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Let's All Sit On Our Hands

My day (day being defined as a 24-hour period extending from 12:00 ante-meridian to 11:59 post-meridian GMT -08:00 (PST)) so far:   I finished reading a book by Stephenie Meyer that was not a complete affront to God and Man. There were still some unsavory bits (because, you know, lying about your age is totally okay when you're in lurrrve!), but it was better than Twilight (as advertised), raised some interesting points to think about, and helped influence the really long and complicated (read:



Now Fancy That

I say, this is exciting, isn't it? Blue and orange look rather nice together.   As do neon yellow and neon pink.



Peace Of Mind

Now if you're feelin' kinda low 'bout the dues you've been paying Future's coming much too slow And you wanna run but somehow you just keep on stayin' Can't decide on which way to go Yeah, yeah, yeah   I understand about indecision But I don't care if I get behind People livin' in competition All I want is to have my peace of mind...yeah!   Now you're climbin' to the top of the company ladder Hope it doesn't take too long Can't ya see there'll come a day when it won't matter Come a d



I Won Na No Wri Mo!

As of 1:15am PST on the 30th of November A.D. 2009, I am a NaNoWriMo winner, and I might be really giddy right now if I wasn't so tired. I'll settle for a fatigued, detached sort of contentment. It is now time for me to reenter into normal life and rediscover what it feels like to actually care about things like grades, socializing, and applying to colleges (oops, one day left to finish that essay ._.). There were plenty of good things that came out of this, though. For instance, the 50,118 (



Alrighty Then!

Tonight was the most fun I've had in months, maybe even since BrickCon. I'll post Mondayish with pictures and more about the party, but I need to go to bed, like, now. I want to be in good form for when I tell my parents that I *gasp!* actually asked some girls to dance rather than wallflowering my way around the room. I've actually done that before, but they don't believe me. I've got to lose this meek and mild-mannered alter-ego of mine...   Arpy



Things I'd Like To Put On Custom License Plates

You know, the license plates that don't have the usual number/letter mixture on them, the ones that say stuff like 4KDSNDG or WER2CWL, the ones that you take to mean something but you can never figure out exactly what that something is. FORTY2 NCC1701 PATUARA BZPOWER HONK4ME BYAAAH BIONICL (xmt)AREA-51 Post your own if you so desire, just remember, they have to be 7 symbols or less, any larger and they wouldn't fit on a real license plate.   Arpy     Original Date: 12/16/06



Yes We Know Bcii Will Win Already

So why not vote...for meeeeeee! *gollum*   Also, related picture is related. Alsoalso, yay college. Fun classes are fun. :3   Alsoalsoalso, Tartuffe is a scoundrel and a cad. And other things which are probably censored.




I know, I'm crazy for attempting it. I'm already having enough of a time balancing homework, a social life, sleep, keeping in touch with people back home, and theatre care and feeding, among other things, and in November I'll be having play practice every week and then heck week and then the actual performance, followed by Thanksgiving break. Come to think of it, that isn't so different from last year.   But you know what? It made me write, which I generally only do when there is a contest (SS



Attn: Theatre Geeks

I have forged a new topic in the fires of Mount Doom and topped it off with a light dusting of powdered sugar. Go check it out!




I created an approval for all of you whose blogs I read with some regularity:   [url=http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=154&][img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Patuara/startrekstuff/arpyapproved.png][/url]   If your name is EndoM7, ##### Bassai, bonesiii, ~Blue Diamond~, -SZ- Darth Vader, Binkmeister, Darnzerf, Nukora, ChocolateFrogs, Nikira, Kopaka's Ice Engineering, ~Makaru~, Kohaku, Turakii #1 Lavasurfer, Toaraga, Hahli Husky, Tufi Piyufi, Bundalings



Attn: Orson Scott Card

I'm in your base MOCing your dudes: Sort of saving my 500th entry for that, so yeah. Life has been interesting lately. I may or may not have watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show last night. It was an experience, I tell you what. My brain is pretty much fried. Not necessarily as a result of the aforementioned experience, but then again, maybe so.   Hooray for most things!



Arpsoc 09

12:38 Setting this up now so’s I don’t forget later. As longtime readers will know, every New Year’s Eve/Day I stay up ridiculously late simply because I can. ()Thise is 12:38 pm, BTW) My increasingly fragmented and deranged thoughts are typed up on a computer kin a tradtition started two(?) years ago and the n posted in my blag for your viewing pleasure. The sausages are for those who want to atone for something specfic. As usual, I do not go back and correct any typos ,errors, or silliness th



Obligatory Rant

Hi, I'd just like to point out that, strictly speaking, none of these "Obligatory Political/Election/Obama/what-have-you" entries are really obligatory. You are by no means obliged to post an entry concerning the elections at all. Even if the Earth was invaded by highly advanced aliens who decreed the universe to be banana-shaped and our elections to be directly influenced by the blood sugar levels of Orlando Bloom's right earlobe, you would not be obliged to post anything, unless of course the



Words That Are Full Of Win And Awesome

Summer is here! Needless to say, I'm basking in the wonderful lazy feeling that comes from the realization that I don't really have to learn anything for the next two months, unless of course I want to. Since I don't feel like posting a "life" entry (due at least in part to said laziness), I shall instead post this list of awesome words that I have compiled: Foibles Squoze Fray Frangible Purulent Indubitably Kumquat Albeit Uxorial Belgium Iniquities Serf Ablutions Temerarious Abut Besmirch Pic



I Need Two Friends

To go with me for Halloween this year. Since I'll be at least halfway across the country, I will need to make some new ones, but the basic principle remains: Our Halloween costumes will be these: Oh yeah. B)



Material Acquisition Rawr

Today I was a perfect consumerist heathen and bought most of the sets I want to get from the first 2010 wave: Tahu, Gresh, and Skrall Stars, Chromastone, Smash'n'Grab (yay Squidtron), and Wreck Raider. I look forward to using the new and funky pieces in the first four particularly. I bought Construct-a-Buzz, Guardian of the Deep, and Fire Blaster, which is oddly named because it blasts water, earlier, so I just want to get Woody and Buzz to the Rescue and my acquisitions shall be complete until



Attn: Ew And Nukaya

I would love to change my name, but apparently Arpy Suspended Water Droplets Rapid Oxidation Via Combustion is too long. Also, I'm staff.



Goodbye, Mr. Anderson.

My Wednesdays are the busiest they've ever been. I won't bore you with details, just know that between Bible study, sleeping, homeschooling, IT tech class, meals, etc., I have a grand total of 2 hours of free time.   Also, on a somewhat unrelated subject, my computer class yesterday was totally awesome. We had a sub teacher who had us reread the mobo chapter and answer some of the chapter quiz questions, after which we played Counter-Strike. The "education" part took about thirty minutes for m




I'm in a hotel room in Atchison, adamantly insisting on sticking to Pacific Standard Time even though it's past one over here. The Mountain Dew Slurpee I had recently is probably helping me in this regard. Fairly vague spoilers ahead?   As one of my last acts before leaving home, I went to see Inception, mainly on Ben's insistence, but I'm glad I went. It probably lived up to its hype better than Avatar, although I did feel that the dreams were for the most part entirely too lucid and structure



List Of Things That Need To Exist

1. Mountain Dew flavored jelly beans. 2. Whatever those oval stickers that have abbreviations for place names on them are called, only with a certain message on them to indicate how much they irk/confuse me. 3. GEEK CATCHPHRASE. With categories like comic books and novel-books and sci-fi television and so forth. On second thought, maybe there should be entirely separate ones for each. Regardless, I need to look into this. 4. More Firefly and Sandman stuff. This includes good cosplay of the af



Movie Critics Are Stupid!

So was Cutler Beckett. Other than that, Pirates 3 was awesome. Much better than the movie critics said it was. I think from now on I'll use my fellow bloggers as a sounding board for new movies, since they are much closer to my age and tastes than those silly people who get paid to bash on cool movies. I lawlz'd many times, especially when Jack got shot out of the cannon! Davy and Barbossa weren't as forceful a presence as they were in the first two movies, but they were still worth watching.



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