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Gaming Update

whoops, haven't updated this in awhile   Shoot Many Robots has been put on the back burner because partway through the game, levels repeat (albeit with tougher enemies) which starts to get boring. I played and beat The Darkness II, as well as New Game +, as well as the Vendettas campaign; it was incredibly fun and incredibly violent, and a refreshing change of pace from all the serious and realistic shooters out there. I highly recommend it, but due to its short campaign (~5 hours), you should w



War! Huh! Hah! What Is It Good For?

Saving the world, apparently.   I beat Darksiders today. It was excellent. Well, except for the Portal-part, because that dungeon was headache-inducing at times (or maybe I was just playing for too long...) I didn't collect everything because I didn't have the patience for it, but maybe one day I'll try to find the rest of the Abyssal Armor set.   The next game from the backlog is Shoot Many Robots, which I actually started already before writing this (shame on me!). So far it's really fun. I lo



I Saved The Pumpkins

I beat Trine 2 today. It's one of the most beautiful games I've played, for sure. The art direction is great and the lighting is just spectacular. The gameplay was a little disappointing; there were too many similar puzzles and combat still only consisted of mashing mouse 1. The biggest disappointment though was the length: a measly 5 and a half hours. Regardless, it's the type of game that makes you want to play through it again eventually.   Next up is Darksiders, which I will be starting shor



I Am The Milkman. My Milk Is Delicious.

I just beat Psychonauts. It was a great game, save for a few poor design choices. The writing was top notch. I didn't 100% it, and the completionist in me wants to go back collecting everything, though I doubt I'd be able to do it all without a guide (unless I want to go insane). I'm gonna hold off on that though, since I'm already kind of burnt out from it.   I have plenty of games in my backlog to keep me busy: The Darkness II Darksiders Fallout The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Recettear: An



A Spider And A Snake

Today my Razer Black Widow Ultimate Stealth Edition arrived. It gets along well with my Naga.   I can't wait to put it through it's paces.



The End Of The Cycle

I beat Mass Effect 3.   Wow.   That was incredible. I don't think anything else coming out this year will be able to top it.




I got my permit today. NOW I CAN CRASH CARS IN REAL LIFE



Mass Effect 3... Begins!

I'm 3 missions in so far and loving every moment of it. The gameplay is just so amazing. DAT IMPROVED COVER SYSTEM. And the RPG aspects are great as well. Not as tedious as ME and more robust than ME2.   Also the set pieces are EPIC, pardon the cliche. Running around planets while fighters zoom by overhead, bombarding Reapers walking across the surface. Truly awe-inspiring.   The OCD in me is worried that I may not do everything possible; the new REAPERS ARE INVADING SYSTEMS IN REAL TIME feature



Go Away Other Games, I Want To Play Mass Effect

I'm still making my way through ME2 again as I prepare for ME3... and the wait is killing me. I'm devoting all my free time to it while Icarus Effect sits unread and the Marble Hornets Season 2 DVD sits unwatched. (btw Season 3 starts tomorrow)   Meanwhile in game land, I recently purchased Psychonauts because it's on sale for some reason. Also, today, I got invited to the CSGO beta. (anyone want an invite?)   And of course I'm working now.   TOO MUCH STUFF IS HAPPENING ALL AT ONCE NOW THAT I HA



Skyrim Adventure, Part 43: In Which I Kill The Minotaur

During my adventured I met a woman living high up in the mountains all alone. Apparently she was exiled or ran away or something. She taught me a thing or two about archery. And by that I mean I shot at some targets for her and my Archery skill magically increased. I decided to look up the locations of remaining Words of Power, as exploring... well, I think I've found most locations. Exploring consists of walking around aimlessly for 20 minutes only to find a cave with one room and two enemies i



Literary Adventure

I went and saw Phantom Menace in 3D with my friend Josh today Afterwards we stopped in Barnes and Noble so he could get someone a birthday gift. While there, I decided to look for Icarus Effect, a novel about some characters from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I was pretty indifferent about it; I mean, sure, I'd like to read it, but I wasn't going out of my way to do so. I figured if I saw it right in front of me, that would be incentive enough to buy it. After searching through the Sci-fi section,



It's Raining Money! Money Money Money! (And Also Metallica)

>wear Metallica t-shirt to work >say hello to the supervisor >"You're into Metallica?" >"Yeah." >"Sweet, I used to be really into them when I was younger."   I would've never guessed him for being a Metallica fan, even when he was younger. Then again, I guess I don't seem like a Metallica fan either.   keeping with my theme of Killing Floor quotes for money-related entries Also I got paid today and got 308 dollars. B) (apparently I got a 50 cent raise and no one told me???)



Skyrim Adventure, Part 42: In Which I Conquer Skyrim In A Day

I was tired of aimless wandering so I looked up what Daedric quests I had yet to do. I headed to an Orc stronghold southwest of Riften. The tribe had been cursed by Malacath. He tasked the tribe's leader with killing some giants near his shrine. The chief basically commanded me to come with. Whatever. We (and by we, I mean me) killed a couple giants in the cave and came upon the final boss giant at Malacath's shrine. The chief said he was too tired to fight and that he'd pay me for killing this



Skyrim Adventure, Part 41: In Which The Third Time's The Charm

On my adventures I came across a ghostly headless horseman. I was surprised and decided to follow him. He just made it to some tomb and disappeared. There were some skeletons but nothing of interest. Later I found a man who needed help returning to camp. We took a short walk to a camp full of people. Then he revealed he was a bandit leader and they all attacked me. And thy all died. I came upon a fort filled with bandits. I cleared it out no problem. When I exited I found a man who wanted me to



Skyrim Adventure, Part 40: In Which I'm A Lady Killer

I kept on exploring and entered a fort. Once inside I saw a witch kill another witch. Apparently she was a member of the cult but didn't like the way things were going. Also her mom was about to become a Hagraven. She asked me to help her kill her mom. We fought through the other witches until we reached the tippy-top. I pretended to be a sacrifice, which allowed her to strike while her mom prepared me for the ritual. She thanked me for the help and I went on my way. During my travels I witnesse



Skyrim Adventure, Part 39: In Which I Storm A Castle To Save A Princess

I ultimately decided to keep on explorin'. I fast traveled to a random location and began walking. I saw a dragon roost nearby and headed toward it. I found myself fighting not only a dragon, but a Dragon Priest as well. I focused on the Priest as the Frost Dragon flew above. Once he was disposed of, I took the mask and killed the dragon. The Wall contained ALL THREE words of Throw Voice. I traveled somewhere else and found a nearby mine. A man outside warned me that they had accidentally broken



Skyrim Adventure, Part 38: In Which I Am The Champion, My Friend

Misc quests woo. AND NOTHING OF INTEREST HAPPENED So I set out to do some adventuring. I just fast traveled to a location and walked in one direction. Eventually I came upon a small house with a Hagraven named Moira. I thought it sounded familiar so I looked it up; she's the woman I “married” during my drunken adventures with Sam/Sanguine. (excpet I didn't experience it because the quest is bugged) I went to a dragon place roost and killed the dragon there. For some reason it didn't relinquish i



Skyrim Adventure, Part 37: In Which I Greatly Expand My Vocabulary

I kept doing more misc quests, intent to clear the list out. (Except one is bugged and will always be there D:<) My adventures brought me to another cave filled with a forest. These caves are always so beautiful. I also found the Serpent Stone... but I already have the achievement for finding all 13 Stones. I guess achievements can't count. I did all the quests I had except picking a side in the war, so I decided to head to the only town I hadn't been to yet: Falkreath. I enter and learn that



Skyrim Adventure, Part 36: In Which I Unleash An Ancient Evil

I continued working on my misc quests. I set out on a bounty for a dragon. I killed it and learned the second word of Dismay from the Wall. Next I headed into a dungeon and was greeted by a ghost. He told me he was containing a powerful evil, but was growing weak. I said I'd help eliminate it once and for all, and went deeper into the complex, searching for the keys to unleash it. The keys ended up being bottles of blood. We opened up the crypt; the evil was another Dragon Priest. I killed him a



Skyrim Adventure, Part 35: In Which Everyone Can Teleport Except Me

I was out of quests and decided to visit the Greybeards for another Word of Power. I arrived, fought a Dragon, learned the second word of Frost Breath, and left. I went to Whiterun because I had a token for a future reading I got during the Brotherhood quest line. The psychic tells me about a dead Brotherhood member who's treasure is left for me or something. He was in ruins populated by Forsworn. There was also a Hagraven, she kept teleporting away, further into the dungeon, when I tried to kil



Skyrim Adventure, Part 34: In Which I Carry Out My Lifelong Dream Of Becoming A Chef

I returned to the Sanctuary for the next part of Operation: Kill the King. I was to kill the Emperor's chef and take his place. Before doing so, I returned the heartscales to the College mage and got some Alteration spells. I arrived in Markarth and entered the Keep. I talked to the Jarl's chef and persuaded him to tell me the identity of "The Gourmet," the Emperor's chef. Then I killed him. NO WITNESSES I found the Gourmet standing on a dock outside an inn. I killed him and dropped his body in



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