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Chemistry Pop-Quiz

Just for fun, let's see how many people can do this (Without your friend Google and Wikipedia):   In terms of elementary particles, what is the most broken down way you can express the molecule, Benzene.   Post your answer in the comments section and please use spoiler tags. I did this in my head while trying to fall asleep last night. *teehee*



Theme And Variation

Well, nobody has taken any interest in the blog so far, oh well, that's not particularly surprising. I've decided that for my name-change I'm going with Veeci. The next thing I'm wanting to do is add a theme and some graphics to the blog to make things look a bit nicer and inviting. I was considering a Berlin Bahnhof (Subway/Train Station) motif, but do you guys have any suggestions for a theme or name?



During The Downtime

Some of the things that I did during the forum downtime: Traveled to Berlin (Best city in the WORLD!) Visited Mijas, Spain (Fantastic place, odd culture) Went to camp in North-Georgia (Mosquitos... But fun) De-converted from Christianity to Agnosticism (Are we allowed to have debates if both people are willing?) Discovered the awesome-possum-ness of Anime (Why have I not seen this before!?) Watched the entirety of FullMetal Alchemist (2003) ("This method of short-distance running has been passed



*grabs The Feather Duster*

"It's been a long time, how have you been?" ~Glados   Well, the forums are back online; that's quite relieving, I was beginning to get worried there... So much has changed in my life recently and I feel like a completely different person from when the site went down five months ago. I'm wanting to take advantage of the site's new beginning and start anew alongside it. And what better way to kick it off than to have my first ever name change?   I'd love to get hear your opinions and suggestions o



Airsoft, Chips, And Rpgs, Oh My

Today my church held its last Airsoft Monday for the summer. Airsoft Mondays are big get-togethers where we have battles and Bible studies. As bizarre and ironic as it sounds it's really fun and I'm disappointed there ending. Anybody else here on Bzp play airsoft by chance?   Anyway, moving along. Microwaving a potato chip bag has a very surprising result. Earlier today, after some research, I chose to try it myself. The entire process takes about six seconds, within that time electricity arcs




Today I saw the movie Inception for the first time. Wow, finally a movie that has a major new and innovative idea. It's complex and at some parts I wish I could pause it and think for a minute to make sure I had gotten things straight. But, If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. The movie has good actors, great cinematography, amazing effects, and a creative plot. I'd rate it a good 7.5/10.   On another note, I also pre-ordered Halo Reach today at GameStop. I was curious and asked the



The Beginning

Welcome! If you're reading this then you've actually entered my blog and I thank you for that. This is my first experience with a blog of my own so we'll see how this turns out.   This first entry is just a question based thing. If you have any questions about me I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities. Most people here hardly know anything more about me than my username. Hopefully, that will change over the course of this next week while I have this blog.   Happy Birthday



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