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Entries in this blog

Yeah, I'm Still Here... Somewhat

Hoo boy, it's been a while since I wrote an entry in here. But that's OK, 'cause it's my blog and I can update as frequently or infrequently as I want.   Real life has been front and center recently, as it should be. I haven't felt as much need to broadcast my insignificant little thoughts on BZPower. I've been going through some small changes in my lifestyle. My LEGO collection is stashed away out of sight. I'm making an effort to grow up and focus on the here and now. To prioritize. And this



The Mountain Is No More

I took the liberty of renaming my blog. Because I could. Because Finnish is such a cool language. Because real hedgehogs don't live on mountains. Because, if I want to scale the mountain, I have to get up the hill first. That's right. Call me low on ambition, but right now I have trouble thinking of life in terms of a mountain. It's too daunting an image. I've got to start small.  I've taken the first small steps towards conquering my inner ills. I visited a psychiatric nurse last Friday and wi



B C In The Bricks

Introducing BC Matoran of Wonder Not to be confused with BZPower member BCii, who is in fact a living, breathing human being. This MOC will not be posted anywhere else, so please direct all your comments to the comments thread. Thank you and have a wonderful day! -BC




I wrote a poem. Aren't you surprised?   The Deep   Weightless, motionless, Bright waves racing overhead. Timeless, endless, The surface I ever must tread.   I think I am dreaming.   I am weary of the waves, Their froth and their fury. I let myself relax. Every bone and nerve, relax.   The light deepens Through green, And blue, And darker blue.   I have attained the depths! My flesh is cool, immobile. Oh, less than that: It's hardly even there.   I see the bumpy, ragged, Stu



*raises Fists And Howls*

Now that I have your undivided attention, LIFE IS!*   Here in Nowhere, Finland, we've been suffering (or, if you're from rainy Vancouver like me, half enjoying) a winter of record high temperatures. The last time we had such a warm December was back in about 1929. I'll leave the economists to make the requisite doomsday remarks about abnormal weather and stock market crashes, but the upshot of all this unseasonable heat is that only this past week did we get the kind of frigid weather systems t



Ave Tufi!

Her Imperial Tuftedness the Empress Please visit the topic to comment on the MOC itself. Any less Lego-oriented comments can go here. -BC



2 K 7

The year of our Lord two thousand seven is upon us. Congratulations to all of us who made it through the previous year without slipping on banana peels or getting hit in the face with cream pies. This humble scribe (or reasonable facsimile thereof) returns from two weeks of carefree winter vacation and resumes the proverbial grind. School is once again front and center in his life outside these pages, with summer employment and the requisite driver's license and registration (car) currently the



Muffin For Christmas

I'm getting muffin for Christmas Mommy and Daddy are mad I'm getting muffin for Christmas 'Cause I've been muffin but bad! *giggle* BZP member ToM (Toa of Muffins) of the family Dracone, in the bricks: I wasn't going to post this here (blame my exposure guilt complex), but I am now. Because a blog needs content, after all... and no MOCist can deny the pleasure of having people appreciate his or her work. And because I'm once again struggling with depression and I need a double dose o



Goodbye, Goodbye

Anyone faithfully following my blog since school started knows of my inside track with the über-cool exchange students here at Nikkarila. If, as is more likely the case, you have no idea, then these blog entries will fill you in: Overheard in a Moving Vehicle Fun With Foreigners Saturday With Forks Chillin' Like a Villain Call Me The Collector Well, in the immortal words of a world-famous walrus, the time has come. David, Fabian, and Alena are returning each to their respective homes in distant



The First Step: Recognize The Problem

E and I had a long talk last night. The upshot of it is, I need help. I need to learn how to love myself. E convinced me that this matter can't wait for an easier time. I must deal with it now because as long as I suffer from the poor self-esteem and poor self-confidence that I've always lived with, she suffers for me too. Today, in actually just a few minutes, I am going to give my school counsellor a call. She will be able to point me in the right direction.   Let the healing begin.   Oh, an



Mocs In Progress Update

Tufi Piyufi - head position needs tweaking, foot armour in proper colour missing Janus - arms need makeover Darth Vader - 1 flex-rod missing, arms need work ToM Dracone - tail needs finishing touches iron arc bot - no arms, shoulders need filling out icky brown grubs - done and done green bug - halfway point frustration Schizo Kaita - pre-building frustration sleek bumblebee - needs a head laser carousel doodad - needs a purpose in life puffin - just got the idea gruesome black tunnel



M O C Musings

Selling MOCs.   It's an idea I've had, not exactly bouncing around, but fermenting for a while. Artists sell their works. MOCs can be considered art. But what exactly is a MOC worth? To the builder, the sentimental value of a MOC whose total value of parts is quite modest can be through the roof and the notion of parting with it forever be unconscionable. And who would buy a MOC? That kinda takes all the fun out of Lego, doesn't it, buying a ready-built creation? But maybe someone out there is




Since tomorrow is the day Finland celebrates its independence, I thought I'd devote a blog entry to the remembrance of this precious right that the Finns of today enjoy. First, some history: December 6, 1917 - Finland declares its independence from Russia December 31, 1917 - Russia's new Bolshevik government recognizes Finland January 27 through May 14, 1918 - Finnish Civil War between the "white" bourgeoisie and the Red Guard July 17, 1919 - Finland becomes a republic 1920 - Finland b



The Official We

Last night, I asked E (abbrev. to protect the sweet and beautiful) to be my girlfriend. She said yes. And that makes us official, doesn't it?   Actually, I had help. A teddy bear much like the one you see here offered to relay the message to her for me.     I was only too glad to accept. Thanks, teddy!   So what now? Well, this weekend is our time for Christmas parties. First one is on Friday with E's friends, second on Sunday with her family. Unlikely fact to take advantage of: her parents



Too Big To Blog About?

Nothing is too big, or too small, for this blog. You can count on that, folks.   Oddly, though, I found myself debating whether this item was, in fact, too big. It's one of those things you either want to shout out to the world or keep selfishly inside.   Considering that I've already, in effect, shouted it out to the world via my sig, it would be sheer coyness not to expand on the matter in this space.   You know it: BCii has found love.   I met her in mid-October. She is everything I could



The Mountain Is Back

BZPower Blackout 2006 is over. It wasn't the strictest of blackouts, but it achieved what I had intended.   For 18 days, I refrained from posting any and all messages on this site. Despite my self-imposed silence, I did keep up with the news and occasionally read a blog entry or favourite topic without signing in. The total time I spent here, however, was minimal.   What did I do with the extra time? Time for another BClist! kept up with studying and schoolwork enriched my social life signific



Four (score And Seven) Years Ago

No, I'm not reciting the Gettysburg Address, although it is among the finest speeches ever made and one that every American ought to learn.   I'm talking about the attack sustained four years ago by this noble international institution. For those of us who were here at the time, the weeks that followed were marked by frustration. The forums' existence was suspended indefinitely. We had to find other things to do with the time that we had, until then, devoted to activities on this site.   I spe



Where Does The Time Go?

A year ago today, I was a fresh reserve officer-in-training at the reserve officer school in Hamina, a harbour town with a rich military tradition and a climate from Hades. I spent my 21st birthday on the garrison. Fuuuuun.   Back in Canada two years ago, on my 20th birthday, I was supposed to go out for dinner with my cousin and two of my fave bros. I was too depressed to make it and most likely cried myself to sleep.   Tomorrow, I turn 22. Hopes are high as I plan to spend the weekend actual




© 1997 EMI Records Ltd.   Listening to this piece, I was awed by its depth and height of beauty and passion. I am a romantic, I admit it, but this music made me feel like a heartless clod by comparison.   It's a good thing life isn't usually as dramatic as the stories told about it, I think.   -BC



Going To The Extremes

Ever wonder what kind of weather we'll be having next week? (Please snow! ) How about the weather in 2099?   This article will open your eyes.   -BC



...but No Bike Helmet.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006   19:00   I receive a phone call from an acquaintance. I've been waiting for this call. She tells me what I already know: My Stuff has arrived. I'm thrilled to hear it.   This dates back to my visit home last May. That's when I packed My Stuff. Too much of it to take back with me across the Atlantic. I filled a big cardboard box and still had a bunch unpacked. So I left My Stuff and flew back to resume my rite of manhood in the Finnish military.   Meanwhile, my m



A Whole Week Off School?!

When did I last miss a Monday blog entry?! Circumstances beyond my control, folks. That's all I can say.   I'm spending the week at my grandparents' place. My school has some kind of fall break going on; don't ask me why they couldn't just have us start a week later in August.... But I'm not complaining at all. With all the things going on in my social life at the moment, I'm glad not to have any homework.   I met some Estonian choir girls on the weekend. Saturday night was a relaxed, informal



Odd, Yet Beautiful

I'm in the middle of writing a short essay on being a student who abstains from alcohol amidst a drinking student population ("student drinking population" equally valid expression?). The Finnish title is only three words long, yet fully describes the subject. I love accretive grammar.   The title of this entry, which is also three words long, refers to something I saw today as I walked home from the store. At this time of year, at this latitude, the lupins (dry brown hairy peas) are already sp



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