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How did I miss this?

I don't anyone knows this but I suffer from a certain social media disease. It has no name but it can be described as: "Dude that book was released like two years ago." to which I would respond "Well then how the bloody heck did it suddenly become popular yesterday?" In short if something popular now was released in 2001 and got popular this year I'd be completely clueless about and left scratching my head. So while peering back way back (when I was Scanty Demon no less or last year) in my blog

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Homestuck Hiatus (absurdly late)

When the hiatus began:I should use this time to catch up on Homestuck When the hiatus ended: Dang, I should've used that time to catch up on Homestuck.   Also Independence Day!! Have a good one everybody!

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Hey guys... Loophole

Well you see, there's this RPG called Loophole and I'm kinda considering joining it. But this would be my first RPG and I'm a noob with that sort of stuff... If I did enter I meant enter something that resembles a Homestuck troll (1 out of 500) or some shady Dept of Security agent. So uhh... should I join it?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Hey Eeko

Hey Eeko We've been seen together before. In the time before the great upgrade Lady Kopaka hosted a contest to create a character for the sequel to her epic Glitch in the System. There were a lot of entries, among which were Toa Velox, Lloyd: The white wolf, Eeko, Vezok's Friend, Me (at the time I was Muharax Makuta of insanity) and more I'm too lazy to look up. Here's the link for the contest entry since this is before the upgrade be careful with the links. For those who don't want to waste tim

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Helping A Staff Member.

That's right folks if you feel the staff are anything like what Gata described send him an anonymous email.   Brought to you by the Discussion: The Future of BZPower topic posted by Gata.[/TV announcer]

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Halo Reach is addictive

So I got Halo Reach and I have a hard time stopping to play Spec Ops: The Line. Maybe it's because I like how I made Noble Six (I love Female Noble Six's voice). I want to buy Minecraft for my brother and play Spec Ops but my addiction to Halo Reach prevents me from doing either.   Play time: three to five hours maybe XB.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


Tonight was Halloween, sadly I didn't go trick or treating . I handed out the candy to trick or treaters in costume (old Navy flight suit and flight gear, little brother was a borg, and little sister a cat) and there were a lot of unique costumes. My cats became the stars of the night, one poked his head out the and almost got out. All in all it was a good night, tomorrow is Monday, November, and school starts up (two things in that list I don't like) but I'll manage.   Remember Big Blogger i

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Guess what happened today!

I got "Watchmen" from my school library today, all I can say about it is I can't put it down. Granted I don't like how they let Comedian join in the Crimebusters when he is nothing but a complete -obscenity-. But yeah I like it. It also taught me an important lesson: giant, naked, blue people are the solution to all of the world's problems!     Also today is some loser guy named Xaerrogant's birthday. So I got him a giant blue naked person for all his problems! Here you go.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


Guaranteed Overnight Delivery. That is in all honesty the greatest acronym I've read. I dare you to find a better (and clean meaning no acronyms that spell out curse words) acronym than Guaranteed overnight delivery. Also the polls for the Q&A contest should be out tomorrow I really want to make it to the finals seeing as I only posted one entry. (My entry involves a McSmeag fan club if you're wondering). Wish me luck.   Guys please don't discuss the existence of the being (who we really don

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Fun fact

In chrome, if you right click a picture then press S you can do a reverse image of it.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

From: Annoying parts of BZPower

Source: Annoying parts of BZPower   For some reason I have a feeling that the flame war over homosexuality will rear its ugly head again. If such a thing happened the above quote would be my response to such a flame war. That and "just shut up, you people are getting nowhere".   *Not if anyone interprets anything I said as me being hateful or bigoted, I will lock this entry and delete ANY comment that "debates" the subject. I will explain if needed.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

For my next bzp getup...

My avatar above And my would be sig here Yes I am a Gorillaz fan. Why do think I procrastinated (on homework) making that parody chols wanted.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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