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Entries in this blog

Late We're Back Entry

Well we're back and I missed my blog.   Anyway with my BZP addiction returning I look through the epics section and think to myself: why aren't I writing anything? Seriously I really need to post something so I can finally put to rest that "I need to write something" feeling. But I've found myself being stopped something and unable to continue. Sometimes I find too many plot holes and stop writing to figure out how I fill those holes. On the plus side I am writing a comedy with a friend on BZP s

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Hey Eeko

Hey Eeko We've been seen together before. In the time before the great upgrade Lady Kopaka hosted a contest to create a character for the sequel to her epic Glitch in the System. There were a lot of entries, among which were Toa Velox, Lloyd: The white wolf, Eeko, Vezok's Friend, Me (at the time I was Muharax Makuta of insanity) and more I'm too lazy to look up. Here's the link for the contest entry since this is before the upgrade be careful with the links. For those who don't want to waste tim

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Canterlot Wedding Entry (I'm Creative)

Well I wasn't able to watch the episode on tv so I had to look online. It took me a while but I finally watched it and I was impressed.   The first episode I liked because even though Twilight believed Candence (squee) was evil we didn't see that and could see that everybody had a legit reason to not suspect her (that is very rare in stories). The end:     What I was thinking would happen: Seriously.   Part 2 I think I liked better than part 1 mainly because they got away with the violence. Not

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Members I Confused For Other Members

BZP has a lot of members, but for some reason I've gotten a few mixed up here are just a few.   1. Master Inika and A Pleasant Shade of Xinlo —Two Fluttershy avatars makes one confused Nyctophobia. I believe during the whole winking christmas hat wearing pony fad (good times) I got even more confused.   2. Aho-Chan and Comrade Gato —Correct me if I'm wrong but I think these two were promoted around the same time. I think I actually remember their promotion topic. However I think I remember going

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

My Heart Has Been Stolen

I have a new favorite princess, and her name is Cadance!!   Don't worry Celestia, you'll always have a place in my favorites and you Luna. Should I change my name to Princess Cadance after Eye Beam Lasers?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

A Stunning Revelation

Dun dun duh!   The communists made Mario to hypnotize kids into obeying the USSR. Just look at it.   Why yes, yes I was bored.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

My Friday The 13Th

Really nothing unlucky happened yesterday. The only thing of any out of the ordinaryness was some middle schoolers. One of them had some....uh.....let's just say when he gets to high school no girl will want to be near him and leave it at that luckily for me the kid's friends agreed he was an cool dude. My response to kid having a thing for older women can be summed up in this picture.   Okay I admit it I only made a blog entry so I could use that picture. Also my Q&A entry isn't doing so we

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

You Know That Q&a Contest

My entry made it to the final poll. I'm so happy I could post a picture of Rainbow Dash's ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh but sadly I don't have one . Before I thank you all for helping get this far (I've never gotten this far in any contest) I'll wait for the results of the final poll but even if I don't win I'll still congratulate you guys anyway . So go and vote entry #3 in category 2 for the final poll! Thank you for your time.   (Good God did I just let my ego get that big?)

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon


Guaranteed Overnight Delivery. That is in all honesty the greatest acronym I've read. I dare you to find a better (and clean meaning no acronyms that spell out curse words) acronym than Guaranteed overnight delivery. Also the polls for the Q&A contest should be out tomorrow I really want to make it to the finals seeing as I only posted one entry. (My entry involves a McSmeag fan club if you're wondering). Wish me luck.   Guys please don't discuss the existence of the being (who we really don

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Con Lang In Bionicle Story

I haven't written anything in a long time, and seeing others write makes me want to write really badly. So I decided to write, however I decided to make the setting Middle Eastern like then I decided what the heck I'll make a language, that's the hard part. Con Lang or Constructed Languages are languages that are made up for fictional purposes. Unfortunately everyone in Bionicle spoke the same language EnglishMatoran so I thought I'd shake it up. I now see why it isn't in Bionicle because it rea

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

This Is Getting On My Last Nerves

I usually don't do rants on my blog but something has been bugging me ever since the forums came back and started seeing more Pony avs and sigs. People believing (or fearing) Bionicle Zone Power will become Pony Zone Power. Allow me to explain why this bugs me, this fear or belief has no basis. Yes there are a lot of Pony avatars and sigs but that doesn't mean we'll change BZP to PZP by that logic we should have became Homestruck Zone Power because of all the Homestruck avs and banners. Not to m

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Being Bored Makes Me Find Weird Stuff On The Lmbs

Hello everyone, so today I was pretty bored. In my boredom I was thinking about have some entry where I did something like Count Bleck and post and have name like Ponies and post pictures of ponies. However I realized I could never live with myself if I did that so I decided to look around the LMBs. Here's some stuff I found.     The bolded stuff is for emphasis     Please tell me everything that's wrong with the above quote. Here's the thread the above comment came from. Also there are two thre

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Welp Name Change Time (Not Yet)

For the first time, I'm actually asking you to help me come with a new username. All that I ask is that it'd be along the lines of something from/pertaining to Cowboy Bebop, Death Note, Panty and Stocking and Gaterbelt, MLPFiM, Bionicle, Dan vs, Chemistry, Alan Wake, History, or something random. So tell me your ideas.   A side note: remember that entry about my lack of art skills? Well I started practicing drawing some anime characters I've slightly improved but I keep botching the eyes. But I

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Oh Hey Look Everyone

Opinions on "Bionicle will/won't return" debates   For the first time I have posted a topic, which is something I was very nervous about. Don't know how this topic will go, but I'll watching intently.   Plus I felt today was really boring on BZP, that normal?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Assassin's Creed Anyone?

So I've been hearing some stuff about Assassin's Creed. Can anyone tell me about it background, why is it rated M, characters, story? I know only the basics of it, but it does seem interesting especially with Assassin's Creed III coming out. So yeah what do you guys know?   Also thoughts on the new blog theme, I know it's hardly anything new but thoughts?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Wish I Had Art Skills

It never ceases to amaze me how many talented artists there are on the internet. Unfortunately I don't think I have any artistic talent not yet at least. You see I really liked the art styles in Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt and Sym-bionic Titan but I found myself making art that resembled little to nothing of the source material. I really want to be a good artist one day, however I really don't know when or how I will start. One thing I hope to accomplish is having an animesque drawing sty

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Oh Come On!

The one time I join a fad that looked fun and the staff go and start a new fad. For which I have many names to choose from. Luckily I have a backup plan, I going to be the darkness it self who happens to be named Nyctophobia. So, all beasts and Terrors bow down to your leader! I am everywhere.   Before I go here are the names I wanted to use: Wendigo, Poltergeist, The Dark presence, The Darkness, Plagiarism, and Bad Fanfiction.   Also anyone have the code for a darker purple?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Feel Odd

In the midst of all the staff name changes, I've come to notice something. Just about everyone who has changed their name has some added irony to it because they are their fear or joke about it. Then there's my name, Nyctophobia (the fear of darkness), what makes mine different you ask? For starters I wish I picked Atychiphobia the fear of failure (of course I'd be swarming with "you failed x" comments XP) and I actually may have a mild case of my phobia. Seriously I get really paranoid at night

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

More From Lmbs

Hey everyone I decided to go back to the LMBs and I found some fun quotes that I had to share with you.   From a Bionicle vs. Star wars thread No there is nothing wrong with your grammar (surprising isn't it) but your logic......eh let's move on. By that logic that Inca should have defeated Cortz and his conquistadors.   From the Bring Back Bionicle petition. I don't think I can comment on this absurdity   This is from some one saying they have an idea for a new set.   And this one form a Ninjag

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Never Thought I'd See This Part 2

I told this wouldn't be all for now. As you may have noticed I have changed my name to Nyctophobia the fear of the dark/darkness whatever. First time I've actually changed my name. However I wish I had changed it to Atychiphobia the fear of failure. But hey I might as well get used to my name. Now if you excuse I need to get out of the dark (*shudder*).

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Never Thought I'd See This

Attention everyone, I am using bolded colored text now never thought I'd be using that. There is also something else, Black Six has changed his avatar! I know some of you might be alarmed at this but just he is still the same Black Six. That's all for now, maybe.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Find Mnog And I Really Hate Ga-Koro

Okay today I was board so I decided to look for the old MNOG and play it (didn't expect to find anything). Low and behold I find the game and I can play it! So I'm on the island and looking around then I discover Macku (or Maku), she asks me to help and I do. I (invisibly) ride the boat to Ga-koro and run into an obstacle, the rock gate. That weight thing got on my nerves not to mention it almost reset the game. Well I reset the game and try again (after I see Tahu's face turn which the first ti

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Anime Recs Anyone?

So to be blunt I've never been the biggest fan of anime (the plots can be strange and don't get me started on the attire) but I might be willing to give a second chance after started watching Yu gi oh abridged don't ask why. So what are some good anime series you'd want me to watch? I'm all ears.   Edit: Bumping this guys.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

Potential Lmb Quote Contest?

In my quest to find the noobiest (or stupidest) quotes on the LMBs, I ran into a problem. There are some pages upon pages of stuff it's all too much to handle. That's where you come in folks, I want your opinion, should I host a contest to see who can find the noobiest comment and list in them order? And if I did how many would join?   Thank you for your time.

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

I Hate That

The color that indicates a member is a POBZPC better known as orange or copper/bronze orange. I mean I don't really like orange plus it looks like copper some times. Now I don't know what color I'd want to change it to admittedly but I'm thinking a type of blue, purple, yellow, or something that isn't orange. Maybe turquoise, indigo, lavender, or even a shade of azure. Any thoughts?   In other news should I hold a contest to see who can find the noobiest quote on the LMBs?

Scanty Demon

Scanty Demon

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