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Words we often so desperately want to say, but leave unspoken, for one reason or another, for fears rational and irrational, whether it makes sense or not. 

Entries in this blog

What Just Happened? + A Realisation

The WHAT THE? part:   I was just browsing COT and, for one second, a bunch of random spam topics appeared? Five minutes later, they're gone. It was very weird.     Now, completely unrelated to the above sentence, I've realised that my school break is almost over and I STILL HAVEN'T DONE MY HOMEWORK.   I don't know why I am so surprised, to be honest, because I usually don't do my homework until the day before it's due, rather unintentionally. I also have the tendency to get distracted away from



BZP Frontpage

That's the largest amount of news for one day that there's been... long time, I think? Might even be the largest amount, not too sure about it.   Feels strange to see more than three or four blocks of news for one day. More than two, even.



I Figured Out What Happened to Bionicle - it will utterly shock you. To death. Because it doesn't want you to know.

So, as we all know, if we take a slightly alternative interpretation of thing, BIONICLE was currently midway through its second generation. Generation can be people born and living at the same time, or the production or creation of something - often power, hence generators. Since we refer to BIONICLE's generations, it can be surmised that BIONICLE generated power for LEGO. BIONICLE Generation Versions 1,1-1.9 were adequate for LEGO's needs during 2001-2009, though it was deemed not effective or




Parched. Sandy. Harsh. Bara Magna was no place for the faint of heart.   Vibrant. Wet. Fruitful. Life has always been idyllic on the Jungle Moon of Bota Magna.



LEGO Movies and Animations

You know how some people complain about the G2 animations?   Thank goodness we didn't get mostly terrible 75-minute CGI movies. That would have been even worse. We'd either get totally robotic characters that resemble the sets a little too much or biomechanical characters that only vaguely resemble the sets, small insects somehow forming giant Wave One Red Coloured Sets, cringe-worthy lines, eyes magically changing colour to indicate alignment, and characters with more rocks in their head than a



Procrastination. Also, It Was Edible.

Every single time I get homework, I procrastinate. Even when it's apparently SUPER IMPORTANT HOMEWORK THAT YOU NEED TO DO AS SOON AS YOU GET IT homework. I feel bad for it, but I know I'll never stop. Procrastination is fantastical. At least, it is to me. And, once, I was meant to take a test home and complete. The result was doing it on the morning I had to hand it in.   As a matter of fact, I've been meaning to get this blog entry published for about a month now.   My teachers also stress tha



A Few Scenarioquestions

I WANT YOU TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING:       You read the big text above, right? I want you to answer the following if not. You come home. You own one of those swivelly-chairs that would be terrifying if it gained sentience and the ability to move on its own. When you approach your chair, it swivels around to reveal a Bone-Head of Voodoo Island, fully sentient and able to move on its own. Its eyes are piercing into your soul and it begins addressing you in a dark and unfamiliar language,




If my name looks like it's no longer 'You Have 24 Hours', that's because it is no longer 'You Have 24 Hours'. Instead, you now have a heart that is pulsating.   If my name looks stupid, then I apologise on my behalf.



Some Random Thoughts On Bionicle

Here are some random thoughts on BIONICLE, because I can say them. Mostly about the sets. Get ready for a random mess. And opinions.     -The Toa Hagah were the best Toa to use the Toa Metru build. -Remove the Hydruka from 2007 and put in 4 more Mahritoran, rather than the two we had. I understand that there were not many Kanohi to choose from that would be stable on the Metru head, asides from the Kiril, Kaulsi, Rode and Lhikan's Hau. The latter two would have worked. -What happened to large se



LEGO Dimensions

I'm not the only one who cringes when they hear or see LEGO Dimensions, right?   It all seems really, really awkward. You've got this kids' building toy and then you have some really, really weird and absolutely bizarre choices in terms of licensed IPs, several of which don't even have their own themes yet/ever, and some of which are arguably a bit on the inappropriate side (like the Simpsons). Some are like 30 years old (Back to the Future, Ghostbusters). One is even in competition as it's anot



the lore of snart farfle

Snart Farfle is a singular entity. Snart Farfle is also a species Snart Farfle is the last of its species Snart Farfle can become your friend Snart Farfle will become your friend by infiltrating your friend's house and posing as their parents - both of them, at the same time. You will meet up with your friend and they will slowly morph into Snart Farfle Snart Farfle is now your 'friend' Snart Farfle is capable of supersonic speeds Snart Farfle is, contrary to popular belief and a



Issues Resolved

After a week of of a fairly unstable and unreliable connection, I finally have a stable connection to the internet again. It's not taking five minutes to load one page any more!   Now. with that done, I think I might have my next name be 'Electromagnetic Pulse' next time. I think the Shadow's getting a little overdone. After all, when everyone's shadow, nobody is. I think. We need some of the other elements around, and as you may know, I have an affinity for bad puns, and how could I possibly no



This Is Surprising...

Is anyone else surprised that normal members still have premier privileges TWO MONTHS after BZP came back online?   Eh, it'll probably go away in a few days anyway.   Also, does BZP have new skins yet? The white/blue skin combination is getting kind of bland IMO.



The Red Star

When they said the Red Star all those times in BIONICLE, they made an error.   They actually meant the Bread Star. Dead beings are made alive again, but in the form of bread. They are then sent back to the MU. But, because they're bread, they're almost immediately eaten by something or another.   In addition, instead of being populated by Kestora, it is populated by Osha-Matoran, Matoran of Safe Working Conditions.   There is also no such BIONICLE Stars combiner known as 'Gaardus'. They meant '



G2 Story Prediction

Ekimu will die at the end of the year to defeat Umarak, leaving the masks of Creation and Control out in the open. Then, out of nowhere, Makuta reveals himself and grabs bot masks, ending the year on a cliffhanger.   Then, in 2017, to combat Makuta; who has Ultimate Power over all including all the elements, creation, and control; the Toa have to become their elements in order to have even a small hope of defeating Makuta. So, as they once became Uniters from Masters, they become the Embodiment



Yet Another Question

What would you do if you were trapped in a room, and on the other side of the only door there was nothing?



Messing with a Mohtrek

I wonder if anyone ever tried to reject destiny and tried to follow their own path. What became of them?   What if you mess with destiny by utilising a Mohtrek to destroy all of your past selves? What happens then? Would they be destined to do that? But then they would no longer exist, since they would have never been alive to destroy themselves in the first place, and... destiny explodes! It doesn't know what to do. Destiny is defenestrated. Of course, there is then the matter of a messed-up ti



Lewa's Mask

Why.   Why did they ruin the Miru?   It looks so terrible. Literally no resemblance to any previous incarnation.   I have also been told that my opinion is 'stupid' because I think this. Excuse me, I am allowed to have an opinion on it.




As someone with no power over canonisation or canonization or shjugfdesjg or however you would like to spell it, I instead (head)canonize (is this what that means? I think so, tell me if I am wrong) the fact that nothing in BIONICLE G1 is canon, allowing it to be changed to one's whim. Unless we can canonise the fact that nothing is canon! We should do that, if people want to follow their own version of events.   If nothing is canon, then we can change BIONICLE as we wish without scrutiny. For



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