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Good job Nickelodeon, you broke it.

Alternative title: "This is why we can't have nice things."   So for those who aren't aware, net weeks episode of Legend of Korra will be the last episode to air on Nick. the rest are through digital streaming.   Something about low ratings or something, but I don't know, maybe, just maybe if they bothered to let people know that something watchable was airing we wouldn't have this issue.   But, you know, if a show doesn't have enough viewers, just put it somewhere else. that'll fix it.



Go Vote

Today's the day, so if you are registered to vote, I strongly urge you to go make your voice heard.   And if you're voting third party, don't listen to those who tell you it's a wasted Vote, it's not.



Get it together Pima

So a solid 4 days before the date of my first class, and the day the semester starts, I am being informed via email that the book I rented from amazon (As a new copy was $50 more then the class and used was a bit lower) is now no longer being used in the class. Rather they are telling me that I need to purchase a digital version of the book as it's cheaper or something.   You can't possibly imagine my excitement.   Edit: It's roughly double the price. Woo.



Game console design flaw

So... Wait. The 360 Doesn't have bluetooth but they sell a bluetooth headset for it? *reads description* Oh, so it's a wireless headset with bluetooth built in.   So rather than Building a console with bluetooth like Sony and even Nintendo, they do that. Awesome.




Ok, so I just got an update from steam saying I can now stream games. I have a pathetic little wannabe laptop that i might be able to get the SteamOS on. (Probably not) So I'm going to attempt to run a steam game on my tiny computer. (Well, technically it will be running on my desktop.) I'm not getting any sleep tonight. But if this works, it will be worth it. Even though I will have accomplished literally nothing that's useful in any meaningful way. But I get to see the look on my computer gen



First week of my job

So that wasn't nearly as terrifying as I thought it would be.   Though currently I'm doing a paid training in preparation for the actual job, which basically means that you get information chucked at you for 8 hours and that's kinda stressful. But I've done decently on the two test we've gotten so at least I'm doing something right.   (For those who are curious, I'm working as customer service for a company known as AFNI, which is (or at least the location I'm at is) contracted with Verizon for



Finals week

One more class. That's it. Unfortunately I got a 50% on the final homework assignment.   Whoops. Good thing I get an infinite amount of retries. But I don't exactly know what I did right So this is essentially going to be a game of "How far can I push my luck" until I have an acceptable score(MyStatLab is an awful program. Awful.). Yay. I also have to present the solutions to two math equations in front of my (Shockingly small) class. Which is pretty much my definition of fear.   I'm also incre




Ugh. I hate presentations. I got up there and immediately forgot everything and did so terrible I was ridiculed by the teacher.   I don't think I need to say much more other then the fact that I'm probably not continuing my education for the foreseeable future. That class was everything I hate about school rolled up into a nice, 16 week package.   How can anybody work full time and go to school full time? I had two classes and one of them singlehandedly almost drove completely insane with stress



Figma Lucina

Such a gorgeous figure. I wanted to take more pictures but I really like that pose. (On a side note my new phones camera is absolutely great and I don't know why everyone complains about it.)



EVOLVE Alpha For XCOM Players

So apparently if you have XCOM (I'm guessing enemy unknown since that's what I have.)you get access to the EVOLVE alpha. So that's something.   Which is why it claims I have purchased it which I have not. I would have remembered that.   I guess now we can se how truly underpowered my computer is.




After just under six months I was able to find a job as a janitor. Not glamorous by any means, but I can't complain.   It beats being an over the phone Verizon rep. If you ever get the opportunity to do that, don't.




The mask maker is a neat little figure, and probably my favorite of the 3 protectors I have.   I'll admit, I'm not terribly impressed with skull basher.(is that the right name?) He's not bad, but he exists and that's about it. And he has a kinda cool mask. But I mostly grabbed the set for Ekimu and the mask of creation, which did not disappoint.



E3: Day One

Why are they remastering Skyrim? Can we at least wait a decade? This generation has had too much of it already...   Though if whoever is in possession of the Xeno series licences wants to remaster those for current gen hardware I will definitely throw money their way...



E3 Day 2-3

I was a bit disappointed in what Microsoft brought to the table in terms of games and software, but I really like the crossplay thing they're going to do. I'm still not a huge fan of digital games for consoles but it really doesn't seem like there's a point anymore. and being able to play the same games on my PC will be nice. But I have to wonder, if all of their first party games are going to PC and most third party ones are already there, why should I buy a console from them? The custom contro




Platinum is making a Transformers game.   I repeat. Platinum games ala Metal Gear Rising and Wonderful 101 is making a Transformers game.   That's it, everyone else can go home.   Then again, it's published by Activision. And Korra, while not bad, could have clearly used more polish.though I'm guessing that's because Nick killed the Tv show.   Whatever. I'm still excited.



Don't you hate it when...

When you watch an epesode of Doctor Who that was just so jaw droppingly... jaw dropping. (Yeah we'll go with that.) And you have nobody to vent the excitement to? I hate that.   And if anybody spoils anything for me, I swear....



Day one of NaNoWriMo

Currently I'm at 446 words. Yeah. This is going to be interesting. Well, if I can crank out 2,000 words about something I care nothing about for a class assignment, surely I should have less of an issue writing something I do care about, right? We'll see I suppose.   So anyway, I'm going to be writing a story called "Forces of Nature". Or at least that's what I'm calling it for now.   I don't really have a synopsis or anything written out right now, though I have a basic plot framework worked ou




I went to best buy with a freind and managed to get a hold of the Dark Pit Amiibo.   Now I'm just looking for 3   Zero Suit Samus Pit Lucina   This still rather ridiculous.



Curse you Steam

I caved to the sales. I got Portal 1 and 2 and Universe simulator. I've been wanting to play Portal for quite awhile. Wnd the first one doesn't disappoint so far.



Club Nintendo's closure

So I read an article that club Ninendo is closing. (Not said article, that's Nintendo's announcement and FAQ)   Just thought I'd post it here since there are quite a few people who post about the games and stuff.   I also need to find something I can use to get 5 points because I am literally that far away from a copy of Super Metroid. I'll look at getting a VC game or something...   Aso Flipnote 3D is apperantly coming next month as a free download for club Nintendo users. (Finally)   Also: If



Club Nintendo

I got my package in the mail yesterday. The CD is awesome. Plus I got to make one of my friends really jealous. He offered me a shiny charizard for it.




So I have 2 essays due tomorrow. One should be fairly easy as it's just applying the hero's myth to a movie. The other one I have to do significant research into my choice career. (Guess it's time to figure that out...) Granted, if I had checked the syllabus I would have seen it so it really is my fault I'm in this situation.   But in class it seemed to be something of an afterthought, and we didn't go over it at all. and last thursday our assignment was taking screenshots on the internet. I'm




So it will no longer be Christmas in like 15 minutes so I'm a bit late but MERRY CHRISTMAS!   I got a new pair of headphones and an Xbox Keypad and some steel model kits as well as other items of varying interest.   I also got a really nice computer case. It has light up fans and all sorts of cable management stuff. My setup is still average at best but at least now it looks like some sort of light up black and blue future box that has the computing power to lay waste to anything in it's path.



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