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what can i blog about

So I really want to use this blog more, and as such I am asking you people what you think I should blog about. so go on give me stuff   - Indefatigable Individual

a goose

a goose

Why I Shouldn't Leave BZP

Some people stay because they still like BIONICLE, others for the community, others again just for the nostalgia... me? I don't leave because the universe conspires to make me stay.   So basically you're all going to be stuck with me forever.   - Indigo Individual

a goose

a goose

Raccoon Found Behind Shed

I promised you raccoons, and raccoons you shall have!   A raccoon was recently found behind a garden shed. 'What's strange and-forward-slash-or interesting about that?' I hear you ask. (What do you mean you didn't ask? Spoilsport) Well, the shed was in Scotland   Raccoons are native exclusively to North America.   Make of this what you will.   - PtVM

a goose

a goose

I Broke BZP

So I tried to make a post that was over 5,600 words long, and this happened:     Take note, guys: BZP does not like long posts.   - Vorex

a goose

a goose

One Week?

So, my character Nikarra (the Mark Bearer of Lust) has one week left to live, and Mef is gone, so I can't just follow his characters around. And Dorian wants to kill her. At this point, my only option is to stalk Arkrak. Hubert, I am so, so sorry.   - Vorex

a goose

a goose


I am sad to say I am among the many Scrooges out there. I even have a black Santa hat that says 'Bah Humbug'. However, a lot of people don't seem to be Scrooges. This isn't much fun for me. The best I can do is to refuse to give them Christmas presents, and that doesn't make them unhappy at all. 'If I had my way, every fool who walked around with the words 'Merry Christmas' on his lips would be roasted with his own turkey'.   In other news, I'm bringing Elf into school to watch today. Yay.   -

a goose

a goose

Still Unwell. =(

I'm still unwell. I made it five minutes into the first period of school (If you Americans have things really different, you should know that each period is 30 minutes long, and there're 11 in a day) before I got sent home. But I wasn't the only one.   Looking around the blogs recently, I've noticed that many people are unwell, and I have a theory: Christmas.   I believe the massive amounts of stress caused by everyone's favourite time of the year (other than International Raccoon Day, that is)

a goose

a goose

Internet Explorer 7

Just making a quick post, to tell you all to PM me if you happen to have IE7. Trying to figure out something for the BioMedia Project.   - PtVM

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a goose

Bye Bye! ;_;

I'm gonna be gone for a week. But don't worry, you'll still get a daily blog post. I'm typing them out right now. B) I'll be in Donegal, once again. So long, dear friends. I might be on every now and then. Just to annoy y'all.   - Vorex

a goose

a goose

Bionicle, Raccoons, Particle Physics And Other Miscellaneous Items?

I don't have a category for particle physics, nor do I want to change the name of my blog; Therefore I am putting this in 'other miscellaneous items'.   There is a chance that the Large Hadron Collider has finally found the Higgs Boson, also known as the 'God Particle'. The basic theory is that the Higgs Boson would help scientists understand exactly what happened when the universe was created. Which is all very interesting. If you're wondering about why I'm suddenly interested in particle physi

a goose

a goose

From: Bzprpg News And Discussion

Aw, I couldn't have gone to BrickFair even if it was in Birmingham, England. Curse LEGO, and their lack of attention for Ireland!     Source: Bzprpg News And Discussion   So, I'm being helpful, and making a discussion for BrickFair here.

a goose

a goose


I'm making some predictions about 2012: Hero Factory will be discontinued (What, I can dream, can't I?) The world will not, in fact, end (With my luck, I've probably screwed us all; Send me a PM when I'm proved wrong here) I will turn 14 LEGO will find a replacement for Hero Factory with a theme that is not, in fact, BIONICLE BZP will have an April Fool's Day prank - PtVM

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a goose

The 12th Doctor

My opinion explained in an extract from a conversation on this topic:   Other Person: Hopefully he has chosen wisely, otherwise he could lose fans.   Me: *lose more fans   - Indefatigable Individual

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a goose

The Hungry Hungry Games

Believe it or not guys, there's this thing called a discussion topic. Amazing, isn't it? Well, I would be very grateful if you were to post in it.   - Vorex

a goose

a goose


The one thing we can never have enough of. Time. I wish I had more time with my blog... The BZP store won't show up for me. So you'll be getting your last blog post on the 25th. Enjoy it.   - PtVM

a goose

a goose

Name Change

I wasn't really sure about changing my name (I had an awesome name that was too spoiler-y), but I decided to change it to this.   "I will flatten the mountains, I will dry the seas, and I will wipe all life from the face of this miserable planet!"   - Vorex

a goose

a goose


I've tried to create a new species in BZPRPG! Yayz.   I just hope it'll be approved.   - PtVM

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a goose

Jelly Babies

Jelly Babies should not have names. It makes me feel bad when I eat them.   - Austin Powers

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a goose

4000Th Post Special

As you all know, I have made a lot of posts. I have very nearly made 4000 counted posts, in fact. So, I can reveal, that once I have reached my 3,999th post I will not post again until I have posted a short story, titled Aftershock. Then I will return to posting again. You can read it if you wish, you don't really need to have read anything else I have written.   - Vorex

a goose

a goose

Pirokbot Update

PirokBot V1 is now a GoogleDoc, with three people testing it. That's all for now.   - Vorex

a goose

a goose

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