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Skyrim Adventure, Part 26: In Which I Escape The Labyrinth

The librarian informed me that the book we need happened to be stolen when a student left to join a cult. I headed to their hangout. Inside I fought my way through mages. Guess their member count is taking quite a dive this time of year hehehe. I made it to the final chamber where the leader, The Caller (what a lame name), was hanging out with the books. I persuaded her to let me take them and be on my way instead of fighting. I grabbed the books, then killed her anyway. WHOOPS When I arrived ba



Bioshock 0_0

It was $5 yesterday; I got it.   but WAT   girls with creepy eel things robots with drills robots with big guns and bombs double-hooked pirate spiders GHOSTS!   zomg i don't know what to think But it's cool. Except when I couldn't find a Little Sister at one part. There goes all that ADAM. ;_;   |-|\/|



A New Year

Don't you just love when a new year rolls around, and it takes you days weeks to be able to write the correct year without having to think about it? It's like the year doesn't actually end until February.   Anyway, I feel like I should do something for the new year, like a change is in order... but what? I can't change my name (nor do I want to), I like my current avatar, same for my signature... I could always change my blog, but I rarely use it nowadays so that would be pointless, plus I don't



Skyrim Adventure, Part 39: In Which I Storm A Castle To Save A Princess

I ultimately decided to keep on explorin'. I fast traveled to a random location and began walking. I saw a dragon roost nearby and headed toward it. I found myself fighting not only a dragon, but a Dragon Priest as well. I focused on the Priest as the Frost Dragon flew above. Once he was disposed of, I took the mask and killed the dragon. The Wall contained ALL THREE words of Throw Voice. I traveled somewhere else and found a nearby mine. A man outside warned me that they had accidentally broken



2000 Post Special?

I'm only 3 posts away from the big 2-triple-0, and I really don't feel like doing anything special, mostly because I'm lazy. But I just don't want to make some normal post, as this is an IMPORTANT MILESTONE (except not really). Hmm... I'll have to come up with something.



Get-Broke Friday

Bought the PS3 bundle, a bunch of PS3 games, a second PS3 controller, a few more 360 games I wanted, and a 32 inch TV.   heh



I Am The Milkman. My Milk Is Delicious.

I just beat Psychonauts. It was a great game, save for a few poor design choices. The writing was top notch. I didn't 100% it, and the completionist in me wants to go back collecting everything, though I doubt I'd be able to do it all without a guide (unless I want to go insane). I'm gonna hold off on that though, since I'm already kind of burnt out from it.   I have plenty of games in my backlog to keep me busy: The Darkness II Darksiders Fallout The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Recettear: An




So when I recently got Windows Vista, I got a code to get Windows 7 free. Today I ordered my free Win7 online. It's estimated ship date? DECEMBER FOURTH.   |-|\/|



Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day

Today was a bad day. Let me give you a run down of today that you don't care about: Advanced Physics review problems due today (which I did in school today ) Advanced Physics test (2 periods long ) English research paper rough draft due tomorrow Gym class Went to the dentist     Why will tomorrow be a good day? Because none of those things are occurring tomorrow. ALSO JUST CAUSE 2 WOOT     I think that's the most emotes I ever used in a single post...



Trust Me, I'm A Doctor

I haven't had a non-HAZMAT name since last January, and the new year seemed like the perfect time to change that.




I'm happy. But I won't tell you why just yet. Dun wurry, you'll find out in a few days.     EDIT: Lawl, my friend Josh saw this.   (9:51:06 PM) Josh: why are you happiness? (9:51:48 PM) Me: "But I won't tell you why just yet. Dun wurry, you'll find out in a few days." (9:52:01 PM) Josh: but I'm your friend! (9:52:06 PM) Josh: TBDM shirt? (9:52:10 PM) Me: it applies to you as well (9:52:16 PM) Me: also U_K is my friend too (9:52:21 PM) Me: i like him more (9:52:26 PM) Josh: ;_; (9:52:30 PM) Me:



This Is A Story Of A Man

A blind man.   (11:52:59 PM) Josh: o i c (11:53:16 PM) Me: said an blind man (11:53:41 PM) Josh: as he flipped his pancake (11:53:50 PM) Me: with a waffle iron (11:54:08 PM) Josh: attempting to make breakfast for his only son (11:54:20 PM) Me: Who was 67 years old (11:54:51 PM) Josh: however his elderly-ness made it so he could only enjoy toast (11:55:12 PM) Me: if, and only if, each slice was cut into 4 equilateral triangles (11:55:59 PM) Josh: unless the hypotenuse is the square root of the su




and it's in Official HAZMAT Colors™ of course   also make an art category yes/no? category created



I Went On An Adventure

Today I went geocaching with some of my friends. The last one we did involved climbing an extremely steep hill. The only way to make it up was darting from tree to tree to grab on. It was craaaazyyy. Then on the way down I lost my footing and slid like 20 feet down. Another highlight of the day was thinking a goose was fake and not realizing it was real until it lifted its head and hissed.   Good times.



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