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I Have a Serious Question

Okay, so I'm seeing if I can't get a second opinion that's in no way connected to my personal life.   OK, so a little less then a month ago I was at a local restaurant with my family for my father's birthday. When I went up to order the young lady who took it made note that she saw me there often, (which is true) and asked for my name. (She also gave me hers but I was kind of panicking at this point and I can't actually remember it.) Now, my family is convinced that she was flirting with me.  



I Got a Four Player Revive with Mercy!

You can't hear it in the video as it's recorded from the main menu and not in game, but the rest of my team was singing praise for that.   I'm really proud of this moment. (It's even better that I got to spite a Junkrat because the amount of times a Junkrat player has burned their ult to hunt me down and kill me is just really too high.)   Oh hey, look there's my mouse. Can't fix it now...



I don't understand how pain works

I can punch a piece of wood and be fine, accidentally cut myself while sharpening a knife and not notice until I see blood and faceplant into dirt off a bike and be relatively fine.   But if I accidentally tap something with my pinky toe I'm writhing in pain for like fifteen minutes. What the actual heck. Of all the toes that one is the most useless but hurts the most. I accidentally kicked one of the dog crates in my house and I had to try not to limp to school today and than proceeded to repea



I did the quiz thing

You Are A:     Neutral Good Human Cleric (3rd Level)   Ability Scores: Strength- 8 Dexterity- 8 Constitution- 15 Intelligence- 13 Wisdom- 13 Charisma- 9   Alignment: Neutral Good- A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. He is devoted to helping others. He works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good ca



How to Enjoy Star Wars: Battlefront

1. Don't play the Battlefront Beta   2. Play Battlefront II   Quick question: I'm not sure if it's me or possibly a miscalibrated TV, but on Xbox one, Battlefront is looking extremely jagged and muddy (at the same time somehow), So I'm wondering if anyone else can confirm weather it's the game or something else. I'm pretty sure it's the game because the opening screen is absolutely headache inducing and everything is just really hard to see. But a quck search online didn't result in finding simi



How not to design a bus payment system

So, my bus card is out of funds, meaning I have one more ride until I have to reload it. This shouldn't be a monumentally frustrating task, but due to the title of the entry you're probably guessing that it is.   You are correct.   Okay, so to start with, there's are three options for reloading a card. One is logging into an account that the card is attached to, the second one is attaching it to an account, and the third is via the number on the card. (I'm assuming the theory behind the last on



House sitting

I got a house sitting job over the weekend.   Their house was robbed not too long ago, so they had an alarm system put in. It goes off whenever a door is opened while it's active.   My house has no such system.   Do you see where this is going? Because I didn't.   I swear I almost gave myself a heart attack. Luckily I was able to shut it off quickly and call them so that they knew that nobody was trying to break into the house.   So that was fun.



Hold up

So. From an article I read Nintendo won't be releasing DLC because people will complain that they didn't pay for a complete experience.   So the solution is to lock away the only DLC charecter mentioned by putting it behind the pretty massive Paywall of another game.   But at least nobody can say they didn't get a complete game. Because I can't pay for the extra content. That's apperantly better. I guess.   Nice.   Hopefully this is just a flurry of misinformation and Nintendo isn't that bad at




They get revived and instantly shot down because they've gone AFK in the last two seconds, apperantly.   I got shoved off a cliff for you, the least you can do is not die! Or maybe pick a class that isn't a squishy attack class...   Though, admittedly it is kind of cool to micro manage a teams health bars and watch them win the match, though some recognition would be nice. And I was in a match earlier where a Lucio was on the ball and we where able to take the match. He also go little recogniti



Has your internet ever been so slow

That it peaked at three and a half billion GB? Because steam is telling me what's happening. No Steam, no. Don't lie like that. Its not nice. I know the hotel internet is slow but that doesn't mean you get to lie like that.



Has science gone too far?

So there's now a way to hack computers that aren't on the grid using inaudible sound waves to establish connection. The bug can infect computers within 65 feet of the source even if the computer in question has no network connection and send keystrokes and other stuff through it. That's just scary. And really cool. I don't know whether to be fascinated or worried.



Harmony of Heroes

So, they people behind this album are releasing another one based on smash bros music.   It's going to be awesome.   Just thought some of you might like to know.



Harmony of Heroes

It's here!   Download the 101 track album here.   For those of you not in the know, HoH is a fan made Smash bros album by the makers of Harmony of a Hunter.



Hardmode sucks.

So I beat the wall of flesh. Finally. And this sucks. Everything can kill me and I can't mine anything good because mining is suicide. But my fortress of awesome is relatively safe, but not completely. So that's cool I guess.



Happy Birthday Metroid!

This day (or tomorrow maybe?) Was when my favorite video game franchise launched. I wouldn't discover it until after the launch of Zero Mission. Which is still my favorite in the series.   I'm going to go celebrate by attempting to beat Prime.



Halo 4 matchmaking

I don't know why it insists on matching me with people that are just going to destroy me... At least when they're lower level I have a chance. But when the next lowest level is above 80 something has gone horribly wrong.   Maybe I shouldn't be playing shooters...   Also Airmech: Arena got announced yesterday which means I can play Airmech on the 360 which means I will have even more incentive to not do homework.



Half-Life 2 Ep. 2

Are you telling me they just let that hang for over seven years without any word on the sequel?   Now I know exactly why everyone wants the announcement and why we haven't gotten one.   Because unless it's the most perfect thing ever, it's going to get shredded.



Guess who got a new bow?

Well, new to me anyway. I'm not sure how old it is, but it was my grandfathers and very well taken care of. At it's max the pull is 70 pounds. I've adjusted it to a more manageable level, but have yet to actually fire it.



Guess what I saw today!

I went and watched the lego movie with a friend of mine, and than we drifted over to target and I grabbed some of the figures. I really enjoyed the movie, it was child friendly without feeling like it went overboard and was still quite enjoyable. (That's redundant... Whatever...)   Anyway, If you haven't seen it you really should, it's quite fun.



Guess what day it is?

That's right, it's the 30th anniversary of the first Transformers comic ever. Though I should have posted this earlier.   30 years and we still don't have a proper G1 Arcee figure. Get in gear Hasbro.   But yeah, that's cool.



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