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A Whole Week Off School?!

When did I last miss a Monday blog entry?! Circumstances beyond my control, folks. That's all I can say.   I'm spending the week at my grandparents' place. My school has some kind of fall break going on; don't ask me why they couldn't just have us start a week later in August.... But I'm not complaining at all. With all the things going on in my social life at the moment, I'm glad not to have any homework.   I met some Estonian choir girls on the weekend. Saturday night was a relaxed, informal



A Shocking Tragedy

Let me start (somewhat incongruously, I know, but due gratitude must not go unremarked) by thanking my cell phone service provider for their awesome rates. At just 0.09 euros per minute, I can afford to have meaningful, even leisurely conversations with the folks back home in Vancouver, ten time zones away. Thank you, Globetel!       . . .       . . . Yeah. So I called home last night, which was Tuesday. My mom answered the phone. We exchanged the usual bits of personal and family news. Nothin



A Resolution [amended]

No more entries like the one below. Seriously, how many lines did I cross there? I don't even want to know. So from now on, I'll try to keep it more... reader-friendly.   I really need a second blog for my serious stuff. BZP ain't the place for it.   [Amendment: no more resolutions like the one above. Seriously, on how many levels did I belie myself there? I don't even want to know. So from now on, I'll try to keep it more... BCii-true.]   [Thanks to Arch-Angel for the reality check.]   -BC



A New Face

"Wanderer Awakening" album cover by Andrew Jones So that's what my new avatar looks like in full. In other news, I will be hosting a housewarming party tomorrow. On the day after, my first choir performance. I will report back on how those events go. Love and kisses,



A Most Welcome Change In 2009 + Required Reading For Fanficcers!

Here's the quote from the Official Greg Discussion: All righty! This is a good move, a smart and sensitive move, a NO EXCUSE NOT TO DO IT move from the story team. If they can't retcon, reboot, or upgrade the Matoran race, then I guess this is the next best thing. There's no telling how many fans have been wishing for the ridiculous idea of single-sex tribes, five male and one female, to be scrapped in favour of a more realistic world. Fan fiction writers in particular have every reason to ce



A Most Unusual Encounter - Part 3

Sunday evening:   It's six-thirty p.m. The market square is all but deserted, save for a few idle humans, out enjoying the evening air. An anxious-looking, twenty-something male strides across the quiet flagstone expanse, eyeing the perimeters for any sign of a particular group of individuals. No sign for the moment, but he stays alert for any sudden arrivals. He stakes out a strategic bench and settles in to wait and watch. Minutes tick by. A brazen city crow passes by within a metre of the yo



A Most Unusual Encounter - Part 2

Sunday morning:   I get up at nine a.m., about as bright and chipper as one of the living dead on account of having stayed up most of the night installing Ubuntu Linux and burning two DVDs. The clock seems to skip ahead ten minutes for every five that I experience in this sluggish morning-after state. My morning routine takes me almost the full hour, and by the time I'm fully dressed and ready to go, it's already well past ten. I am definitely late for church.   I'm dressed in my best, with a



A Most Unusual Encounter - Part 1

Saturday evening:   I go for a walk along the shore of Lake Pieksäjärvi, the local ocean, just to relax and get a bit of exercise after working six hours selling insurance on the phone. I have an intuitive gut feeling, the kind that never lies: I'm going to meet somebody new, and the meeting will be somehow significant. Well, with my iPod for company, I walk the lakeshore trails this way and come back the other way, almost to the end. I sit down on a bench right on the shore, with the waves lap



A Most Unusual Encounter - Epilogue

I got some surprise mail today, forwarded from my previous address (did I mention I moved recently?) in a generic Posti forwarding envelope. Inside was an A6-sized envelope with a German postmark. The flap bore the following legend in a schoolgirl-like hand:   Geram [sic] scouts (Nixe, Theresa, Tweety, Minnie, Weda, Quassel) This, of course, harks back to my three-part series, "A Most Unusual Encounter," way back in July. Anyway, here's the contents of the letter:   There's not much in it t



A Message For T L C

(BUMPED)   LEGO.com's email form only allows 2000 characters, so I've sent this to Black Six for him to pass on.     Let it not be said that BCii doesn't keep his promises.   EDIT: Oh, and I might as well reprint my initial reaction to the big news here.    



A Death In The Family

I am shocked and saddened to read of the passing of Nate Nielson, known by the alias "nnenn," on April 13th. The man was a legend among AFOLs and his presence will be sorely missed.   As fate would have it, on that same day I was mysteriously prompted to take the photo below. It shall now serve as my tribute to the late, great master nnenn.   May he rest in peace.                



A Couple Of Tentative Ideas And A Third One That Could Be The End Of All Of It

1. A BZPower playlist for my megaproject-in-progress, the BIONICLE Rock Concert.   2. Me doing an audio book of one of Greg's serials or some fan fiction. I love reading aloud.   3. Getting rid of all my stuff, dropping all projects, and disappearing for a while to roam Europe and maybe some other places, eventually resurfacing back in BC, Canada.   I need to do some serious dowsing and card/rune work to find out whether the third idea is what I should go for, and how fully.  



A 14-karat Celebration

Big news. Really big news.   My girlfriend and I got engaged.   I proposed on the 24th and we celebrated on the 31st with a Finnish-style engagement party.   We both got rings.   A matching pair.   14k gold.   9 grams of gold for $220 Canadian.   That's a screaming deal, folks.   But that's beside the point.                     I. AM. ENGAGED.   TO. MY. AWESOME. GIRLFRIEND.     YES!         -BC



9.8.8: My Un-wedding And Other Stuff

Somewhere out there, on a separate timeline of the multiverse, today is my wedding day. ... Wow. I wonder if there's a timeline where I awakened spiritually and got married? Seems unlikely, given how closely linked my awakening was to the breakup. So the only way it could work is if I awakened after the wedding. I can imagine what a mess that would bring about, in the context of the conservative Laestadian Lutheran revival movement in which I grew up.   (Note: I am not passing judgement on reli




= disaster Removed.. Not even well-made disaster Removed.. Just... BAD disaster Removed. We aren't going to use words like that when describing a movie, ok? -Kohaku.   I mean, this is just from what I've heard. You won't catch me going to see that film. Really. Thanks, but no thanks.   Tl;dr: HOLLYWOOD CONSPIRACY TO STEAL OUR SOULZ.   EDIT: Oops. Sorry, Kohaku. I wasn't thinking.  




2012   This place is still around? Awesome.   Hi, guys. What's up?   Haven't been around here in awhile. So much going on, it's like real life has become my actual life, hahaha. But no, I actually thought I would just check in, drop by, say hi, and add a few words to the conversation regarding life and the grand meaning of everything.   You know. That conversation.   OK, well, put it this way: I started writing this in my head at 3 a.m. and decided I would actually sit down and do it. So here I



2 K 7

The year of our Lord two thousand seven is upon us. Congratulations to all of us who made it through the previous year without slipping on banana peels or getting hit in the face with cream pies. This humble scribe (or reasonable facsimile thereof) returns from two weeks of carefree winter vacation and resumes the proverbial grind. School is once again front and center in his life outside these pages, with summer employment and the requisite driver's license and registration (car) currently the




Now excuse me while I desperately try to come up with something sufficiently awesome to justify that. <.< >.> T.T



♥ Glomp ♥

The first thing I did with the recoloured Mata feet from Berix and Raanu. . .   <o> <o>



~ Q ~

More properly TheQ, also known as InfamousQ on Flickr. I met him today. First time meeting a fellow AFOL IRL. It was a neat experience to talk about all that brick-related stuff in person.   Q is a university student, 22 years old, from the Rovaniemi area, way up on the Arctic circle. He's currently the LEGO Ambassador for all of Finland. He organizes live exhibitions, most notably LEGOPark down south in Tampere, with LP2009 in August having been the third annual LEGOPark, as well as online co



~ Observer Mode Activated ~

It's probably obvious from my words on this site in the past (and if it isn't, I'm saying it now) that I am a man on a quest. It is a quest for inner power, wisdom, and love, for ever-expanding awareness of Truth.   Far from being straightforward and easy, the path I am committed to following is extraordinarily difficult. It offers many opportunities to lose one's way, and it is trolled by powerful and clever hostile forces that do everything they can to thwart one's progress. To describe in an



>>> Update <<< All Heck On The M O C Front

Happy March! Today was the first time I've seen slush and rain since winter set in here. Spring is on its way, by the looks of it!   I'll start off with this throwaway Toamod that I've had sitting around forever and finally took pictures of. You like? Yeah, it's nothing special, but it looks cool anyway.   So in these past few days, I've pretty much just breathed, eaten, slept, MOCed, and taken pictures. The last one not so much... and not much of the second and third, either. It's my ma



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