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Bye Blog...

So, as of the 26th, Blogging will be a Premiere Member exclusive.   I have no intention to pay for a feature I rarely use.   For those interested in my artwork, I have a dA account.



Blood Pterodyne

Took this several months ago.   It's called a Blood Pterodyne, and yet it isn't red.   I always liked the Pterodynes, but this one in particular takes the cake. It's the head that I love. You really need to zoom in to see it, but once I did, I was floored. That was the last thing I was expecting.   They flipped Skar's skull upside down and put tusks in his eye sockets. Pretty freaky. And that sound they make... I love it and am terrified by it at the same time.



My Loot Is Horrible

Played Darkspore for a few hours.   My god, I used to be good at that game. I just kept dying.   Ironically, what I need to do is play it even more now, so I can try to get enough good Loot.   I need a new Weapon for Blitz, I only have one, and it is horrible.   Also activated Blitz Beta. Spent half an hour in the editor turning him into a triceratops man. Xp   I like putting lots of spaces between my sentences.     ...     I need to focus on this blog more. Yah-know, actua



Let Me Go

http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/110/7/8/LET_ME_GO_by_Evex_Wolfwing.jpg   This is really old.   But still funny.



The Infiltrator.

[ Deeplinked due to exceeding the maximum allowed image size.-Nukaya]   In my spare time, I draw grotesque monsters.



From: Bionicles... In Darkspore?

I have wanted to post this for a long time.   People have posted recreations of Bionicle characters in SPORE, so, I figured, why not do the same in the game's successor...?   Darkspore is an Action RPG that uses SPORE's Creature Creator to make one of the most advanced, if not THE most advanced character customizer for an RPG yet. Now, each character in Darkspore his or her own unique body shape... and I figured that more than a few would be good for recreating characters from Bionicle. At




Artwork is not mine. I love that face so much.   I should try to see when they plan to release the next album.



Testing... Testing...

Hello? Am I going to be able to post this?   I dunno, not a premiere, so, let us see...   EDIT: And it works... Looks like I'll be in business.



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