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It's That Time...

Well, I have to finish up cleaning my room. It's been nearly a 2 week project (yes, it was that bad). While I've found some great things, such as multitudes of Bionicles pieces and even a few masks, I've also found some things that... I NEVER meant to find.   So yeah, for the next couple days I'm not gonna be on BZPower very much. Feel free to PM me and whatnot, but the replies will most likely happen in the evening.   -S



Blog Fads

Goodness, Sumiki's exploded. I thought it'd be a fad as soon as I saw it, but... just, wow.   How do fads go up like that so dang fast?   Xidash



Off To Teenpact Tomorrow

Yeah, I'm off to TeenPact tomorrow. Gone until Friday. Depending if out hotel has internet, I might blog here and there.   Xidash



Hf To Bionicle Correlation

I thought for a good 5 seconds on making this a topic, but it'd be discussing HF and it'd be a coincidence topic, both would be closed. So, blog we go.   Anyone noticing how interesting it is that HF is following in roughly Bionicle's footsteps? Think about it. I mean, roughly. First, the Toa Mata come out. They're new, sleek, classic, but not much articulation. Hero Factory is released, sleek, cool, better than the Stars, but no additional articulation. Toa Metru come out, more articulati



Kanohi Selling/Auction

You know you want some of those masks. You know you do. And you also want some seriously rare collectables! Or something like that.   Click here to go to the topic! Thanks if you do.   Anyways, if you collect masks or are looking for other collectables, go check out my topic please. It's much appreciated. I'm also auctioning a solid black Skrall shield, and a 5-hole Kraahkan.



Rules Reminder

Since a rule has been frequiently broken around here, I'm gonna post so that people would stop. It's a pain to me and it clogs the server bandwidth.   Please don't double post. I'm seeing this more and more and more. Someone says something, then remembers that there is more. But instead of editing, he/she thinks "It's just a blog" and double posts. Sometimes it's an accident too. What you don't want to do after that is post "oops sowwy double post " If you accidentally double post, edit the po



Colorado Wildfire

Wow... the wildfire in Colorado is really freaky. It's destroyed over 150 buildings and 7,200 square miles in the past 3 days. Firefighters have 8 airplanes helping them and 2 helicopters and around 150 firetrucks from around the country, and more coming in all the time. The wind was blowing hard enough this morning that airplanes couldn't get off the ground. Luckily some clouds are coming in tomorrow and will rise the humidity level.   Please pray for the people who's homes have been burned. 8



I'm Back

Yeah, I survived. Somehow. Braving the weekend with an obnoxious 5 year old is quite a challenge. However, I did relax some and had a good time. Pretty much.   Our multimedia computer is still offline, and we're not sure when it will be back. Hopefully I can grab my sister's laptop, which also has the Adobe software, and see if I can make a short here soon. But I miss our multimedia computer. ;_;     Oh yeah, as for Twisted content, I got some concept artwork done and have decided on what the



Grand Champion Skrall

Not at all what you think, trust me.   Alright, I show rabbits, right? In rabbit showing, you get an award called a Leg if you win a class of more then 5 rabbits. Once you get 3 legs (Once has to be after the rabbit is over 6 months old), you can Grand your bunny, or make it a Grand Champion.   I have a buck named Skrall.   Isn't that terribly ironic for the character's persona??   -S   Hint: Look for the lighted area on the picture



Oh My....

I was just drafted to help my Dad tomorrow at work. Seems like all the excruciating hard days I'm stuck helping him. >.< Seriously, we're roofing a building with 40 foot long steel sheets. If you guys don't understand, that's an insane length. INSANE length. My Dad has been doing construction for... 30 years or so and has only handled sheets that were 45 feet or shorter. So this is borderlining the longest sheets he's ever worked with. And roofing, no less. If my next blog post has some



Obligatory Audiomachine Entry

Because the band Audiomachine is just that awesome. Think you've never heard of them? You probably have, unknowingly. They do Epic Choir for music, which is commonly used in movies. Audiomachine has helped make the soundtracks for: -Avatar -Sherlock Holmes -Percy Jackson -Star Trek (newest one) -Book of Eli -Clash of the Titans -And many more less-known movies They also do trailer music and do a darn good job with those too. If you're interested, go check out some of their stuff. It's



A Questions....

Ok, over the time that elapsed yesterday, I have enough content for oh, 4, maybe 5 blog posts. I mean, good, interesting content, not "lolz i wen to a nazcar rac yesterdai lolzz". The kind of content that impressed me, and that's pretty awesome stuff. So, how would you like me to tell you guys the stuff I saw? You guys would for sure be interested, at least in most of it. Do you want one, big post or several, smaller posts over several days or several posts over several hours or all back to back



Animation 'fun' Part 2

>Ok, all natural light is out. >Crud, window covering won't stay up. Oh well. >Makes background purple for a modified Green-Screen. >DARNIT LIGHTING >Purple screen doesn't work due to direct lighting. >Wait a second... what's this... >CURSES THIS PROGRAM DOESN'T ANIMATE EITHER >Orders good camera that I've been planning on for a while. >Get a blue incandescent lightbulb from my cousin. >ZOMG LOOKS SO GOOD >Can't find another one for my second lamp. &




Well, I believe due to the massive rains we've had, we have a somewhat serious problem: lots of gas stations in Fort Morgan (my town) are closed because they're out of gas. Seriously. I've never seen that happen even to 1, let alone a half dozen. One has 6 pumps and somehow still has gas, and yeah, it's constantly packed. We've had this Gasaclysm since Friday evening. Hopefully something change, because Fort Morgan is known for cheap gas for the interstate that runs just yards away from it. Not



A Beautiful Field...

A Beautiful hay field, is an EMPTY hay field.     So yeah, we just finished loading all 220 hay bales from our small alfalfa field... aside from the time a couple years back when it was late July and we had 350 bales, this was the hardest. Not only were the bales not all alfalfa (weeds, cheat grass, other grasses etc), but they weren't tight like most of ours are. The strings should be tight so it keeps the whole bale together. Some were somewhat snug, while others... were what we called "Slags




Anyone else doing it this year? I am, but only like 15k words rather than my 25k last year. Busier this year and hardly made last year XD   So...anyone else doing it? If not, you need to. Go do it. Nao. NOW.   Shadix




Well, today I went about 60 miles east to visit a friend who does rabbit showing, like we do. We arrived early to the spot, and as we're driving around the parking lot to find a shady spot (Rabbits need shade!) I spot a black object on the ground. After looking at it harder, it looks a fuzz like a billfold. So we drive over there, pick it up and IT IS. Not only that, but it had her drivers license, credit cards, cash, gift cards, and SOCIAL SECURITY CARD. So yeah, we called the number up and she



Birthday Loot

Eh, not so much looty as just stuff I got.   -Two $15 iTunes cards -"I'm the bomb" Mario bomb-omb shirt -Cars 2 Bluray -Cars 2 poster -iPhone 4 PowerMat -$5   Using the iTunes cards and some cash, I bought a stylus for my iPhone and a drawing app and have been doing some drawing on my iPhone. Pretty fun   -Shad



Moar Jokes

.::. IRS: We've got what it takes to take what you've got. .::. You know you need to go on a diet when: -You dive into a swimming pool so your friends can go surfing -You have to apply your makeup with a paint roller -At your school classroom, when you turn around, you erase the whole blackboard -The bus driver asks you to sit on the other side because he wants to make a turn without flipping over -You fall down, and in the process in getting up, rock yourself to sleep .::. Christmas t



Bzp Bucket List

I got inspiration to make one of these from another blog, so here I go:   Hit 10,000 posts Get to a 8 post average a day - Currently 6.44 Become a Premier Member - Done Become an OBZPC Have comics hit 50 pages Keep learning - Doing Get 10 Hot topics - 6/10 Get info on the main page - Done, 14K Gold Hau Be remembered   Yeah, hopefully I hit that   -S



Settlers Of Catan

Yeah, our family played Settlers of Catan last night. For those who don't know what it is, it's a game where you place your settlements on a board and you reaper commodities. With those commodities you can build more settlements, roads, etc. Whoever has the most settlements plus some other factors wins.   Anyways, we played it last night. For all my cities, I fortified them with Kaukaus, and I replaced the thief with my Movie Edition Kraahkan. It was fun. B)   .:Shadix:.



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