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So I picked up a new mp3 player (or PMP if you prefer that term). I purchased a 8GB blue Zune. Why Zune? I like the software for starters. It's a lot more elegant than the horrid mess that is iTunes or Windows Media Player (which doesn't make sense since Zune is a Microsoft product as well...). I also like the UI a lot. It's simple and to the point and doesn't try to be in your face or flashy, it also lets me set a background displayed on the menu screens so that's cool. I also love the t

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

A Weekend Away

So I'm not at home, or even at school this weekend. I'm actually visiting my Aunt for easter weekend, so that's why you won't be seeing much of me this weekend.

Than the Moa

Than the Moa


Why am I still awake? It's nearly 4 am where I live. So many things on my mind lately, I haven't slept well at all of late because of such. Why does life have to be so confusing and frustrating sometimes?

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

Windows 7

Windows 7 is amazing. It's going to be installed on this computer (or if I happen to pick up a new one before then, on that one) as soon as it comes out.

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

Wrup: A First Time For Everything Edition

Welcome to a new weekly feature (shamelessly taken from a video game blog I read often), What Are You Playing! What I have been playing: I've been spending a lot of time with Gears of War 2 with a friend of mine at school and good ol' Watashi Wa. I've also been taking advantage of my roommate borrowing Fallout 3 from a friend of his by playing that at times, it's a fun game at times, but can be incredibly frustrating, especially since it feels a lot like Oblivion with guns (try as hard as

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

Hello World

Soooooo, I got this fancy blog thing again it seems, so I may as well use it I guess. So welcome to my blog reboot, The Colour And The Shape. Enjoy your stay. Anyway, here's a handful of things going on with me at the moment for those that care about what your resident Q&A Guru and Global Moderator is doing. -College! For those that don't know, I'm a Computer Science major at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. I'm currently in my second semester of my freshman year. -Xbox 3

Than the Moa

Than the Moa

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