff to make the game a lot better... I guess I'll find out tomorrow, won't I?   I kinda don't want to go to school so I can play. Then again, I never want to go to school anymore. :/   I feel as though there should some concluding sentence here but I can't think of one. Oh well.   |-|\/|



Even More Progress!

Earlier today, I made an entry about the progress of my Graduation Project. Well I worked a little more, and most of the mapping is done. As you can see in this picture, all 5 spires containing the control points are done. I also added the bridges connecting the spires, as well as some stuff to the middle point (which can be seen in the picture).   Let's see, what do I have to do yet... -Make the control points. So far all that's there is the model, I need to add the "programming" bits for it to



Skyrim Adventure, Part 13: In Which I Disrespect Nature

alternative title: In Which I Rescue the Princess   As I said last entry, I stopped by Whiterun. While there I picked up a new spell book: Fireball (any previous mentions of Fireball were actually Firebolt, sorry for any confusion). HOLY MOLY EXPLOSIVE FIREBALLS THIS IS AWESOME I returned to the location closest to my search for the Sybil and continued on my way. I wasn't sidetracked any more; upon arriving there was some sort of argument between the villagers and Silver-Bloods. After the Silver



Skyrim Adventure, Part 21: In Which I Fight Spiritual Gelatin

I talked to Farkas, who asked me to clear out a Forsworn camp. And by “camp,” I mean one guy living in a tent. When I returned Farkas told me he no longer wanted to be a Werewolf. We traveled back to Ysgramor's Tomb, fought his wolf spirit, and left. I returned to Whiterun and talked to Vilkas; he, too, wanted to be cleansed. I did a repeat of before, then returned to Aela. She located the last Totem. On our way there, we came across some bears. They're even easier than before. Gotta love when e



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