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Words we often so desperately want to say, but leave unspoken, for one reason or another, for fears rational and irrational, whether it makes sense or not. 

Entries in this blog


I now own Portal 2. So good, so exciting.   If anyone's interested, I'm looking for a person to do co-op with.



Weird Pricing II

Now the online LEGO shop's added Gali and Tahu as coming soon. Tahu, as expected, is £14.99, same as last year.   But Gali? Gali's £9.99. That's the same price as the Protectors this year.... oh, and she has the same amount of pieces as she did this year. 87. 87 pieces at £12.99 this year, 87 pieces at £9.99 next year.   I was expecting the creatures to be £9.99 and Gali to be £12.99, but... are the creatures going to be the same price or what?   It's probably just a pricing error. But before cr



The Summer Story

The defeated LoSS splats on the pavement of the Ancient City like a bug, disturbing one particular dead thing. Which conveniently happens to be SKULL GRINDER, THE GRINDER OF MASKS AND FLASKS.   The Toa, all six of them, enter the Ancient City, in search of Ekimu's lifeless body. They heard it has treasure and want it for themselves because Ekimu's worth a lot. However, Skull Grinder's arm bursts through the ground behind them, surprising the six Toa. Then Skull Grinder jumps out evilly, making



A small few wonders

I wonder if any of the 'BRING BACK BIONICLE' folks are disappointed/hating/utterly horrified by the new iteration of BIONICLE. I wonder if there will be new iterations of the Toa Kaita. I wonder if we'll get an OOLG (Okoto Online Game) I wonder if there will be another iteration of a 'seventh Toa' I wonder if there will be new iterations or something intended to be similar to the Bohrok I wonder if Okoto is actually somebody's face I wonder if BZPower will ever stop judging new sets as soo



BZPBM Archive: Episode One, Part One

EPISODE ONE THE SOUNDS OF SAND   -ROXTUS- -Pahrak- IC:, Smoke Monster (All), Tuma (All), Pahrak (After entrance)   Smoke Monster entered the chamber of the Mighty Leader Tuma. As usual, it was dark inside of Tuma’s Chamber, the only light shining down upon Tuma, reclining on his throne. Smoke Monster did not dare speak first, not until Tuma directly addressed him.   “Agori. You are one of our representatives to the others; Smoke Monster. Welcome to my chamber. I command your devot



Skull Scorpio

Managed to pick up Skull Scorpio at a discount.   I know I mock this set every now and then but the stinger is more FUN than you'd expect. Though I'm not sure I've ever seen scorpions with stingers like that. It didn't even inject venom into me.   One good thing about the set: the torso is constructed nicely. The tail and legs make everything fall apart though, but the legs are actually quite easy to improve. Tail, not so much, but at least it's fun.   CCBS really needs an equivalent to the Y-



This Is Surprising...

Is anyone else surprised that normal members still have premier privileges TWO MONTHS after BZP came back online?   Eh, it'll probably go away in a few days anyway.   Also, does BZP have new skins yet? The white/blue skin combination is getting kind of bland IMO.



The Night Of Many Scares

Have you given your local Skeleton Overlord the sweet confectionery they desire?   Remember, to show your respect for the skeleton overlords, put a bone in your window. That way, they won't come into your house and demand it even if you forget. They are merciful rulers, except when they aren't, in which case you'll be split into two halves, the half of bone and the half of flesh. A skeleton to rule over, and flesh to, uh, be animated for spooky uses.   And then, when the ghosts and other intang



Happy Holidays.

Happy Holidays, BZPower, or whatever holiday you happen to celebrate. Happy Naming Day? Let's go with that.



Bonkle set thoughts

Skull Grinder looks good from the front and the back, but the sides... could definitely be improved. Pulls off the skull theme as well as Warrior does while still feeling decently tall. In fact, feels taller than Tahu does, even if they are the same-ish height. Probably due to the skeleton stuff.   Ekimu is, as everyone knows, a protector with a gearbox. Specifically, a gold and trans-blue Protector of Fire with a gearbox. Except with lower arms this time. And infinitely nicer to look at. Colou



I Figured Out What Happened to Bionicle - it will utterly shock you. To death. Because it doesn't want you to know.

So, as we all know, if we take a slightly alternative interpretation of thing, BIONICLE was currently midway through its second generation. Generation can be people born and living at the same time, or the production or creation of something - often power, hence generators. Since we refer to BIONICLE's generations, it can be surmised that BIONICLE generated power for LEGO. BIONICLE Generation Versions 1,1-1.9 were adequate for LEGO's needs during 2001-2009, though it was deemed not effective or



The complaints about 2015

I've seen a few complaints about how 2015 'isn't BIONICLE', and I just have to wonder...   Who are you to say what is and isn't BIONICLE? If you came in at 2006 - and never experienced 2001-2003 or 2004-2005 - and they happened later on instead - would you say they're 'not BIONICLE' because they have a different feel to them? BIONICLE in 2001 was very different to BIONICLE in 2010. If you took out Tahu, Mata Nui, and Makuta, three names prominent since 2001 out of 2010, would you even be able to



Bota Magna

Vibrant. Wet. Dense. The Jungle Moon of Bota Magna is no place for the faint of heart. Yet its inhabitants defy its many dangers; of gargantuan wildlife amd the labyrinthine jungle floors eternally shadowed by the canopies above; to build some of the most impressive settlements that have ever graced Spherus Magna - or a part of it. Krutiera Magna, the most advanced city to have ever existed, utilising its local resource-rich environment to develop, expand, and advance. Bota Minor, a city of



I'm Okay I Think

I think I'm okay.   Anxiety's hard to deal with but I do feel a lot happier in the past few months than I have been lately. I think. My life is finally starting to get slightly better than it's been.   Do people actually want Bota Magna? That's something I want to ask.



December 31st, 2015.

In less than 24 hours (well, where I am, anyway), it will be 2016. Not just any 2016, the year 2016. The year that comes after 2015, if you're bad at counting. Or maybe before, if you're time travelling backwards in time. Or maybe things will go wrong very badly and we'll skip straight to 2017. Now that'd be weird.   I wonder how 2015 will end. Probably the same as any other year. But let's hope 2015 doesn't end by the year gaining sentience and declaring war on the passage of time because it wa



hero factry

we are the fans of hero factory (we cooled things down inside the assembly tower)   we are here(oes)   we are waiting for a child;s toy to return   BING BACK HERON FACTOR   what happened to next and stinger   bonkles, more like BOO-NKLES   tahu will never stand up to furno the fire hero guy with his increble person and iterations   and the new BCBS (bonkle creature building system) sucks i want my stiff limb hero 1.0s back   lord of sucky spiders holds no candles to von nebula and rotary (well d



The Future

The future approaches, and I am more afraid of it than ever...




As I have just found out, next week I get a week-break from school, as does everyone else that goes to my school. I thought it was in two weeks, but I guess I was wrong. I guess this means I have more free time? Free time to do stuff, like the stuff I am interested in.   (Random thought: Since this entry is not about ponies, it will get less views, and therefore less comments.)



Bara Magna: An Idea

You know, Bara Magna was woefully underused in G1 BIONICLE.   There's so much potential there, and yet so little was done with it.   Let's. Fix. That.   With a player-driven game. Not unlike BZPGOT, though not at all connected.   There are six villages on Bara Magna - Vulcanus, Tajun, Tesara, Iconox, Roxtus, and Atero. There are eight tribes - Fire, Water, Jungle, Ice, Rock, Iron, Sand, and Earth. Earth is very, very rare - most of its tribe are not even on Bara Magna, only a few can be found. T



A Musing

What if Star Wars eclipses BIONICLE as the 'main' CCBS theme?   I mean, the licensing fees and the extra CCBS sets have gotta cut into BIONICLE's budget somewhat, haven't they? I can't really see BIONICLE lasting later than 2018 if Star Wars CCBS sells well, since it'll take priority. And from what I've seen, in the past few days alone Star Wars CCBS has sold very well in its first five days.



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