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Entries in this blog


I just thought of a great reason to post an entry!   ... What was it now..?    



Gingerbread Monsters

I was at a museum yesterday, there had been some kind of gingerbread creation contest there. Most of the entries were houses or buildings, two or three of them had collapsed, but there was one that was really, really cool. It was a giant monster snail.   Appereantly, it had won the contest- and trust me, there was no doubt why. The body was mainly sculped out of thick gingerbread, but it was covered by different kinds of syrup that looked exactly like slime of different kinds. It also had




He must be planning something. Also, Lolwut and 6's creepy prototype.




As a CGI newb artist, I thought I may post this WIP and get some tips.



Oh Yeah, That Is Cool

SPIRIT added a PE point to my PE bar, he said it was because I have helped out some in the Sets forum. Yeah, SPIRIT's a cool guy indeed.



My View On 9

I just can't describe it. It was so epic, so sinister. Yes, that's right. It was released where I live... two days ago. Lolwut? What happened with 9/9/09? Anyway, that's the movie that everybody in the world should see. *Logical nod* 9 theme coming up.



Everyone! Let's Party!

...And there starts my third year on BZPower! I was deciding between being serious or not on my anniversary, but I decided to be serious, so thanks, BZPower, for being such an awesome site with so many awesome members!   I might make a Flash animation or an art piece or post a MOC, we'll see what I come up with for this occasion.



Another Note About The End Of Bionicle

About the replacement line, that is. Greg said in the Talkback of Doom that the new line will have the same building platform as BIONICLE. That means that we will still get BIONICLE-compatible pieces that hopefully are not too different in design. I don't know if I'll buy the sets from the new line. It depends on how much I like it. My hopes are that the new line is as robotic as the BIONICLE sets are, maybe something in the Throwbot/Slizer direction. But I stand with what I have said: B



The End Of Bionicle

I thought I might as well post something now that one of my biggest hobbies is about to be put to sleep.   Well, I am not very surprised. I am sad, but not surprised. We all knew that BIONICLE was going to end. Of course, some are more chocked than others, and I understand that. This site actually exists just because of BIONICLE, and now it's ending. BZP will certainly live on, but I doubt that things will ever be the same again.   I would've preferred if the last sets were overly epic, but



Two Things

The first thing I want to say in this entry is: Man, that 2010 sneak peek is pure awesome. I got hooked directly on those red things with the cannons.   The second thing is that I've joined the Creed fad. EW's banner is the best one this far, though.



Bbc #56

My entry is done. I hope that it'll have a chance, but I don't think it will.




After a lot of tweaking and making the absolute final touches, my BBC #56 entry is done. I will have it up tomorrow, by the skin of my teeth.




It's my favourite game this far, why does it have to be malfunctioning?




Man it is hard to come up with a good entry for BBC #56! The BBC staff want us to "embrace the pins", but I can't find a good and creative way to do it. Grrr...



Another Of Those... Um... Entries. Yes.

Seriously, I think that we take things just a little bit too serious on BZP now these days. Reall, why get yourself hung up on something? Even if you've made a mistake, what's so bad about that? Things happen, just shrug and move on. Things are just as bad as you make them. I've let small silly things destroy my day in the past, so I decided that, "Hey, why worry?". You may think that you've made yourself to public embarassment at times, but really. Editing your post is understandable, I guess,



Obligatory Halloween Entry

So it's Halloween already?   I must say, I'm not quite as exited for it as I was last year. Yeah, I love horror stuff and such, but this year, Halloween was just another day. Maybe because of the fall break or something, but it just isn't as appealing to me anymore. In any case, that gives you an actual reason to watch horror movies, or at least something in that direction, like Sleepy Hollow, that I myself watched. I loved it. Headless horseman for the win, everybody! Also, I didn't go t



Darn It

Got my sig deleted.   *Pay attention, VB, pay attention!*   EDIT: Oh well, it's better this way.



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