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Bzper Group Shot

The report is mostly written up, but I still need to collect pictures and movies from people, and upload the rest of my own. So while we wait, here's the Saturday group shot of the BZPeeps that were present: From left to right, that's Mark/Rausaro, Jason/xccj, Tanner/Master Matoro, Connor/kopakanui, Bryce/Cajun, Breann/Roa, Riley/Letagi, Ean/Arpy, Kelly/Binkmeister, and Jacob/Toa Tarik of Fusion.   The group shot for Sunday wasn't nearly as interesting, since only two people were there for i



More Brickcon Notes

o Registering may cost money, but opportunistic attendees have the chance to be more than paid pack in free Lego. o I only lost my Galidork mech's pilot's head, a monkey, and the trans-blue bulb on my sigfig's gun and a purple flame from my name badge. o Steve Witt is awesome. Studies have shown this. o Old gray Lego causes rational adults to go insane. That's probably where I lost the parts off my name badge. o I got killed by a foam rocket. Twice. o Cajun is totally way older-looking than



Brickcon <3

BrickCon was <3.   Steve Witt was <3.   Next year's female minifigs are <3.   And BrickFest is back, baby. In PDX flavor! <3.   More later, of course.



Off To Brickcon

Well, I'm off to BrickCon just as soon as I get done with college today. To blazes with homework! To blazes with the 4-page essay due Monday on which I will be unable to work! THIS. IS. LEGO!   I'm hyper. Last night I couldn't get to sleep, so I turned the light back on and read until I fell asleep. And then I had caffeine early this morning. Which I almost never do. 8D   So, Roa, Cajun, xccj, HH, Onyx.5, Letagi, Bink, see you all soon!   8D 8D 8D



Character Description

For my English homework today I was supposed to create a vignette of a character from the descriptive narrative that's due Monday (I have only till tomorrow to finish it, however, with BrickCon taking up my entire weekend) based off ten questions. However, the questions were concerned entirely with physical characteristics and behavior, so I felt unable to create a properly, psychologically rounded perspective of the only character in my narrative. Consequently, I sillified it.   1 Physical ch



Armed Only With A Tube Of Lipstick And A Moose Call...

Hey, so apparently we're allowed to endorse political candidates as long as we don't allow discussion or bash the opposition or anything. Well then. PALIN/MCCAIN '08!   Because Sarah Palin is pretty.*   *There are actually other good reasons beside this, but I probably can't mention them.



Prithee, Yon Jackanapes!

Henceforth, the foule and piratickal ways which hath corrupted this most auspicious daye shall be banished from the realm, by order of His Majesty King George III. For 'tis fitting that, on this day, the 652nd anniversarie of our defeat of the French at Poitiers, it should be sullied by this piratickal mockerie? Nay, but I implore thee that instead, today shall be the Day of Talking In The Pompous Manner Of British Nobilitie! All shall adopt the pleasing accent and high-bred manner of our countr



Do Not Want Germs!

So pretty much all the meat-people in my house except for me, my dad, and my grandma have come down with some sort of cold. What sort, I'm not exactly sure, because I've been hiding in my bedroom downstairs enjoying my Six Days of Summer (No, that's not a metaphor or anything. It really is six days.) and coming up only to eat, get on the computer, and perform various acts of personal hygiene such as teethbrushing.   When I absolutely must touch something I cover my hands with a shirt or washcl



Brontësaurus Rex

I always like to mess with their data on these things. Once I printed out a lolcat and taped it to the Social Civics one. Then I think I did "10/10 needz moar internetz" on another.   Also, is this for seriousness? I hope so.



Rorschach, Tasers, And Pizza

Last night I had the good fortune of being able to recall my dreams much better than usual. Since it was in my opinion rather interesting, I have opted to blog as much of it as I can.   As I recall, the dream started with me on the upper floor of one of my friends’s house, with me hiding for some reason so that this Kaita-like amalgamation of giant people wouldn’t find me. I remember coming across my friend’s brother’s Bionicle collection and seeing, among other things, a yellow Olmak and a gre



Guess Who?

Whoever is the first to correctly guess the identity of this minfig will get their name placed in my ever fearsome disclaimer.   Hint: There are 78 pieces of metal on her outfit, and the bar is clean steel.



Arpy's Driving Tips #23

Coming to a full and complete stop is impossible given the rotation of the earth, its orbit around the sun, and our constantly expanding universe, so don't sweat it.   Also: The Amsterlegs i240 RacerMech! Deeplink range 01-010. Frame is Legohaulic's, cover is mine. Based off the Dutch national team's colors, which I always thought were a good combo.




So Brickfair looks like it was cool. Clear, comprehensive photos of every MOC at the Bionicle table would be nice eventually. Did the Lazerbarrow work for you guys who attended? And did my black-and-sand-green Toa's head asplode? Because I haven't seen any pictures of it. And my Nui-Rama revamp was within inches of the Fanglyfuss! <3.   Also, I picked up the Turbocar Chase with part of a Wal-Mart gift card I won at work. Quick impressions: o Spy Clops's helicopter's winch feature is awesome




You know why I’m not one of those people who looks down on “noobs” with ridicule or distaste? Part of it’s because I try to be nice to everyone, regardless of who they are. But that can only take a guy so far, and when someone’s being really annoying, egotistic, and/or incomprehensible, well, that’s where perspective kicks in.   One’s perspective on things changes as they grow older and accumulate experience. My attitude toward Bionicle is much different than when it started. My interactions wi



You Just Keep On Trying Till You Run Out Of Cake

The following is an almost entirely unedited block of text dating from August 14th, 2008. An attempt has been made to separate the various and diverse topics contained therein into their own paragraphs, but owing to the rambling nature of such, it has failed. So don’t blink, you might miss something. Finally, before you tl;dr, here’s the topic for Shubiduwahp, the most hip and awesome guy in the OoMN.     So I got this sudden and inexplicable urge to write/type something. The only reason I can



Stuff And Nonsense

*dusts off blog*   So yeah, life goes on. Over the past eighteen (eighteen!?!) days, I beat up some more criminals, got in a really cool bar fight, headlined a charity gala in DC, and foiled a terrorist plot to blow up the Space Needle.   ...Oh, unembellished version? Well, I attended some sort of college orientation (would have been much more nicer if it hadn't been up to only me and this other girl to provide direction for the entire scavenger hunt team), got some excellent Spanish practice



No Ruki!

You know how in SpongeBob Squarepants, Squidward's clarinet playing is horrible? Well, my sister is Squidward. Really. And clarinets are loud.   Anyway, I recently spent the night at a friend's house for a sleepover before everyone goes their separate ways due to summer vacations. (Well, except me. I have to work. All I'll get is a three-day camping trip with my maternal extended family.) We watched Next, Rat Race (Rowan Atkinson FTW), Steel Magnolias (*dies unto self*), and this other movie wi




Rather than clutter up my blog with the full lyrics of the many songs that mean something to me, I got the ingenuous idea of mashing lines from some of those songs together in one block of rhyme-bereft text. I tried to use each artist or song just one time, which is why this isn’t flooded with the lyrics for Still Alive and Weird Al songs. Comment with how many lines you recognize. Or not. We don’t really care one way or the other.   *Intro: George of the Jungle theme music*   It’s a busy life



Well-photographed Krika Review

Hello, manchildren (and my female readership, which is probably, like, two people a month plus Krahka). As this entry’s title so poetically states, this is indeed a review of Krika with good photos. BUT WITTY! At least, I certainly think so. But then, I think rain is wet, so who am I to judge?   The can is unremarkable for the most part, except of course for the fact that THE ZARKING LID IS ASYMMETRICAL!!!!!!!!!111 Blahblahblahdamagedignikastorylineblahblah, but it pretty well ruins the ide



One Of *those* Days...

I think another reason I put off mentioning my job for so long is that, apart from the initial frenzy/confusion/stress of getting trained/settled in/assimilated and the confused resident who thought it was breakfast while I was doing dinner cleanup and threatened to fire me if I didn't give him coffee and a cloth napkin NOW, very few what you might call "blagworthy" things have happened.   Well, no more.   Yesterday was all very good and fine, until the power went out. Right in the middle of d



No More Mocs!*

I've decided to hold off on posting any more MOCs until after BrickFair, unless BBCC #51 happens. So, those of you who attend will get to see at least three Arpy originals before anyone else. I'll also send my Microscope, and possibly ADA or the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.   Also, I finally saw Wall-E. I'd like to echo Lemonlight's assessment and also assert that the opening short was inspired by Portal.   Aaaand I bought Krika. I also decided to review him, so that'll be up Wednesday.



My New Hobby

Translating well-known phrases into Spanish:   ¿Así, he oído te gustan mudquipas?   ¿Puedo tener una quesoburguesa?   Mi hijo...Tiene un sabor.   Esta. Es. Spartaaaa!   My old hobby? Drawing “HONK 4 HOBBITS” in the dust on car windows.   And on an unrelated note, little sisters around the ages of 7-12 have no tact. >_<   J'etoile, cheque-vous moi MOC magnifique: Linque pour vous. Tres awesomesauce.* *No, I can't speak French. The above is a mixture of English words with Frenchif



They See Me Sortin'...they Hatin'...

And now for some more abut the sweet parts haul shown previously here on ANFSCD.   I bought it for $125 from a guy who goes to my parish who has lost all interest in MOCing and wants money for action figures. It hacked into my BrickCon savings heavily, but I’m not all teary-eyed about that. Quite apart from the scattering of golden retriever hair, trash, clones, K’Nex, and cut, chewed, painted, or otherwise mutilated parts, there’s some great stuff in there. I’ve seen parts from the Bahrag, Mu



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