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I Am Dave Preview: Voice

Y'know how nice I am?   I made a preview of the voices for I am Dave. I've uploaded it to Vimeo, now I just have to wait until I can embed it. (Be warned: It doesn't have very good animation. Remember, it's the voices I'm giving y'all a preview of)   Next blog post will have it embedded. I know, I'm a great person. *Tomato hits face* Oi! Watch it, you! :angry:   - Paradoxophobia

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a goose


I was so bored today, that I translated the text on the background of BS01:   Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun. Shine on you crazy diamond. Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky. Shine on you crazy diamond. You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze. Come on you target for faraway laughter, Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine! You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon. Shine

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Back to Blue

It's good to see BZP back near its classic colours, isn't it?   - Vorex

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Just Letting Y'all Know

I'm taking a break from BZP in general. It might last an hour. It might last a day. Maybe a week, maybe a month, heck, I dunno. But I will (probably) be back. Those of you who have permission to kill my characters in the BZPRPG and may be reading this... don't.   - Vorex

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a goose

Tdc's Name Is Now Zoma

You may be wondering why I have made this blog post. Well, I'll tell you. The status update quoted above is probably the first in the history of BZPower to recieve over a hundred comments (I know you can't get more than a hundred comments; We kept deleting them so we'd have more room). So, I have made a blog post to continue the discussion, before someone with the power to ban us for avoiding the limits on status update comments notices.   - PtVM

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You May Call Me Mad...

But you'd really just be jealous that I was first to think of posting a phobia-related joke in the status of every staffie on The Swedish Chef's list.   Doesn't mean I'm not mad, though.   - Vorex (Soon to be Paradoxophobia)

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My Hair

My hair, currently dark brown, has begun turning back to ginger.   - Vorex

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Life Update

I haven't had reason to use this in a while, so I figured I may as well tell y'all where I am.   Academic: Maths GSCE completed, meaning no more test worries.   BZPower: Due to the completion of my Maths GCSE, I can now devote more time to my writing, which means more updates! Yay! Any readers of Marked or my other epics should be happy about this. Those of you who haven't read my epics -- I recommend Marked, it's in OTC, have a look at it. Only 9 chapters (and a very short prologue) so far, so

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Good News!

I have good news: I'm (probably) going Premier on the 1st! Yes, for six months (if not longer) you'll all be able to continue to enjoy BIONICLE, raccoons, and other miscellaneous items! Consider it a Christmas Present from me.   - PtVM

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My New Avatar

Alright, so by now you will all have become somewhat used to the fact that in between the various random items I choose to have as my avatar (chibi humanised BZPRPG character, security camera from Person of Interest, etc) I tend to have images of (in my opinion) attractive males. This is because I feel the need to set my 'celebrity' (all of these people are fairly well-known, after all, just not known by everyone apparently) crush as my avatar, and more often than not, aforementioned crush is ma

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Not mine, my ex-girlfriend's. Spoke to me for the first time since September today, even if it was only to thank me for wishing her a happy birthday. Thought it was worth noting.   - Vorex

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a goose


I wrote a really, really short prologue for an epic. Wouldn't take much time to read and review it. Really wouldn't. You should go read it. I do have actual reasons for it being short and not terribly descriptive; the protagonist is a Ko-Matoran and it's written in the first person. I could be descriptive, yeah, and I tried to put in as much description as possible without seeming out of character, but still. Give five minutes of your time up to go over and read and review it. Please. (yes I rea

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Reichenbach (Bzprpg)

Hello all! Making an official announcement here: Anyone in BZPRPG with a criminal group, please contact me through PM if they want to take part in a large plot. Thankyou!   - PtVM

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Gtg, But Not Quite Yet...

I'm heading to Donegal next week. It'll be from next Thursday to the monday after that. Don't expect me to be posting.   - Vorex

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alternative title: This Is Primarily For My Own Benefit And The Recordings Aren't Of A Particularly High Quality (Although I'd Like To Think The Piano Is Good), But I Would Like To Share It With Anyone Interested   https://soundcloud.com/seosamh-2 (left like that because i know i can't click blog links at the very least) so yeah this is primarily for my own benefit, and the recordings aren't of a particularly high quality (although i'd like to think the piano is good), but i would like to share

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I've Created A Monster

I created insanity in Onu-Koro, to the point where I have to create a serious plot arc connected to it in order to justify the madness that the topic has become. (Hub, I'm looking at you and the comment Arkrak made after Incommodo's comment about 'nightmare fuel')   - Vorex

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I Just Remembered Something.

I was looking over the Kopaka Nuva Phantoka review to figure out what white pieces I had for an MOC I'm working on (more on that later), and I remembered something. There was a line that said:   Now, this reminded me of something that happened quite a while ago; I don't suppose you remember the strange plastic that was used for Tahu Stars' Hau? Well, I left it under a lamp... And the rest is pretty much obvious. What did it do but go off and melt. There's a sad memory.

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Oh Noez!

MY BLOG'S NOT ON PAGE ONE!   Hold on, it's okay, crisis averted, this blog post'll bring me back. Phew.   - PtVM - Vorex

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