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Cuttings: The Cover

A bit about this: The green energy is meant to be somewhat evocative of the Cutter field, a matter-energy matrix controlled by, among others, Anaka (the middle figure). It can either phase through things with minor disruption or else remove them to another dimension entirely depending on the intensity. The other two silhouettes are my main characters, G-Force and Cascade, or David and Paige.



I Love Plays And Thespians

Well, my run with the local playhouse's production of The Matchmaker (the play that inspired Hello, Dolly!, clips from which were seen in Wall-E) has ended. It was a really fun play in all aspects. It would have been even more fun if we had done even half the pranks we wanted to do for the closing performance, but our sage and cunning director issued a strict edict before curtain to the effect that we were not to partake in any shenanigans, which is unfortunate because the, er, younger elements



Signs Of An Abusive Relationship

According to the National Domestic Violence hotline, these are some signs that you may be in an emotionally or physically abusive relationship. Even one of these could mean you are in an abusive relationship.   Does your partner: * Look at you or act in ways that scare you? Check.   * Control what you do, who you see or talk to or where you go? "Stay away from the werewolves. I love you."   * Make all of the decisions? Check.   * Act like the abuse is no big deal, it's your fault, or eve




Bionicle is mostly dead. Let it stay that way.



Cuttings: Musical Influences

Foreigner's Long, Long Way From Home was pretty much this novel's theme song in terms of both plot and theme. There are some lines that just sync up perfectly with the novel's events.   I discovered him pretty late in the game, but Jonathan Coulton's I Feel Fantastic was repeated plenty of times in the last mad rush to hit 50,000.   Dare and The Touch, by Stan Bush, are both wonderfully encouraging songs which I also remembered entirely too late.   I also put together a bunch of Pirates of th



I Won Na No Wri Mo!

As of 1:15am PST on the 30th of November A.D. 2009, I am a NaNoWriMo winner, and I might be really giddy right now if I wasn't so tired. I'll settle for a fatigued, detached sort of contentment. It is now time for me to reenter into normal life and rediscover what it feels like to actually care about things like grades, socializing, and applying to colleges (oops, one day left to finish that essay ._.). There were plenty of good things that came out of this, though. For instance, the 50,118 (



The Only Thing Scarier Than Zombies

Semi-intelligent business-type zombies. Seriously. Also, where'd the old lobster go?   All I know is steak tastes better when I take my steak-taste-better pill. :/   *drinks Mountain Dew*



Concerning This Summer Line

The Ben 10 pieces are compatible with Bionicle. Someone from Lego has said that the new summer line will also be compatible with Bionicle. 'Compatible with' does not mean 'looking exactly the same as'. Therefore, I predict that the summer line will use lousy, juniorized pieces similar to the ones used by Ben 10.   If I'm wrong, then my expectations will be pleasantly surprised. If I'm right, then at least I haven't set myself up for undue disappointment.



Accio Turkey

My Thanksgiving was quite nice.   I didn't go to my grandfather's house with the rest of my family because I had to work, but this was totally all right because it meant I could sleep in, eat ice cream, write my novel, and not have to be trapped in a van for hours with about nine other people. I might have been content to just stay at home until work, but the parents of two of my friends felt sorry for me or something and invited me over for lunch/dinner, never mind that both of those friends



Cuttlefish. Eh?

Anyway, vote for Blinky because otherwise he will run you down, and you will shrivel into nothingness and be all like weyu-weyu-weyu-weyu-boink-boink!



Yay, No More Bionicle!

Given that my continued survival demands a rare mineral found only in trace amounts in the tears caused by human suffering (Ethereal cookies to anyone who gets the reference), I am quite pleased to have read that Bionicle is ending, and I thank the fifteen people in the talkback who have thus far cried as a result of that.                         ;.;                     There are also at least seven people who seem to have used Darth Vader's NOOOOOOO! from Episode III to express their own f



Question Time

Which fictional character(s) do I remind you of and why?   mood: questioning




5/6 of my little siblings are jumping on the trampoline in the middle of November in Washington State.   In swimsuits.   Also, replacing the root beer in a root beer float with Mountain Dew works wonders. Now to acquire some pineapple sherbet with which to replace the vanilla ice cream.   mood: befoozled



The Princess Lord Bride Of The Rings

Only slightly younger than the internet, but it's new to me so YEAH.   Minas Tirith EOMER: What are our liabilities? ARAGORN: There is but one working castle gate, and it is guarded by sixty men. EOMER: And our assets? LEGOLAS: Aragorn’s sword, Gimli’s axe, and my arrows. EOMER: That's it? Impossible. If we had a month to plan maybe I could come up with something. But this... I mean if we only had a host of Rohirrim, that would be something. ARAGORN: Where did we put that host of Rohirrim



I Guarded A Life

Or something. Today was interesting.   After literally dragging myself out of bed this morning (I kept falling back asleep for a couple minutes at a time, probably because my body was reluctant to end the most sleep it had had in the last four days (I was formerly running at five a night due to combinations of homework, NaNo, and my evil 5:30 pool shift)), I went to my morning shift, which was all kinds of fun. First my supervisor got there twenty minutes late, so I had to rush like crazy to op



Moo Noon

Like, HI! My name is BELLA and I'm a SPECIAL and UNIQUE snowflake and I'm SO pretty and nerds are so LAME! Also, all the TEACHERS and STUDENTS at school think I'm SOOO awesome!   Hi. I am Edward and I am a vampire. I have no personality and you and I are devoid of any kind of actual chemistry.   Ooo, you're PRETTY! We should be in LOVE! Let us FROLIC!   Okay.   *rainbows and puppies*   *also sparkling*     I lit the book on fire but I don't think that did the trick.   I can feel it...watc



We Make The Iupac Cry

So I was all like hey guys let's do As + LaCe and then somebody was all like nitrous oxide + uranium and then I was all like magnesium oxide but then this girl was all no let's have barium + carbon + oxygen + nitrogen and we were all like yayyy. So then we had sandwiches.  



The Day The Arpfro Died

~11/17/09~   We will never forget.     Incidentally, I should quite like to visit Pickle Lake, Ontario.



You May Recall

Countless aeons ago, I took to flipping my blog entries and whatnot through internet translators from English back to English by way of five or so other languages. Well, now I've found a utility to do that for me automatically, and put my blog name and subtitle through to rather amusing results. And then I did it with this entry: Innumerevoli? O.o




Today my drama class was even better than usual, because it didn't happen.   However, we didn't know it wasn't happening until the teacher posted something on the website thirty minutes after class was supposed to start, but we did know the teacher was late, so I took over the class and started lecturing on Sweeping Arm Gestures, the various types and embellishments thereof, and their use in monologues and such. Then somebody pointed out that I had also adopted a karate stance during my demons



Pharmacist Minions!

Also, when my chemistry teacher asked for an example of kinetic energy, I wanted to throw my pen at him, but I didn't and have regretted it ever since.



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