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I'm just going to give a shoutout to Jedi Master J for being awesome. Seriously awesome.    



Shockwaves list of video games.

In no particular order, here are my favorite games. (or the ones I can think of.) Some are just going to be the name of the series. because if that wasn't the case it would be all Metroid.   Metal Arms: This game is an all around blast. Makes me wish that I knew how to adjust my TV screen so I could play my PS2 again. Kid Icarus: Any game where you can wield a pair of "machine gun wolverine gauntlet claws" just has to be fun. And that is my new name for those weapons. Scribblenauts: Because summ



Shockwave's thoughts: FoC Shockwave Reprolabels

So, I figured to kick things off with me having a blog I would do a review of something. Lets go.   Fall of Cybertron Shockwave Labels     Here he is all decked out in his shiny pink labels. Very shiny. they look a bit dull in the pictures... Anyway, This set includes stickers for his arms, shoulders, chest, legs blaster, wings, rear thruster and the bottom of his feet as shown in jet... thing mode. He also comes with a few alternate labels if you prefer him to look more like his G1 cou



Shedinja question?

Did they change how you get these things? I've got a spare pokeball and a nincada at level 19 with only 5 pokemon in my party and when it hits 20? It evolves and no Shedinja. Twice.



Science is great

My chemistry teacher had leftover liquid nitrogen from something (is this a normal thing?) and decided to pour some of it in a glass container and freeze stuff so he could shatter it. It worked for like two minutes and then the container just shattered into these large shards. (Nobody got hurt)He just kinda looked at it and didn't know what to do.   I really wanted to shout a Cave Johnson quote but I didn't.




According to XKCD:   And as someone who has been to Phoenix a couple times, that says a lot.



RIP Scalebound

Well, NieR is coming to PC so I have one platinum game to look forward to. So there's that. Fingers crossed for some good games announced with the switch, because at this point there aren't many good exclusives to look forward to.



Replay value: Destiny Vs. MOTN

So, as some of you may know, Destiny was released (about) two weeks ago. One of it's main gameplay features is how much you will be replaying parts of it. A lot. That's not really a problem. The problem is that there is very little reason for me to want to replay it. The only mission that makes me want to replay it is Sword of Crota because of the GIANT. FREAKING. SWORD. The only level that has such a feature. But since the game is designed to have parts of it replayed several times it seems lik



Regarding the Gamestop mega stone distribution

So yeah, the one I rode the bus to today didn't have any of the cards, apparently they didn't get shipped or something. I was given the Nintendo Customer Service number to call, but from what I've heard it's pretty flooded at the moment. The lady at the front desk seemed a bit misinformed on how that works, but I can't say that's her fault, and she was nice about the whole thing.   So if someone does happen to have an extra one for the Y version maybe you could get me the code? That would be rea



Recomendations for Wii U

So, I recently got one as I mentioned earlier. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.   Currently I have 3 physical disks and a handful of VC games:   Smash 4 Hyrule Warriors The Wonderful 101   A link to the past Zelda 2 Super Metroid Super Mario 3D world Nintendoland   I'm planning on getting:   Windwaker HD MarioKart 8 All the VC Metroids and Zeldas MH3U   So, if it's not up there somewhere and It's a good Wii U game, fire away, I need suggestions.



question regarding the Smash 4 CD

Has anyone else tried to put the songs on Google music? My laptop won't even rip them.   And when I try to put the files from my desktop into my Google account, it just doesn't.   The internet seems barren of any info on copyright protection on the CD, and I know that Google music will not upload some music it it was from anothe google account, but I haven't heard of it happening with a CD.




Supergiant games, creators of Bastion and Transistor just Announced their next game.   I for one, am extremely excited.



Public service announcement for terraria players.

Please do not throw bombs in your house. The bomb does not care that you didn't mean to throw it, it will blow up anyway.   That is all.   Also, I'm so close to breaking one of those shadow things. But I apparently can't aim bombs while being attacked by eaters. This could take awhile.



PSA for Zelda fans

If you did not get the four swords anniversary edition, you can download it for free right now on the eshop. But only until the second. So go. I've heard good things about it.



PSA For pokemon players

According to their facebook page there is an event for a pokeball pattern Vivillion. I have yet to grab it but I intend to shortly.   Also we're finally getting some events. What is this, like, the fourth one?



Portal 2

I think this is one of my favorite quotes from the game.   "To start preparing for human testing again, I checked an old suggestion box. The number one request? Less deadly tests." "That's ridiculous, how do they know for sure the tests are deadly if they could still write the suggestion?"   My friend and I almost completed the co-op story. we where on the last chamber and I had to go home...



Polls and other PM things.

So, for awhile now something has been bugging me. I don't really agree with some of the PM perks. For starters, PMship isn't particularly cheap. it isn't terribly expensive either, and upon purchasing a six month subscription you are automatically signed up to buy it again when it runs out. which is quite... odd... it seems to me it would be better to pay $16 than $10 twice. but I really only bought it to see if it would be worth it to spend the $40 and just have it until the site no longer exis



Pokemon Omega Ruby

Alternate title: I need a life.   I'm getting ready to challenge the Elite Four and I find myself asking: do I want to beat the Elite Four, or do I want to absolutely smash them with the sheer force of six legendaries that I can pick out of my two boxes worth of them. Hmm. Tough choice.   But yeah last time I checked I had logged a solid 11 hours.   Edit: Currently I'm at 13:30, actually. Also I had to chuck an expensive 21 ultra balls at one of those things from Diamond and pearl. So that was a



People who call Verizon customer service.

Yes hello, how are you?   Okay, can I get you'r- what do you mean you need to take a call? Okay, I'll just wait here then.   Ma'am? Are you there? Hello?   Okay, can I validate your account now?   Okay, so what is it you where offered?   Look, I get that Verizon called you for the offer, but we aren't a collective conscious, I need to know what you want to help you. Okay, if you don't know then it's going to be pretty hard to get it for you.   Can you at least tell me what you where discussing b



Out of state tuition.

Ok... For one, why is this a thing? Two, they should be able to gather that I've lived here with the information I've already given them. Seriously. Why? Seems like that's something that should be covered in the registration process.   Ugh...



Orion Pax

This figure is kind of neat. I have a few gripes, and he's not the best figure ever, but I like him for some reason. He needs to be standing next to the generations Megatron though.



Oot: Clear!

I finally beat it. I was going to try to 100% it, but I think I accidentally overwrote it when starting the master quest. Whoops.   On to Majoras Mask!   Edit: Question: If Ganondorf can use the triforce of courage to change into a gigantic boar, why can't Zelda use the triforce of wisdom to realize she can throw the sword that is literally three feet from her into the ring.



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