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Feeling Down?

If you ever feel down just remember this, it took me five years to figure out the pun in Jason Mraz's first album.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Ever have that feeling...

You know that feeling when people go on and on about how something is totally the best/funniest/deepest thing? Then when you watch/listen/read it you're either bored, hate it, or just plain don't get why people think it's so great? That's kinda my opinion on few things on BZP right now.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Ese Tee Aye Ele Ee Kay Are Call of Pripyat

Got it recently, still trying to get the hang of things seeing as I have a hard time hitting something charging right after me. Anyway found an electric anomaly que me discharging it for pure fun. Still gotta stop dying pathetic deaths. Also can't get lost this time around.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Ello Chaps

Good day govenar, it has come to my attention that a few people seem to think I'm English because of me accent. That's hogwash, I mean really I don't see any reason for them to think me an Englishman. Sure I may sound like an englishman but that doesn't mean I'm from Britain. Really I wish I knew how they got that bloody idea in their heads. That ludicrous thought bugs me from the time I wake and sport a pair of trousers to night when I enter me flat. I'm still trying to figure out, maybe one of

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Easter and retirement

Happy Easter everyone! Went by incredibly fast or maybe I'm just getting old (gulp). As for retirement my dad retired from the Navy last Friday and guess who was one of the people to congratulate and wish him luck? The one and only Michael Dorn (or Whorf)! So that was some Easter.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Doctor Who Season Finale part 1

Dear Steven Moffat, Please go back to Writing 101 because you seem to have forgotten a lot things from that class. Like make sense. For instance, Okay last one was more of a general question. Please Steven you used to be a good writer, just understand not all your ideas are good ideas. Learn this and your writing will improve significantly. Sincerely, Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Doctor Who

To kill the Moon was one of the worst episodes of Doctor Who I ever seen. After Courtney walked onto to the moon it was stupid revelation after stupid revelation.   The spiders actually being bacteria (fun fact: bacteria lack a nucleus so they can't be that big or perform anything other than reproduce and eat) was a slap in the face. The alien "laying another egg" was gigantic cop out. Not to mention Courtney was kinda annoying.   Whoever wrote this episode needs to be fired and banned from tak

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Do I Have Anything To Say Here?

So recently it seems I've been hit with writer's block, specifically I can't think of a blog entry I'd want to post. I mean, I wanted to post an entry about some of the things I learned about Arabic but got sidetracked with confirming what I had found. I also wanted post an entry about how the acronym thing now has dots under any word with acronyms has foiled my plan of using the acronym to plant subliminal messages and rule the world. However I just decided the time to complain about that is go

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Dear Women

Why are you so hard to draw? This also extends to men too. You know what, humans in general are hard to draw. Sigh drawing is hard, but I hope this new tablet helps.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Dear Organization XII members

Congratulations your organization as a whole has made me completely confused as to who's who. The trouble first began when I mistook Squish E. Frog for Dorek and believed he joined me and my fellow bronies only to come to the reality it was Squish E. (I still approve of his About me section) to add insult to injury I later discovered Dorek doesn't have an About me section. More trouble when Grimore asked me about Spec Ops the line (he thought it was bland FPS and I replied it is anything but a b

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Dear BZP tweeters

Why do you have to tweet some the dirtiest stuff I've read? Seeing you people on twitter has changed my view of you people.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Dear Black Six I love you

Black Six you are my new hero, I've wanted to say this but was afraid of my comment being deleted or ignored. So take Black Six's advice and stop arguing will get us nowhere. That goes for both sides of the argument, okay, okay, good. So anyone seen the Watch_Dogs' gameplay trailer? It looked awesome, and I want it.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Dat dere Brickfair VA

I may or may not be going, I don't think I have anything major happening. Though I may only be there for a day and I won't see Bambi. But I'll see if I can go.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Con Lang In Bionicle Story

I haven't written anything in a long time, and seeing others write makes me want to write really badly. So I decided to write, however I decided to make the setting Middle Eastern like then I decided what the heck I'll make a language, that's the hard part. Con Lang or Constructed Languages are languages that are made up for fictional purposes. Unfortunately everyone in Bionicle spoke the same language EnglishMatoran so I thought I'd shake it up. I now see why it isn't in Bionicle because it rea

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


Heh heh heh. Sadly I could not attend this party (running secret police and agents hard work).

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


MFW I see the semester is over.   Also the blog link thing is now fixed for reaction see above.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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