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Reopening The Commissions

Since Swert just plugged me, I feel obligated to repost the commissions list. Please note that I need to make some adjustments to the lists, since Mark now has a 3D printer (so making rings, weapons, and previously-forbidden things could be easier now). Thanks for your patience. =)   Embargos There are a few things I will flat-out refuse to do. Avoid at all costs: any rubbery pieces (i.e. Inika masks, Skakdi heads, etc) Launchers/Launcher ammo Ehlek claw (tried already. Epic fail) Now that

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Good News And Bad News

Good News: I found a Nintendo 64 version of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time at Half-Price Books A Halloween store near aforementioned bookstore gave me ideas for more nonfunctional jewelry (imagine mini battleaxes hanging from your earlobes) I found out Deadliest Catch won't die from lack of Sig and the Hilstrands, because they're back in the show. =D I finally got around to typing up a SS I've been working on since forever Saw a really cool bird exhibition at the library today, which included

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Update On Bronze Kirop

As some of you might remember from this entry, my Metals teacher and I have made something of a project to cast my entire Kirop set in solid bronze. Since I haven't given updates on it since then, I might as well tell you what's up.   In Bronze Mask Headpiece Arms One leg Feet Wings Awaiting BronzeTorso Other leg Weapons Shouldn't be long before I can snap pictures of a completely bronze Kirop. =D

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

So Long, Farewell

*dashes in and starts throwing stuff into her carry-on bag, as Hawaii Five-O plays in the backround*   So yeah. By this time tomorrow, I'll be away from Washington and on the island of Kaua'i for a week. (*throws her copy of the Iliad, Peeps, and The Secret of Shadow Ranch into the bag*) I'll be celebrating the holidays there, and be back by the 27th (*stuffs notebook, rough drafts, and pencils in*) My cat's being taken care of by my neighbor and BFF Lexas, and I think we'll find her pretty hap

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

The Forbidden Game

... and like a butterfly to another sweet-smelling flower, I jump from The Red Pyramid to another fantastic book that was started and completed within twelve hours. This time, though, it was three long books in one -- and in a way, as creepy as all three Stephen King books I've read.   The Forbidden Game books, written by L.J. Smith (the person who wrote The Vampire Diaries, in case you cared to know), center around seven friends who play a game at a birthday party for one of them. The game --

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Round Four

Everyone this week had a good guess, and weren't far off the mark, but this week's winner is Exo-Fat!   Answer: During WWII, the Russians built a railway line over the frozen Lake Ladoga in order to deliver supplies to the city of Leningrad, which was under siege by German forces. Its population was starving and there was no means of supply from the Russian side other than over the lake.   Round Four  Rules: Don't share answers with each other, even answers you know aren't right. Doing so wi

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Inferna's Blog Puzzle Contest

Let's get this party started!   Puzzle Contest -- Round 1  Rules Don't share answers with each other, even answers you know aren't right. Doing so will get you disqualified for that round. This also applies for stealing another person's answer when you didn't come up with it yourself. You may, however, share theories. If you come up with an answer with the help of another contestant, make sure you mention that you did so, and who that was so I can give them credit. Each round, I will post th

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

A Thousand Suns

Linkin Park's coming out with a new album.   It's releasing on September 14.   It's called "A Thousand Suns".   The lead single is called "The Catalyst", and it's being released on August 2nd.   If this doesn't put the frosting on my birthday cake, nothing does.  

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Family Dynamics

If other events had not occured, I would be writing about Vampires Suck (which is, from what I could gather, a spoof of Twilight); however, other events have occured, so there you are.   Anyway, my mom had a little accident while out running and seems to have done something to her hamstring, since she can't move her leg without pain. Thankfully, she managed to hobble back home from the site of her tumble (amazingly, no passersby stopped to help her -- thanks for nothing ) and I helped her showe

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


So my English teacher finally got back from his trip to Canada (he apparently didn't get the memo that spring break ended three days ago ), and my class shared our Brags and Bombs for Spring Break.   Apparently, one of my classmates got her permit (note to self: keep an eye on the roads more often), and a lot of us wound up babysitting our siblings for little or no pay (sadly, I was part of that group ). But what really took the cake was what my friend Kathy experienced.   At Sakura-Con over t

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


Not much to say here. Nothing really happened today.   Well, nothing except this:   BRICKCON IN TWO DAYS!!!     OK, I know it offically started today, but that's when I'll be able to visit.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Bring It On, Bro

Me and my brother were dicussing the starters in SoulSilver and HeartGold this morning (thank you, Spring Break), and he dimissed Chikorita as "weak." Now, I've been planning to start with Cyndaquill once I got my own game, but I decided to shake it up.   Once I get HeartGold, I'll start with Grass instead of Fire, and then see if I can prove Zen wrong. >=D

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

To My Buddies On Live

If I appear but don't respond/accept to party invites, that's usually a clear sign that I won't be sticking around for very long.   Take last night, when my dad and I tried and failed to deactivate the setting that requires his password for me to approve friend requests. (Naturally, I realized how to do so only after we gave up and went to sleep. >.<)

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Sadface Again

My great gamble on Ebay and my Kohrak-Kal ring is not going well. Two out of the ten days have gone by, and not a single bid. Granted, $35 bucks is a lot to start with, but ....   *trails off, unsure*

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


Here we are, the students of our school, eating lunch all together and excited for the assembly ... and then some smart one decided to pull the fire alarm.   Way to kill the mood.   Thankfully, the assembly is still on (though we have a severely shortened lunch thanks to the whole incident, much to the distress of those who were still eating at the time), so I'll see you later.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Well, I Did It

Mark said I would be struggling. Mark said I wouldn't finish it within this semester. He was right about the hard part.   Yet here I am, one month later, finally finished with reading The Iliad by the Greek poet Homer.   Man, was that a long story. Now on to try and find something else challenging to read.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


The forums are back and I updated my rules to celebrate.   Unfortunately I can't update my stories to celebrate, as I haven't finished any chapters. =/   (although I did add new stuff to the Wings review topic)

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword


So, I won't be here tonight, since my fam's dragging me to Fan Appreciation Night at the baseball stadium. So don't expect me to be on tonight.   Oh, and one more thing:   BRICKCON TOMORROW!!!

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Round Six

Unfortunatly, no one won the last round. However, Munkiman's Rogue Gallery one was hilarious (at least to me).   Answer: A bus driver was told to bring 20 psychiatric patients to a mental hospital. On the way there he stopped to buy a newspaper, and when he went back to the bus, all his passengers had gone. So, he drove up to several bus stops, collected the first 20 people he could find, and delivered them to the hospital, where he warned the staff that they would all cause trouble and claim t

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Motivation Required (again)

This time, it's for my Valentine's Day fic. It's really lagging, mostly because of procrastination (what else?) and a lack of will on my part.   So, just like last time: If you have any threats, bribes, or just go and kick me in the butt, go ahead. I need all the motivation I can get to finish in time for 2/14.

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Round Seven

Vorox Chief was the closest, so he is this round's winner!   Answer: The last thing he put on was his shoe, and it contained a deadly spider that bit him, and he died soon after.   Round Seven  Rules: Don't share answers with each other, even answers you know aren't right. Doing so will get you disqualified for that round. This also applies for stealing another person's answer when you didn't come up with it yourself. You may, however, share theories. If you come up with an answer with the h

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

Hello, Seattle

Yes, I am back. Not in black, though I am several degrees tanner due to the Hawaiian sun. B)   I'm a little fuzzy-headed right now, since I didn't sleep very much last night on the flight home (though I can blame that on myself -- I watched the few Code Lyoko episodes the airplane's DidgEplayer had on it and listened to music for the majority of the way, and then I couldn't get to sleep ), though I did take a nap earlier this morning. :wakeup2:   But whatever.   Gifts: -iPod Nano (to repla

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

End In Sight

Gaaah, the long weekend's almost over. -.-   .. on the bright side, though, I've got Pokemon Black preordered, played a lot of War For Cybertron, finished a chapter for one of my fanfics (not one on here, sorry), and there hasn't been a lick of snow in my region.  

Inferna Firesword

Inferna Firesword

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