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Halo 4 matchmaking

I don't know why it insists on matching me with people that are just going to destroy me... At least when they're lower level I have a chance. But when the next lowest level is above 80 something has gone horribly wrong.   Maybe I shouldn't be playing shooters...   Also Airmech: Arena got announced yesterday which means I can play Airmech on the 360 which means I will have even more incentive to not do homework.



It's so ironic it's almost sad

My computer class website. It's awful. The book isn't much better. But honestly, the book gives these long, drawn out explanations on how to change simple things in word. But it doesn't tell you the result, rather showing you a picture. So in order to format it correctly, you have to sift through every long, drawn out explanation to find the correct fonts, sizes, colors and shapes. Either that or figure it out from the picture, which is almost worse. and the website looks like it was formatted b



Woo! Blog!

So I broke down, got over my petty excuse for not getting PM and got some PM. May not agree with some of the features, but whatever.



Oh Destiny...

I want to like you, I do. But you make some really stupid design choices.   Look, if your going to give me an item to wear that vacuums up all my rep into one clan's reputation, you should make so that it uses the currency given out by all but one activity. And then not limit that for some arbitrary reason that doesn't make sense, especially when your telling me I need to climb levels as fast as possible to be able to partake in the one piece of new content you give me after completing the story



Finals week

One more class. That's it. Unfortunately I got a 50% on the final homework assignment.   Whoops. Good thing I get an infinite amount of retries. But I don't exactly know what I did right So this is essentially going to be a game of "How far can I push my luck" until I have an acceptable score(MyStatLab is an awful program. Awful.). Yay. I also have to present the solutions to two math equations in front of my (Shockingly small) class. Which is pretty much my definition of fear.   I'm also incre




I just hit 5,000 word.   Yeah.   I didn't expect much but I sisn't think it would be going this slow. Ugh. Maybe I'll hit 10,000? I suppose that would be something.   If I do this next year I'll need more planning. At least an outline. I thought once I got to a place that gave me more freedom I'd have an easier time but I just can't seem to move forward to the stuff that I really want to write.



A very peculiar issue indeed...

For some reason most of my steam library has vanished. Problem is, the folders are still on the drive, and rather than just finding them and fixing everything last time I had this issue it's insisting that I need to find each game individually. And for some reason it takes forever. Any suggestions?   Though due to some other things that have been going wrong I'm thinking something needs replacing, probably my motherboard. Imagine my excitement...



I'm not sure whether to be irritated or impressed

I'm playing PvP on Airmech and I think I'm doing well and than I see a conga-line of heavy weaponry heading toward my base and I'm just like: I'm gonna gonna defend my base but we both know it's over. I don't know how they keep doing that. Like, they just completely bypassed like 20 minutes of capture the bases gameplay and shredded my base...



Metal Earth kits

So, anyone else seen the metal earth kits in hobby stores? I picked up a few and it's starting to get out of hand. Might post pictures soon.



So I'm officially done complaining about boredom

Most days after school I don't do much. Today was not one of these days. I was walking home from school and attracted a pair of Huskies. Well, me being the animal lover I am decided to herd them into my backyard and figure out what to do. Unfortunately for me I have dogs of my own and didn't fancy them meeting and causing more issues. So I tied them up in my front yard and a neighbor came to see what was going on.   Long story short, after a couple hours I managed to find a place to keep them u



Star Wars

I am immune to the spoilers.   (I wasn't planning on seeing it opening day but my friend insisted.)   But I greatly enjoyed it.



The Xbox Community

Thank you, 3 random players for informing me how much I suck. No wonder nobody takes the gaming community seriously.   *Sigh* That's enough Iron banner for today. (As an added bonus, I got three (I'm assuming) "Avoid this player" points for trash talking. Which is monumentally hard to do when you don't use a mic. In fact, all the avoids I've gotten where due to trash talking. So figure that out.)



Polls and other PM things.

So, for awhile now something has been bugging me. I don't really agree with some of the PM perks. For starters, PMship isn't particularly cheap. it isn't terribly expensive either, and upon purchasing a six month subscription you are automatically signed up to buy it again when it runs out. which is quite... odd... it seems to me it would be better to pay $16 than $10 twice. but I really only bought it to see if it would be worth it to spend the $40 and just have it until the site no longer exis



Guess what day it is?

That's right, it's the 30th anniversary of the first Transformers comic ever. Though I should have posted this earlier.   30 years and we still don't have a proper G1 Arcee figure. Get in gear Hasbro.   But yeah, that's cool.



Nintendo Switch

Speaking as somebody who is tied up in the public transit system for a minimum 3 hours on weekdays this looks absolutely fantastic.   If you haven't seen it:   Most of my concerns lie with built in software and how all of that works and if Nintendo has finally decided to join this decade with it's online features, but I'm sure we'll hear more on that.   But I'm pretty hyped.




Platinum is making a Transformers game.   I repeat. Platinum games ala Metal Gear Rising and Wonderful 101 is making a Transformers game.   That's it, everyone else can go home.   Then again, it's published by Activision. And Korra, while not bad, could have clearly used more polish.though I'm guessing that's because Nick killed the Tv show.   Whatever. I'm still excited.



More writing woes

So our first essay was due a little less than a week ago. There was a peer review thing we had to do, but it was open for a solid two days, one of which I had no realistic access to a computer or internet. And than we get the online essays graded. The teacher used question marks to comment on my essay. After the final due date. (Which was referred to as the first draft and the fact that it was the final thing might have been mentioned once. Maybe.)   And than before class one day she informs us



Guess what I saw today!

I went and watched the lego movie with a friend of mine, and than we drifted over to target and I grabbed some of the figures. I really enjoyed the movie, it was child friendly without feeling like it went overboard and was still quite enjoyable. (That's redundant... Whatever...)   Anyway, If you haven't seen it you really should, it's quite fun.



What the actual heck

I was at bookmans to look for a book. As shocking as that sounds. And I wandered into the video game section and grabbed a copy of Halo 2. Everything was still in the case from when it was released, including a two month trial of the online xbox srvice. My brand new 360 came with a month of gold. I don't even understand how that's supposed to make sense.



It's 2014

At least in my little slice of the world it's officially a bit after midnight. That means it's 2014. I don't know how I feel about this yet.   Oh, and some fantastic human being is firing off some sort of firearm. as if my dog's weren't terrified enough from the fireworks...   Here's to hoping 2014 carries more positives than last year.




My local used bookstore had a copy on display so I took it as a sign and grabbed it as I had been looking at it on the internet since I had beaten Xenoblade.   It boasts "more then 80 hours of gameplay" and is the first part of a trilogy.   What have I gotten myself into...



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