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On Preordering Video Games

I don't understand the justifications my friends come up with for continually doing this. I was playing Destiny with my friend and one of his friends and he mentioned that he almost finished paying off his pre-order for GOW4. When I asked him what he would do if that was a bad decision and it was a dud. He nonchalantly said he would trade it in. When I mentioned waiting for reviews, his freind, in a defensive, sort of offended tone stated reviews don't matter and you should decide for yourself w



On getting a job

So, after a search that was far too long, I've finally, almost employed, and by almost I mean I just need to actually start.   But of course, because nothing can be that simple, I have to sort out some transportation related issues. For one, rather then having me at the call center that is literally across the street (Give or take a half mile) They have me working at one that's by the local mall. Okay, no big deal, I'll just take the bus, except my shift ends half an hour after all the routes ar



On building computers

Once. Just. Once. Would I like for everything to plug in and freaking work. But no. It's got to throw a freaking RAM error even though I know it isn't the RAM because I'm using it to complain on my blog that my other motherboard is throwing a RAM error.   Ugh. Is it really too much to ask to have something work properly the first time? First I had to get a new motherboard because the one I have is in a case that won't accept my new graphics card. (My dad works on computers for a living, so he br



On bike riding

if you fill up your bike tire right after riding it the previous day, don't be shocked when it completely deflates three miles into your 15 mile route.   Though to be fair it was five in the morning and nobody thinks clearly that early in the morning. Nobody. Excuse me while I figure out why it was flat.



On "Next-Gen"

(Before we get started, this is directed at the general attitude toward old-gen consoles on most gaming sites. Nothing to do with anyone here.)   Every time I see that a cross-gen game has been delayed/cancelled on an older console I can immediately tell you what the comment section looks like.   If you haven't seen one of these articles, the comments basically say that if you don't upgrade you are everything that's wrong with gaming and why everyone can't have nice things. Because we won't get



Oh Destiny...

I want to like you, I do. But you make some really stupid design choices.   Look, if your going to give me an item to wear that vacuums up all my rep into one clan's reputation, you should make so that it uses the currency given out by all but one activity. And then not limit that for some arbitrary reason that doesn't make sense, especially when your telling me I need to climb levels as fast as possible to be able to partake in the one piece of new content you give me after completing the story




I just found a copy of Metroid Prime: Hunters at my local used bookstore. I know this has never been the best Metroid game, but I used to play it with my friends in my freshmen year of high school.   Oh my goodness. That was like... somewhere between 5 and 6 years ago.   And with that, all I need to have a comprehensive Metroid collection is Super Metroid (and that... other one.). All I need is five coins. So close.



Nintendo. again.

So there's finally been some word on Pokebank. I'm not so ticked about it not being released, but the sheer lack of information on the matter. It seems like up until the 27th of december they wouldn't stop talking about it, than BAM! No updates or anything.   And then we have flipnote, which was supposed to be released MONTHS ago. And now it seems like it's something that isn't happening.   Then we have Swapnote, which is pretty much useless, and it's the closest thing to a communication app o



Nintendo Switch

Speaking as somebody who is tied up in the public transit system for a minimum 3 hours on weekdays this looks absolutely fantastic.   If you haven't seen it:   Most of my concerns lie with built in software and how all of that works and if Nintendo has finally decided to join this decade with it's online features, but I'm sure we'll hear more on that.   But I'm pretty hyped.



Nintendo Direct

That was quite a lot of info. TP HD has me excited, as I haven't fully played it yet.   FE:F looks like it could be interesting, but I don't have a lot of expierience with the franchise and the pricing model is kind of interesting.   The animal crossing game just doesn't interest me. It still looks like an extra mode to an actual animal crossing game.   Cloud as a character for smash looks interesting, but I have no expietience with Final Fantasy.   Hyrule Warriors looks cool. The extra characte




I really don't know how to feel about this one. On one hand the story is really interesting and super depressing, both things I enjoy, on the other hand, the gameplay seemed to go out of its way to do nearly everything wrong. From a leveling system that makes no sense, to save points being in the exact wrong places and dungeons that lock you in with few recovery options and a bunch of generic RPG stuff that seemed tacked on with little benefit.   But the story, world building, characters and mus



NieR: Automata: CLEAR! (Sort of)

Path A of NieR Automata has been cleared! (Along with W and... S? I think it's S, but that's because I was a bit awful at the game.) I still have no clue what's going on and have started the next story path. But I'm really, really, loving this game.



New 3DS?

So according to a post on facebook I just saw we're getting a 3DS with dual control sticks and dual shoulder pads. But its still the 3DS. And they thought the 2DS would be confusing.



NES classic

This looks really cool, it has a pretty good selection of games, is pretty cheap, all things considered and the controller is cool. But I feel it accentuates just how expensive the games are to obtain on Nintendo's other hardware. At $5 a pop it would cost $150 to buy them all, assuming they're all available. I understand it took work creating the emulator and putting everything together, but that is one heck of a price difference.   And since it is so cheap, I bet it's going to be a long time b



Nerd humor

I showed my sisters freind a picture of what appeared to be a doctor who corn maze.   Me: look at this! Freind: wow! That's amazing! Me: Ha! aMAZEing?   And than we high fived and laughed and nobody else gets and and it was awesome.



Nature is weird...

I hear thunder, so I go outside to see if there's a storm rolling in. But, no... The sun is out to greet me... Stupid rainclouds...




I just hit 5,000 word.   Yeah.   I didn't expect much but I sisn't think it would be going this slow. Ugh. Maybe I'll hit 10,000? I suppose that would be something.   If I do this next year I'll need more planning. At least an outline. I thought once I got to a place that gave me more freedom I'd have an easier time but I just can't seem to move forward to the stuff that I really want to write.




So it's been brought to my attention, that Nanowrimo is almost upon us once again. So at around this point I usually consider participating through the first half of the month and then figure it's to late by that point so I don't bother...   Maybe I should change that...   I mean, realistically speaking I probably won't and if I do It won't be entered into anything, as I'd probably be brushing the dust off a project I've been meaning to do since I don't even remember when. And I think that doe




After roughly 13 years one of my favorite shows is over.   But that was one heck of a finale.   I'm still going to miss all that explosive science...



MyMathLab is awful

Question: "Do you trust the predicted data?"   Me: Not really, I'm not even sure what it's referring to honestly.   *Clicks answer, gets it wrong, clicks a second answer, also wrong*   Me: No, wait, scratch that, I do trust the data, apparently. Glad they informed me of that.   Seriously, Why are they asking me an opinion if they are looking for a correct answer.   And don't even get me started on when it decides to ask me to estimate.



My job finding adventure

So I got a call from sonic asking me for an interview. Shortly after the interview I was notified that I did indeed get the job and I needed to fill out some paperwork to finish the process.   This was something like a month ago. I've called them several times, filled out another application, called some more and still gotten nothing.   But apparently they're low on available workers because they've done more interviews and those people are now being called in to fill out the paperwork.   So ye



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