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Words we often so desperately want to say, but leave unspoken, for one reason or another, for fears rational and irrational, whether it makes sense or not. 

Entries in this blog


I hope I get to design a flag one day.   We should design a flag for BZPower. Maybe with gold, grey, and blue as the colours.




JOIN BIONICLE MAFIA: FIVE FACTION FACE OFF AND GET A COMPLEMENTARY SPOT IN THE PLAYER LIST!   FIVE SPOTS LEFT! Don't miss your chance! Ever thought about joining a BIONICLE Mafia game? Well, come on and try it out.



Five Faction Face-Off (Potential Mafia-Sort-Of-Spin-Off Idea)

Got a Mafia sort-of spin-off idea, don't know if it counts as Mafia at this point so that's why I'm not posting it in the general mafia topic.   Here is my general outline:   5x Factions - FIRE, WATER, JUNGLE, EARTH, ICE.   Roles making up a faction:   1x Leader - leads faction and decides who kills. 1x Bodyguard - protects members of their faction. 1x Spy - investigates a previous night's killing to see who killed who 1x Diplomat - their votes count for three when it's time to lynch somebody, w




It's time for that day over here where we set off fireworks and start bonfires in fields, along with people claiming that Guy Fawkes was innocent. Despite the whole gunpowder plot thing.



FFFO: Thoughts

Well, FFFO just ended.   I hope that wasn't as much of a trainwreck as my last game. Might as well post my own thoughts   Interesting thing: everybody died at least once. Lasted five nights and four days. Best nights were the ones where 4 or more people died.   You all killed my favourite role the first night, the Trickster. Second favourite role was the Wraith, probably because it was the first role I created for the game.   Day rounds seemed to go much slower than nights. Day rounds in general



February Thoughts

The Hordika Neck is definitely the most useful thing to come out of 2005.   I should get that transparent orange Mask of Fire. There's no other way to get it that I know of. With a bonus skull spider and poster too!   Lord of Skull Spiders could be improved so easily if you simply moved the Glatorian necks in the place of the technic beams and then attached the normal CCBS legs to it, placing the original IFB-claw leg-ends on the end of those legs. Not sure about this, but LOSS' function would



Fears and Hopes, Retrospection and Introspection

I ran away from my problems for a very long time. At least since 2014.   It probably didn't help - and in retrospect it helps contextualise some of my fears - that I did ask for help, only to get none over the course of almost two years around that same time.   So instead I ran away from them, or distracted myself from them whenever and wherever I could, for as long as I could. If I couldn't get help, that seemed like the next best option. To just look away from it, and occasionally pretend i




Let's imagine that, for whatever reason, you find yourself in an empty, endless expanse. The ground is colourless. There are no walls. There is no ceiling. No matter how far you walk, you will always find yourself looking at this nothingness, this lack of anything that seems to exist beyond the invisible and solid ground.   Then, something happens. Slightly above you, forcing you to tilt your head thirty degrees, parts of this nothingness open. But it's not what you're expecting - these parts op




Imagine your eyebrow hairs were actually tiny missiles and you could launch them at will



External Links

Click proceed. Nothing happens. Cancel.   Click external link again. Click proceed. Actually works this time for some reason.



Even More Questions

I have no idea which colour looks better Maybe this will do? A little more orange... no, too orange and too common. Perhaps something more like this? Too easy to mistake for brown. Alternatively, there's this... I think this is too yellow. Yellow isn't exactly a pleasant colour. Yeah, so how about thIIISS NO. TOO EYE-SEARING. Maybe this instead, if it weren't so bright? If it were a bit darker... No, wait. This is where we started. I guess that was pointless. And that's why I use whatever this c




UK's position:   East of Ireland (sorry about Northern Ireland, I hope we give it back someday.) North of France South-south-east of Iceland   Ireland: Europe France: Europe Iceland: Europe   We can't really say we 'aren't a part of Europe' when all these countries are part of Europe, and together they pretty much surround us. Not to mention to say we are not part of Europe would go against our history due to our various interactions with Europe, such as getting invaded or insulting the French.




So, how many of us BZP people are from Europe? I know I'm from Europe at the very least.   Just something I've been wondering.




Barring the obvious things that animals need that humans don't, if you wouldn't do something to human, don't do it to an animal. Just because you find the reaction of the animal funny or cute does not mean they like it happening or that it is okay to do.




Remember when the past happened? I did   For a moment, time stopped being linear. I saw the end, the start, the future, and the past. I saw death claim the dead, I saw life being created. I saw nations rise and fall. I saw worlds die a thousand times over, new ones rising to take their places.   But everything was all heading in direction: everything eventually arrived at what was universally considered to be bliss, a new form of enlightenment reached in unison by all existing beings - a form th



Elements and Masks

So, uh, members of BZPower... I want to ask you questions. About elements. And masks.   1. What are your favourite three elements? 2. Let's say you're a Matoran - which element would prefer you be? 3a. What mask would you wear, and... 3b. What mask power do you like the best? (not necessarily the same answer to both parts) 4a. What elements do you think we saw too much of? 4b. What elements do you think we saw too little of? Bonus question: If BIONICLE returns, would you prefer it to change it f




If you could canonise BIONICLE Elements, what elements would you canonise?



Ekimu Theory with 100% Solid Proof

Ekimu is evil.   You can tell because his name starts with 'E'. Evil begins with 'E'.   Furthermore, Ekimu and Evil share an I, making Ekimu more evil.   Ekimu? More like Evilkimu. And of course, everything he says about Makuta is not to be trusted.   Also, he was sealed in a coffin by the Protectors. What if that wasn't because he was, uh, weak? What if that was because he was a source of great evil and had to be sealed away, and now he has manipulated the entirety of Okoto into reawakening h




Ekimu, Lava Beast, and Storm Beast arrived in the mail today.   Ekimu's Magical Growth Spurt is a pretty good set. He finally got rid of that impractical hammer-gun and replaced it with a hammer, in addition to mounting his shield to his forearm so he can wield his hammer two-handed if he so wishes. Hammer is a pretty creative and clever arrangement of pieces that creates a shape one mold probably wouldn't be able to replicate. Also, the transparent blue is excellent him. He's like the Toa, but




Have I mentioned I have an egg allergy before? I might have, but I'll state it again anyway.   It was very pleasant to find out.   Now I look at every egg with fear, because the eggs are plotting against me - that much is obvious. Eggs are not nice. They are hard and hazardous with naught but a consideration with the welfare of other foodstuffs.   Now, I shall ask BZPower a question because that seems to be what I do in blog entries a little too much. Tell me if I should stop. I know the an




There was an eclipse today.   It was very eclipse-like.




What if our ears could detach from our head and flap around like birds, allowing us to listen to things from a distance? For defence, the edges of your ears could be razor sharp.




Imagine if our ears were detachable, had serrated edges on one side, and we could throw them and they would return (with the serrated edges pointing away from us, of course).     ...Wait, that'd be very painful. But you'd literally be able to hear for miles around. You could also put your ears somewhere and eavesdrop on some secret conversations, like how people react incredulously to the fact they now have detachable serrated boomerang ears.



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